((Selina is already past her light load with just her armor, morningstar and shield. Wonder if I can get an animated shield and some called armor sometime... ))
Selina sighs, knowing it will be difficult for her to bear this weight regardless of what she chooses. She will just have to bear the burden until they return to the mules. She selects the chainmail and starts to unfasten her chain shirt, then looks around innocently, asking "Would anyone be able to help me with this?" The chainmail would be relatively difficult to securely fasten without some assistance.
"I will take only these two items. If we are successful in eliminating this...scourge of a vermin, and liberating your tribe, I would not want you to struggle unnecessarily to regain your previous status."
[[Selina will take a suit of chainmail and a light crossbow, and she'll replace the chainmail with her chain shirt if Piper wants. That's it. Oh, right, and the cure wand if Piper is alright with that.]]
Gilley looks up from his curiously looking at different items, and nods at Selina's request. Moving over the the cleric, he expertly helps unfasten and lift the chain shirt off with care (better to prolong the usefulness of the item). Turning, he takes the chainmail, with the same care, and begins strapping it on, just as if Selina were another guard he'd worked with. Neutral, and professional.
Tomeal will be strapping on his breastplate when he notices Selina's choice in protection. "I'm pleased you've chosen to upgrade your armor especially in the face of this unknown creature. However, is your choice based upon aesthetics, or religious reasons? I was just wondering because from experience Breastplate is a better form of protection in that it gives your legs more freedom to maneuver and it's also about ten pounds lighter."
[FYI: Breast plate has a better Max dex bonus which doesn't effect you but it gives you a -4 Armor check penalty to skills rather than the -5 that given by Chainmail. You're choice. I just wanted to give you a heads up.]
[OoC: I updated the list a little. I made a distinction between Light and Heavy Crossbows; put ammunition on the list; added Misc Equipment for documentation and Clarity. If I missed anything please let me know. REMEMBER, Tomeal can carry extra equipment so if you are in medium encumbrance that slows you down, feel free to give some to Tomeal or even Mardak. Piper can convince him to be more helpful. If you are wearing Medium armor then Medium encumbrance is a nonissue since you're moving slowly because of your armor anyways.]
Equipment lists:
15 Longswords
13 Shortswords
17 Daggers (2 Tomeal's)
6 Longbows (1 Tomeal's)
6 Light Crossbows (1 Ohma; 1 Selina's; 1 Betimi)
2 Heavy Crossbows
3 Light Maces (1 Ohma's)
3 Heavy Maces (1 Ohma)
2 Morningstars
3 Shortspears
3 Slings (1 Ohma)
3 Light shields
2 Heavy shields (1 Ohma)
2 Hand axe
2 Battle axe
1 Great Sword (Tomeal's *Masterwork)
Lots of Ammunition like Arrows, Bolts and Sling Bullets. (Nacesh)
3 Leather
3 Studded Leather
2 Chainshirts (1 Ohma's)
3 Chainmail (1 Selina's)
3 Breast Plate (1 Tomeal's)
Misc Equipment:
2 days Rations (Gilley)
2 days Rations and 3 waterskins (Tomeal)
Cure Light Wand (Selina's)
Magic Missile wand (Nacesh's)
Hand of the Mage (????)
Small quarter staff +1 (Likely Jonath since he's the only small player AND he uses a staff)
[Grrrr I lost half my post... ]
Piper watches as the group gingerly picks through his equipment stash. Shaking his head slightly he says, "Don't be afraid to restock yourselves. It's more important that you are fully ready for the fight than to run in unprepared. My people need you to succeed! They won't be angry you took what you needed to save their lives!"
Inside the room Ohma asks Nacesh again, "Hello? Are you sure you don't need the spear you offered me? I don't want to leave you undefended." The little girl continues to watch the clockwork bird tweet and flap its wings with great delight. She whispers, "I hope the little man comes back to play..."
Ohma suddenly freeze when she sees one small and 2 tiny creatures with bulbous bottoms creeping across the ceiling and through the doorway. She hisses, "Spiders!" When she does all three suddenly stop. Each of their six black smaller eyes and two larger eyes reflect the torchlight while seemingly watching what you do next...
Lots of Ammunition like Arrows, Bolts and Sling Bullets. (Nacesh)
3 Leather
3 Studded Leather
2 Chainshirts (1 Ohma's)
3 Chainmail (1 Selina's)
3 Breast Plate (1 Tomeal's)
Misc Equipment:
2 days Rations (Gilley)
2 days Rations and 3 waterskins (Tomeal)
Cure Light Wand (Selina's)
Magic Missile wand (Nacesh's)
Hand of the Mage (????)
Small quarter staff +1 (Likely Jonath since he's the only small player AND he uses a staff)
[OoC you listed Betimi as taking a light crossbow.. she did not, she took a longbow and 20 arrows, a dagger, and a light mace.. also re Ohma's conversation with Nacesh about his spear.. you forget that Ohma currently has Betimi's silver tipped shortspear. The crossbow I referred to earlier was hers before the cache, Tomreal was using it. If he is putting it down to pick up a bow, she will request that he carry the crossbow for her, as she will likely need it again when she is not being granted the skill with bows by Leraje.]
Betimi will take the Hand of the mage if no one else does, it is too useful to leave behind. But she makes sure it is known she believes it will be more useful in the possession of Jonath as he scouts ahead.
[You had written you were deliberately taking a bow to leave the crossbow for others limited to simple weapons. BUT you added that if Tomeal wanted the bow Betimi would delighted trade him for her crossbow. The bow was his so I figured you would take a crossbow. So he will be glad to carry her xbow.
So do you also want the bow too? Or you don't need it now you have your xbow back? ]
[Sorry about the spear. You said you gave it to her but I don't believe I said she took it. She just said she wasnt fighting a spider with a stick. Then between deciding who was staying and going and Nacesh also offering his spear the decision of whose weapon she was using got lost. So she will use the silver tipped spear so Nacesh still has a weapon.]
(03-08-2016, 05:17 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Tomeal will be strapping on his breastplate when he notices Selina's choice in protection. "I'm pleased you've chosen to upgrade your armor especially in the face of this unknown creature. However, is your choice based upon aesthetics, or religious reasons? I was just wondering because from experience Breastplate is a better form of protection in that it gives your legs more freedom to maneuver and it's also about ten pounds lighter."
[FYI: Breast plate has a better Max dex bonus which doesn't effect you but it gives you a -4 Armor check penalty to skills rather than the -5 that given by Chainmail. You're choice. I just wanted to give you a heads up.]
[[I understand. But she's already at Medium encumbrance, so weight doesn't matter. Breastplates are also more valuable than chainmail, so she's just looking out for her new (potential) friends. Also...]]
Selina turns to Tomeal with a thoughtful look. "I could, but grace is not my strongest point." She grunts a bit as she tries the new weight of the chainmail. "Nor is strength, truly. My decision was based on neither religion nor aesthetics. But I do not feel that a breastplate will make so much of a difference in my life compared to this, ngh...weighty thing. Thank you, master Gilley." She gives the ranger a small smile of appreciation before stretching a little bit to test her range of motion in the new armor.
[[Piper watches as the group gingerly picks through his equipment stash. Shaking his head slightly he says, "Don't be afraid to restock yourselves. It's more important that you are fully ready for the fight than to run in unprepared. My people need you to succeed! They won't be angry you took what you needed to save their lives!"]]
Selina smiles patiently at him as she picks up two sets of bolts. She would be very unlikely to need more than that. "Master Powwaw, we are quite efficient at 'getting the job done.' Excess harms only those who derive benefit from it, in the end. Besides..." She brandishes her morningstar and shield in a combat-ready position, "I do believe that each of us knows what we need to be fully ready to face this monster." It went without saying that what they most likely would need is healing (her personal speciality, and something she had access to once more with the wand), ranged support, and magical damage. The latter was something only Nacesh could really bring to bear, but the ranged support was something all 5 of them could provide. That was really the point. She didn't really need all that much. Just a crossbow, basically. And really, all of the non-magical items in the world...wait. She gives a cute pout of contemplation "Master Nac...ah, of course. By the goddess, we really should stick together more often, but I suppose this could not have been helped. Does anyone have that bandage we found on the...on the..." She tears up a bit, then closes her eyes and shakes her head. Not the time to be so emotional. "On the unfortunate cleric we found earlier? It showed up as being magical and I'm not certain we ever discerned its purpose."
(03-08-2016, 06:15 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Tomeal offers to help carry anyone's gear. He has high strength and his speed is already lowered to 20' due to the breast plate so he can carry up to 233 pounds without his encumbrance being seriously effected. Anything from 234 to 350 will make him lose 1 point off his armor class due to Max dex limits of Heavy loads but he's willing to accept the loss if the group needs him to carry extra. He would rather accept the burden than have any of you hindered in combat.
Betimi, do you have that list of what Tomeal is carring for you? I can't seem to find mine. ]
[OoC Items Betimi owns but distributed to other people:
Silver-tipped shortspear (3lbs.)
Total weight carried by Ohma = 3 lbs.
Light crossbow (4lbs)17 bolts (2lbs.)
quiver (1lb.)
backpack (2lbs.)
8 days rations (8lbs.)
50' hemp rope (10lbs.)
6 flasks of oil (0.6lbs.)
18 elven made arrows (3 lbs.)
quiver (1lb.)10 arrows (1.5lbs)
quiver (1lb.)
Total weight carried by Tomreal = 34.1lbs.
Weight carried by Betimi with bare minimum equipment = 32lbs.
See now why I need a mule?]
Jonath waits patiently while the others sort through the available equipment, re-arming and provisioning themselves as necessary. When offered the shriveled hand, he hesitates. "Reminds me of something Mardak might have wanted...that being said, however, I can't deny that it sounds like a useful item, and would not turn it away if the rest of the group agrees. I'll take the staff as well, seeing that there is little interest in it from anyone else anyway. If nothing else, it will make a fine walking stick. Otherwise, I am as ready for this endeavor as possible, given the circumstances. Let us return to fetch Nacesh and get on with our task," he says.