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Betim moves to a position at F14 so she can see both west and south and waits while the group moves north.. she will back slowly after the group, watchinmg for any foes coming from behind as the group probes to the north.
With Selina effectively cradling his eyes in her own hands, Nacesh does not wander too far (L11), just to get a faintest idea whether the west and south areas connected (I suppose he can't see farther than N15, maybe even less)
Maybe I should have my own torch. the spearman thinks but then dismisses the thought. I'd be too easy a target.
As he rejoins the ranks he checks that his light crossbow is loaded and ready for service.
Betimi doesn't notice anything of interest from her position from the back of party.  Nacesh then moves toward the edge of the continual flame's illumination.  To the south west all he can see is the beginning of a rough natural passage.  He thinks there might be another similar passage which leads to the north.  Perhaps it connects with the area Jonath is looking into but he hasn't made any move to go deeper into the area to prove Nacesh correct.

Tomeal stays close to the center of the group.  When Nacesh moves to the edge of the light, Tomeal will move as well [I 11] to stay close to the center of everyone.
Nacesh returns to his more protected place in the queue but keeps watching the flanks.
Glancing over his shoulder as he creeps into the chamber, Jonath sees what he expected (and hoped) to see - the others nearby, but spreading out and taking positions to cover his rear and keep an eye on the rest of the passages. Confident that all was well, he continues to creep forward, peeking around the corner to his left slowly to reveal what lies beyond.
Selina frowns, not liking things. The creature they were fighting was versed in illusion, and she had already fallen for them once. How could she protect her allies if it happened again?

She looks back at her allies nodding her head forward to indicate her intended movement, then moves to follow Jonath.
Betimi looks back over her shoulder at the group as the follow Jonath north.

She whispers.
"Go, I will follow last, we are too exposed having no one that can see in the bak."
Nacesh reaches to his back as if scratching and as he returns his hand in front of his eyes a lizard with molten lava pattern creeps out of his hood and runs along his forearm to the back of his hand.
The sorcerer sends an empathic message to the tiny reptilian.
Look out for danger. Alert me if you spot or sense something.

OOC - can lizards (geckos) see in the dark? The SRD stat block says low-light vision so Mil can see an extended range at the torchlight; while Nacesh can't see with his eyes he can send emotions to alert his master. If he had darkvision he could scout around as well...
Through the limited empathy of his empathic link with his familiar, Nacesh can sense a little fear and hunger from the lizard.  The tiny creature was perfectly happy in its hiding place where it couldn't see scary things but it understood it was now needed so it would do its best to help.  Nacesh doesn't feel the kind of fear his lizard would normally express if there were anyone dangerous it could see.

Jonath continues to creep north.  He enters a large, roughly oval chamber which spans about 25' north to south and 45' east to west.  In the south west corner, Jonath spots another 10' wide passage which also leads southwest 20'.  Moving carefully toward the SW passage he suddenly stops.  Something doesn't feel right. [Rolled 27 on Search] Looking around the area carefully, Jonath notices the cracks in the ceiling don't look natural.  When he changes his position just right he can use his darkvision to spot a glint of metal within a crack that could be helping to hold up the ceiling.  Jonath surmises that if he were to step under that part of the ceiling, a pressure plate in the floor would collapse the ceiling.

[OoC: Illuminiation: Obviously sight is blocked by any walls.  If in doubt, draw a line from yourself to what you're looking at to see if anything blocks your line of sight.
  • Betimi can see everything within the Purple circle including everything south of her.
  • Jonath can see everything within the Black circle which ever everything from 40' below Betimi and northward
  • Selina's light brightly illuminates everything within the smaller yellow circle and dimly within the greyish circle.
  • The Lizard can see normally up to the greyish circle and dimly pretty much everything south of Betimi
Betimi will move north [to H11], and whisper ahead to the others.

"I can see your light entering the main passage from that south-west  exit from where you are now. If it's trapped I suggest coming back this wah and checking the south passages."