Selina glowers past the portcullis at the attacking kobolds ganging up on her companion. Of course, it would only be too obvious a time to ambush the group.
We can't have that...but Jonath is fully engaged with them, and I have no shot...though I may have one on that one taking potshots in the back...
She loads her sling with the lighted rock, spins it a few times, and unleashes it with all her strength at the one in the back (A4).
Attack: [1d20+2] = 1+2 = 3, Damage: [1d3+1] = 2+1 = 3
Unfortunately, the rock misses entirely, but at least that area is fully lighted by her light spell. She grins wickedly at that kobold.
Selina, please make a DC 10 dex check to see if you fumble.
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[OoC: I just noticed I made a mistake. There should only be 3 Kobolds surrounding Jonath because he killed one and the Sorcerer is "standing back." So that means he didn't get a spear through the thigh! So the Kobolds are standing in squares B6, B5, and C5. And the Sorcerer is still at A4.
It's Jonath's turn.
I may do a turn for Nacesh depending upon how well you guys are doing.]
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Not at all liking the prospect of being trapped in the room surrounded by kobolds, Jonath plans his moves carefully to allow himself to back out a bit. He feints a swing at one kobold, only to lash out with a kick at the one next to it. It unfortunately didn't connect, but it did at least make the goblin hesitate, which would have to suffice for now. As the third one advanced, Jonath ducked inside his spear's reach and landed a punch to his gut, but it was not a very solid or well-placed blow and merely glanced harmlessly off the creatures' leather jerkin. Once again though, it distracted the goblin enough for Jonath to then dive backwards into the doorway. He was still outnumbered and alone up front, but at least now he'd made it to the doorway and couldn't be trapped inside the room with them.
[OoC: ust a couple of things...
First, you said that the area the Kobolds were standing in is now covered in light, so that leads me to believe that you moved but you didn't say where you moved to.
Second, I mentioned this on Plothook but just a reminder, when you fire a ranged weapon at a creature, other creatures (including allies) will give that creature cover if they are between you and your target. You can avoid the penalty for firing into melee by taking the feat: Precise shot but that will not negate the penalty of someone giving another creature/person cover. You can also avoid the penalty for firing into melee if the creature is very large and you can target a square on a creature that is at least 10' away from a person the creature is fighting. For example, if you are fighting a Gargantuan Dragon, it doesn't make sense that Jonath is going to cause you any penalties to shoot it in the face.]
Last round, just before Tomeal fired a shot, Nacesh cast a Mage Armor spell upon himself. Then Tomeal moved closer and fired his crossbow but missed. Mardak decides to put Betimi on the ground and readies his shield. Selina [moves?] then targets the sorcerer hiding in the back but when she whirls the bullet over her head she nearly hits herself in the face, fumbling her attack. [Just lost the attack. No additional effect. If you would have failed the Dex check you would have lost your next ATTACK while you straighten yourself out. If you had more than one attack you would have only lost one of them]
[More to come... Site is acting sluggish. I don't want to lose this information...]
I assume you want to take a 5' step to C7 not C4. Not only is C4 10' away not 5' but it wouldn't help you avoid getting trapped in the room with them if the Kobolds were to drop the Portcullis.
Jonath tries to land a flurry of attacks but the nimble Kobold manages to dodge the gnomes strikes. He then decides it would be safer to step back so he takes a 5' to the other side of the Portcullis.
After the Kobolds reposition themselves, the three slingers fire their bullets at Jonath. Two miss [4,7] but the third hits [19] him in the chest [2 damage] The sorcerer speaks another word of magic and once again a single bolt of force weaves through the line of Kobolds standing in front of him and slams into Jonath! [3 damage]
Jonath Current hit points: 12/18
Knowing that the attacks could have been worse, Jonath sighs quietly in relief but then suddenly a shower of bullets assaults [7, 5, 21, 19] him from the east. Only two stung him when they hit, leaving small bruises. [Damage: 0/ 0, minimum of 1 each]
Jonath Current hit points: 10/18
Tomeal knows, because Kobolds hate Gnomes, that he needs to shield Jonath but with attacks coming from two directions, he can only do so much. So he drops his crossbow [Free action] and then while pulling out his club [Part of a move action] Tomeal Charges south [Was he given a better weapon? I can't remember] to put himself between the Kobolds and Jonath [C6]. Even though his attack was a glancing blow, the strength behind the club was more then enough to smash the critter's body to the ground. [6 damage]
Nacesh isn't in a position yet to cast an attack spell, so he waits until Tomeal charges and then moves to D8. He then fires a crossbow bolt down the east hallway but his trigger finger lets off a shot too soon and nearly shoots himself in the foot. [Fumbled but made dex check so no further effect]
Betimi can suddenly move!
Now it's Betimi, Mardak and Selina's turn. Then Jonath starts the Round.
![[Image: New%20Oshar%20mine1b_zps1rsbwfen.jpg]](
Jonath: 14 (Grey) [ Damage: 10/18]
Kobolds: 14 (Green)
Tomeal: 13 (Orange)
Nacesh: 12 (Red)
Betimi: 11(Purple)
Mardak: 10 (Black)
Selina: 6 (Blue)
Monster-in-a-box: 2
[OoC GM the reason the kobold is now lit was because Selina actually fired the stone that she had cast light on if you read her post carefully..]
Betimi springs to her feet hissing like a cat, furious at herself for falling for the slot-door trap. Feeling a dead weight on her arm she instead hoists her spear and moves into the corridor facing the new threat to the east from F8
[just south of Selina in F7]
[OOC: OHHHHHHH I see now. Ok I will make the changes on the next map]
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Selina watches Jonath take a peppering onslaught and grits her teeth, then watches him take another barrage from the east. Her eyes widen in shock. "NO!" By Selune, I am done with these creatures! "Nacesh! Mardak! Go and aid Tomeal!"
As for herself, Selina rushes over to impose herself between Jonath and the eastern kobolds, then assumes a defensive stance as she picks up another rock and prepares to try again. If nothing else, she will provide a wall for the new enemies to get through to get at Jonath.
((Moves to D7, begins fighting defensively. I think it's a +2 to her AC? And I think she might provide a bit of cover to Jonath.))