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Seeing Piper's spell literally tear down Unreth's defenses Betimi glares at the foul creature and flips a shard into her hand. Focussing despuite all the chaos around her she steadies herself, the whips the shard with all her strength

[Attack: Thrown Crystal [1d20+8] = 20+8 = 28 (+5 normall attack, +1 haste, +2 Bard song.. natural 20 on the roll!!!]
[Crit Confirmation - Attack: Thrown Crystal [1d20+8] = 20+8 = 28 HOLY F&<% CRIT!!!!]
[Damage: Crystal shard [1d6+2] = 6+2 = 8 + Critical [1d6+2] = 1+2 = 3 + acid [1d6] = 3 = 14 Damage]

Then with her move action she quickly loads her crossbow.

[OoC no full attack/haste attack with shards because I can only generate one per round]

"Just die already you bastard!!!!"
[OoC: Nice hit! Let's hope the rest of the group can hit him just as hard before he gets that Shield spell up.]

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OOC1 - Sorry for my hiatus.
OOC2 - thanks for the reminder, I did remember and backed up to crossbow because of the shield only Smile
OOC3 - Gods, what level is Piper? Eight? Should've guessed from the +2 Inspire Courage... He could've taken on Unreth alone...
OOC4 - I'm disappointed that Haste is not an extra move action... but nevermind, we will stand and fight Smile

The spearman grins at the sparkling shower of magic melting. Letting his crossbow dangle in his left, he retrieves his wand (move) and utters in a menacingly calm tone,
A tiny spark flies toward Unreth and causes a small nuisance compared to all the other wounds he'd endured so far.
Wand of Magic Missiles [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2
[OoC: Piper is not 8th. He has a feat that grants him the extra +1 bonus to inspire courage. And even if he were 8th, Unreth would still rip him a new one.

Also the wand is 3rd level so you get 2 magic missiles. ]

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Tapatalk
((Sorry about delays...really struggled this past month.))
(04-17-2017, 09:17 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Selina moves with Forge [to B18] [30' move due to haste spell].  Retrieves her wand of Cure light wounds [Move Action].  Then using the command word, she touches Tomeal.  Suddenly his breathing leaves out and he opens his eyes slowly to see Selina staring down at him.  "Hello beautiful," he says weakly.  "Was I gone long?" [6 hit points cured]  Selina does a quick assessment and realizes quickly that Tomeal is only just barely conscious.

Selina smiles down at him as he awakens, auburn hair framing her face.  Beautiful?...He must be delirious.  I'm no beauty.

"Long enough.  Welcome back, brave one."

(04-20-2017, 03:30 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]"Stay behind me," Tomeal yells to Selina over the roar of the water.  "I'll guard you!" 

"Absolutely not!  We just brought you back, I'll not have you lying down on the job once more."  Selina touches his shoulder with the hand and speaks the command word once more, then drops her crossbow and brings her shield up to a defensive position, stepping in front of Tomeal and Nacesh.  "Well done Powwaw!  Betimi!  Excellent shot!  TO ME, my friends!  Focus your attacks!  Bring this creature down into the fecal mire from which it sprung!"

((Total defense: +4 to AC,  Selina goes all TMNT.))
Wand of CLW: [1d8+2] = 3+2 = 5
[OoC: Selina, I don't think you can do a Total Defense action AND use the wand.  The only extra action you receive with a Haste spell is when you use your full attack option.  So for now I'm going to assume you heal Tomeal. ] 

[Continuing round 7...]

24 = Jonath
22 = Tomeal 
20 = Nacesh
19 = Not so Friendly Kobolds (???)
18 = Unreth
17 = Piper
13 = Betimi
12 = Friendly Kobolds (2)
08 = Forge
07 = Selina
06 = Gilley
02 = Dog 

Betimi wastes no time in taking advantage of Unreth's lowered defenses.  She quickly detaches the top layer of scarab shell and hurls it at the beast.  The razor sharp projectile finds a soft spot in the creature's carpace and sinks deep into Unreth's sternum!  He roars in pain and stumbles on the ceiling, trying to remain attached.  

The Frog-like humanoid peeking his head through the wall of light exclaims, "Fook zis!"  It then pulls its head back to its side of the wall.  Then oddly, you spot the water itself seem to stiffen in front of the wall and begin to mold itself upward out of the water a few inches.  

The friendly kobolds [Lets call them Eek and Meek] splash around in the water but manage to stay on their feet.  They then fire off a sling bullet each.  Eek whirls his sling above his head and it strikes Unreth with a thump followed by a cry of, "Ow!," [Hit!; Dam: 3!] from Unreth.  Then Meek whirls his sling above his head and a second later there's another thump with another, "Youch," from Unreth. [Hit!; Dam 4!]  "I HATE YOUS PEOPLES," Unreth screams!

Forge is worrying about the water rusting him further... [Waiting for Forge to post!]

Selina calls upon the wand again.  She touches Tomeal and says, "Stitch!"  A moment later some of his wounds begin to knit together.

Gilley fires two arrow at Unreth.  One catches him in his shoulder [9 damage] and he screams in pain!  He's beginning to struggle to stay attached to the ceiling.

The Dog struggles against the deluge of water but he proves to be a strong swimmer.  Forge comes up behind the dog and scoops him up into his metal arms.  The dog struggles against the Warforged, lunging at the Kobold who's splashing in the water beside Betimi, and chomps down on his face.  [Hit!; Dam 4!] The Kobold sinks into water that's slowly turning crimson with his own blood.

There's another rumble.  Everyone hears scream coming from the north where Unreth's kobolds were escaping to higher ground.

[OoC: Still waiting for Forge and Gilley to post. ]

[OoC: It's now Jonath, Tomeal, and Nacesh (who just did his action)...]

Remember Wrote:
When making a full attack action, a hasted creature may make one extra attack with any weapon he is holding. The attack is made using the creature’s full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a weapon of speed, nor does it actually grant an extra action, so you can’t use it to cast a second spell or otherwise take an extra action in the round.)

A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Any condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.

All of the hasted creature’s modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject’s normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature’s jumping distance as normal for increased speed.

Inspire Courage: Everyone receives a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

With both Haste and Inspire Courage you gain +3 attack; +2 damage; +1 AC and Reflex saves; +2 bonus on saves vs Charm and Fear.  If you make a Full attack you gain an additional attack.  Speed increases by 30' up to twice your normal speed. 
Aided by Piper's spell, Gilley lets two arrows fly, one right after another. For the moment, at least, he remains oblivious to the activity at the portal, and is distracted only momentarily by Piper's entreaties for finding a way out.

Longbow Attack [1d20+5] = 15+5 = 20
((Add +3 for the spells. I forgot to edit my rolling rules))

Longbow Attack +3 spell bonus [1d20+8] = 3+8 = 11

Longbow Damage +2 for Haste [1d8+2] = 7+2 = 9

Longbow Damage +2 for Haste [1d8+2] = 5+2 = 7
[OoC: Gilley, I updated my last post.  He's now struggling to stay attached to the ceiling.]
Second missile of previous shot
Wand of Magic Missiles second part [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5
for a total of 7hp

Next time, unless flood sucks us through the portal (or something similarly crazy thing deprecating the plan) Nacesh fires again.
Wand of Magic Missiles CL3 [2d4+2] = 6+2 = 8