[FYI: I'm giving you the following information because you all have had a chance to observe people getting tangled and breaking out of the webbing. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing gain a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Also, unless you have an unusually high strength (at least 20 or above), escaping is usually the better option. Either option is considered a Standard action.
Both sheet webs and single strands have the same hit points, with Sheet webbing also having a Damage Reduction. You have also observed that to get rid of the web, breaking the sheet webbing (especially with the +5 bonus) will likely get you further than chopping due to that damage resistance.]
As the battle continues, everyone can see [At I5] that someone has erected a tall, conical, cairn that rises 20' into the air. On the side facing the bridge you spot what you believe to be a large Kobold hanging limply by his wrists from a rope that's wrapped around the cairn about 5' from the top. Due to the terribly desiccated and skeletal shape of its remains, you can't be 100% sure it's a Kobold but if you were to guess, this is likely the leader of this tribe. He's been sucked dry and pinned up for all the tribe to see what will happen if you resist the will of Unreth.
Betimi and Nacesh tug and pull with their bodies until they both manage to wriggle free of the sticky mess that bound them... [You both still have a move action]
Mardak's only options are to try to break the grapple or attempt to pull out a light weapon. With the sticky thread attached to his back he wasn't going to get far so he needed a weapon to cut the strand. Mardak
struggles with the creature but Unreth easily overpowers the man. Exhausting his options, Mardak cries out,
"Come on guys! I know I'm not the most liked here but you can't let me die like this. Not like this..."
Jonath scurries toward the creature [to H6] and loads his sling and prepares to fire...
Gilley takes aim at the Large spider grappling his companion and fires a shot into the beast. Unreth shrieks in pain as the arrow punctures its bulbous abdomen.
"You're next," it hisses in its shrill, high pitched voice.
"Right after I finish with this one!!"
Unreth then bites for Mardak but the Hexblade move his head and is
luckily only grazed by the creature's sharp fangs. [Rolled a 20. Failed the crit confirmation. Then Unreth did minimum damage which is 4. He made his save again (16) Mardak has taken 13 damage. He's getting a little woozy folks. ]
[It's now Selina's and Tomeal's turns! And Betimi and Nacesh still have move actions if they wish to take them.]
21: Betimi = Purple
17: Nacesh = Red
16: Mardak = Black [Taken 13/17]
10 : Jonath = Grey
9 : Gilley = Green
8 : Spiders = H5 [Taken 7/??]
7 : Selina = Blue
6 : Tomeal = Orange