Both Selina and Nacesh hear Betimi yelling for help. When they run outside they see Betimi standing with her mule at the edge of the gorge. She's looking over the edge with her crossbow. Jonath and Mardak are no where to be found.
[OoC: You both may act next round. Nacesh's Initiative is 1d20+3=20 (a split second after Betimi). I don't have information about Selena's initiative modifier so she will have to roll her initiative.]
((Well, whaddaya know. Looks like they're all acting together. TEAMWORK, OORAH!))
Also, her sheet is available in the character generation thread. I'm still missing her funds, what she used them for, and need one feat.
Starting gold for everyone is 6d4x10.
Without losing his balance, Mardak pulls out his sword and swings at one of the Stirge attached to him but he misses.
Betimi throws her crystal and it grazes the Stirge attached to Jonath then it melts into acid. Unfortunately most of the caustic liquid drips off the critter before doing much damage.
Jonath continues his
downward climb and easily slides down the remainder of the rope and lands nimbly beside Mardak. [
Jonath's Balance check=25] He then uses another move action to pull out quarterstaff.
The Stirge on Jonath then sticks him in the shoulder blade and begins sucking the blood out of the Gnome. Thankfully it doesn't seem to hit an artery [1pt of Con damage] but it keeps digging around in his shoulder for a better place to draw blood from him.
Both Stirge on Mardak pierce his flesh. The
first finds a good spot and sticks him in the side of the neck [3pts of Con damage!] Then the
second pierces his side and also begins sucking. [2pts of Con Damage. Total Con Damage is 5pts!!! Your constitution is now 9.] Mardak is feeling a little woozy from all the blood loss.
Betimi =20 (Highest dex)
Nacesh =20 (2nd highest dex)
Selina =20 (3rd highest dex)
Jonath =17 [1 con damage. Current con is 16]
Stirges =16 (on Mardak)
Stirge =16 (on Mardak)
Stirge =16 (on Jonath) [3 damage]
Mardak =11 [5 con damage. Current con is 9. Hit points=9]
Mardak's turn. After his action, Betimi, Nacesh, Selina and Jonath may go.]
Small leaves that were spinning their way down to Mardaks' position start to shrivel up. Spiders, ants, centipedes, beetles seep out from the rocks and the wood that he stands on. Mardaks facial expression turns from pale to deathly as he spews a curse at the Stirge on his side. Then takes a swing at the huge mosquitoe on his side. With a Primeval Roar, his face grows dreadfully angled, black and Draconic.
Attack and Damage
Realizing Mardak has found himself in serious trouble, especially with two of the creatures on him, Betimi takes careful aim with her crossbow and
FIRES!, her crossbow bolt
grazing the first stirge, then
ricocheting into the second, just grazing it as well.
She snarls in frustration at her ineffectual-ness and reloads [Move action].
[OoC just average rolls and this encounter would be over but then again average attack rolls I'd be missing. ]
Jonath winces as the creature's needle-like proboscis pierces his shoulder, but he tries not to let it distract him. Though the angle is awkward, he slaps at the overgrown insect with his staff, hoping to at least knock it off, if not kill it outright, though he knew the latter was unlikely.
Mardak uses Hexblade's curse on the Stirge on his side. The
critter seems unaffected by the curse. Dreadful Wrath also no effect on any of them because all the Stirge's are equal hit dice to Mardak and that power only works on creatures with fewer hit dice.
Betimi fires her crossbow and grazes both creatures attached to Mardak. Then Nacesh whispers an incantation and a bolt of energy erupts from his finger tips and
slams into one of Mardak's attackers. The Stirge on his side explodes and covers the Hexblade in its guts. Salina has no ranged weapons so she delays... Jonath then swats the critter attached to him which causes it to stop sucking and dislodge itself from the gnome's flesh and tries to fly away. [In other words, it takes a 5' step/flight] The last stirge on Mardak continues sucking [1 more con damage.] It then detaches itself and tries to fly away.
[There are 2 stirge left. The one that was on Jonath is at zero hit points so it can only move 5' per round or fall unconscious. The one on Mardak is trying to move 40' away but Mardak and Jonath get's attacks of Opportunity on it as it moves out of Mardak's square.]
Mardak and Jonath both get Attacks of Opportunity on Mardak's stirge. Mardak gets to take his regular turn (Remember balance check). Then Betimi, Nacesh, Selina and Jonath (Also make a balance check) gets to do their turns.]
Betimi =20 (Highest dex)
Nacesh =20 (2nd highest dex)
Selina =20 (3rd highest dex)
Jonath =17 [1 con damage. Current con is 16]
Stirges =16 (on Mardak) [2 damage +4 damage = 6, Hitpoints= -1 dead]
Stirge =16 (on Mardak) [2 damage]
Stirge =16 (on Jonath) [3 damage+2 damage = 5 damage, Hitpoints=0]
Mardak =11 [6 con damage. Current con is 8. Hit points=9]