Nacesh looks ad Ohma then the rest.
"I'd prefer staying with the young lady, along with Ohma. " Offering his shortspear to Ohma, he adds, "I can lend this to you until you get back your own weapons."
Upon Piper mentioning magic items, curiosity sits upon the generally easygoing face. "May I have a look until you retrieve the weapons?"
Ohma thanks Nacesh for his short spear then asks, "Do you have a weapon to use?"
Meanwhile the little girl who is still mesmerized by the clockwork bird notices Jonath waving at her so she waves back, replying, "I'll try! Thank you Mr."
Piper then looks back at Nacesh before leaving and says, "Sorry sir, I don't carry magic on my person when I'm attempting to negotiate with a large group of people who could react violently to my efforts. But don't you worry, sir. We will be returning post haste!" He then scurries along ahead of the group. Powwaw heads east out of the nesting area until reaching the far passage heading north and south. He then pads north until reaching where the passage turns to the west. Stopping there, you notice a track splits and disappears into a solid wall. Powwaw then moves a couple of rocks and reaches in and pulls a lever. Suddenly you all hear a quiet noise akin to gears turning and the wall moves to the side revealing a room.
"Come on in! Oh and watch your head. The ceiling is low here."
The Kobold scurries inside.
"However did we miss this the first time past here, the tracks are a giveaway."
Then she remembers that the group following behind her and Jonath had been busy being distracted by Mardak, and shakes jer head sighing.
"Lead on Mr. Piper."
Jonath watches the hidden mechanism appreciatively - these kobolds were certainly clever, as he'd seen evidence of throughout these tunnels. He wished he had more time to study some of these mechanism...perhaps another time. He follows Piper inside, not needing to duck, to survey the room.
Piper travels down a small set of stairs until he reaches a hole in the ground with a top of a ladder poking out. He swings himself onto the ladder, waves to the group then slides down into the hole.
"Come on down," he calls from the hole.
"There's more room down here!"
When/ If you follow, you climb down the ladder and into a large 20'x30' room. Inside is a small bed, a few small chests, a desk with some books piled on top. Along the far wall you see a stash of various weapons. There's mostly long swords, short swords and daggers, with a few long bows and crossbows. You also see a couple of light and heavy maces, morningstars, shortspears, slings, light and medium shields, hand and battle axes, and a Great sword. Tomeal's eyes will light up when he spots his Great Sword!
Pip will then cut open his mattress and pull out a few extra items.
"As promised, I also have a couple of wands (cure light: Lv1, 15 charges and Magic missle: Lv3, 7 charges), and a Hand of the Mage." He will also point out that the staff you "acquired" from the Kobold Sorcerer is a small quarterstaff +1. Gilley, Tomeal, Ohma and the rest of the prisoners equipment is also present.
![[Image: New1_zpsqlcpf6sc.jpg]](
Gilley nimbly follows Piper down the ladder, and quickly finds his stuff. A longbow and quiver are secured around his shoulders, while a longsword and shortsword go on either hip. He checks the contents if a backpack, giving Piper a jokingly accusatory look. "Someone dipped into my rations." Shrugging, he secures the pack to his back as well, now ready to go.
Betimi follows the others down the ladder. Knowing she will have use for them, but careful not to over-encumber herself, Betimi acquires a light mace, a dagger, and a longbow, along with a quiver of arrows.
"Leraje grants me skill with the bow.", she says to explain her choices. "Don't forget to grab Ohma's preferred weapons."
At the sight of the wands and the mummified hand her eyebrows raise appraisingly.
"The wands functions I understand, but the hand? Why would anyone ẃear such a trophy?",
Selina follows along, struggling to duck a little in her chainmail (because metal hurts). When they reach the armory, she smiles at the horde. True enough, there was plenty for each of them to resupply, and also bring back some things to Ohma and the slumberers. A greedy person would try to find a way to take it all. Selina was not greedy, but she did need a backup weapon and a better ranged weapon. The cure wand was also pretty critical right now, as she was completely out of healing. She moves over and gives Powwaw a hug, grateful for his honesty and courage.
"Thank you. You did not have to do this. Nor did you need to endanger yourself. But you did. Perhaps I have been wrong about your kind."
As Betimi and Gilley begin to look into adding to their collection, Selina considers something and turns to Tomeal. "Would the bow work best for you, or the crossbow? Even though I have only been trained with crossbows, I would like for you to resupply as you see fit. I also envision being as close to the enemy as I can get, with the way things have been going."
Selina selects a Morningstar, picks up the healing wand (but not before asking if Powwaw is okay with that), and then pauses to see what Tomeal decides. The books and the chest also intrigue her and she would like to take a further look at them, but this room does not belong to her, and she recognizes that.
((OOC-Wasn't sure how many of each there were available from the desc. If there's, say, three crossbows and two bows, Selina will let Tomeal and the others select first. If there's enough for the whole group, she will happily take one and some bolts.))
((OOC: I believe the listed stuff was in addition to Gilley's, Tomeal, and Ohma's equipment, and Gilley only took what was originally his. So there should be plenty to go around.))
((I understand that, but the text specifically said "A few bows and crossbows." Selina can't use bows, yet, and I've no idea how many 'a few' is in this case, so I will default to her trademark selflessness.))