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While Tomeal quickly locates and tosses some heavy stones into the bottom of the crate to provide stability, Betimi does find some boards that would help bridge the gap.  

The cave shutters for another couple of seconds.  Some dust and pebbles rain down upon all of you.  Everyone manages to shield themselves, for now.
"I shall volunteer to go across firdt, that way I can cover from the far side."

Betimi climbs down and then across the boards into the first crate.

[Balance check Balance [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12
Betimi has no trouble getting into the crate.  Tomeal then asks, "If you're pulling yourself across, how are we going to get the crate back over to this side?"

[OoC: You will need to make a strength check to pull the crate with you and the rocks across the river.  It's really to determine how fast you can get yourself across.]
"Good point, do we have another rope we can tie to one of these loops?.. the rope running through the loops should guide the crate, allowing it to be pulled back."

[OoC I am going to assume we do have another rope in the party, not just hers.. if I am mistaken I feel really sorry about our groups ability to equip themselves]

[Strength Check [1d20] = 20]

[OoC with a mighty heave SHE-HULK.. er.. I mean Betimi yanks the crate across the river in one pull.. lol]

Once on the far side Betim asks Jonath if he has another rope, the two of them could assist the next person in the crossing if they also tie a rope to the crate.

[Balance check to get safely out of the crate .. Balance [1d20+2] = 18+2 = 20]
[OoC: Apparently, no one has a rope.  Confused  Tomeal is a guard not an adventurer so it's unlikely he would have any rope.  Perhaps someone can rip up a sack and tie the strips together?]

Betimi gets across the river with ease.  She actually makes it look almost too easy.
Wincing at the falling stones, Holley grabs some sacks, rolls them diagonally into the longest, thinnest roll of material they can be, then ties them together into a makeshift rope.

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Nacesh follows Betimi.

Jump [1d20+1] = 5+1 = 6 Balance [1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23 Strength [1d20+1] = 16+1 = 17

OOC1 - Nacesh is dancing like a fairy
OOC2 - my item list disintegrated with site change. I think I originally copied the "sorcerer kit" from Pathfinder:
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
No rope...
but we had the chance to equip ourselves with plenty of stuff before leaving the Guildhouse and I recall I made a thorough check of the entire Goods&Services stuff in PHB. That's why we had multiple mules and stuff. Of course, as a DM I always tell my players "You don't list it you don't have it" Smile
Lesson learned. Smile
Giley quickly rips a sack into strips and starts tying the strips end to end.  Assuming other people help with its construction, the new 'rope' is constructed in around a few minutes.  You then tie one end to the metal loop and begin making your way across.  Betimi goes first and makes crossing the river look like child's play.  After pulling the crate back over to the East side of the river, Nacesh and Mil try to make their way across.  Once again using the board to help guide himself into the crate, he hops onto it but the crate dips precariously to one side.  Nacesh skillfully regains his balance and then slides the rest of the way down into to crate.  He also pulls himself across the west side of the river quite quickly.  While pulling the crate back to the east side, Jonath suddenly hears a noise over the sound of the river, coming from the north-west.  Assuming Jonath gives everyone a heads up, Tomeal suggests to Giley that to save time maybe they should both jump into the crate and travel across the river together.
[OoC Nacesh the reason we had multiple mules is that Betimi and Selina both actuially strted witgh them ON THEIR sheets, purchased equipment. We did not assume we had gear. Chalk it up to experience I guess.]

Betimi quickly moves to a position where she cn see into the north passage with her darkvision and low-light vision and readies a crystal.
With a nod, Gilley opts to try getting into the crate the same way Betimi did. If he makes it, he turns around to grab the ledge to steady the box, so as to aid Tomeal.

Balance [1d20+4] = 6+4 = 10