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while the party sorts out how to distribute the extra load Betimi slips behind a screen of bushes taking with her one of the arrows from the quiver.

Finding a clear spot, she negins to scratch out a complex series of symbols in the dirt. After a moment she nods, satisfied, then : looks around to make sure no one is  watching.

Satisfied she kneels at the edge of the circl, and grips the arrow in both hands before her.

Suddenly she calls out "Leraje, Green Herald! Join me!" and snaps the arrow in twain, casting the two halves into the circle.
...and waits.

Binding check [1d20+5] = 16+5 = 21
Looking around, having to figure out for himself what happened regardless of how many times he asked Betimi.  He continues to lay there with his hands behind his head until everyone is ready to go.
Leraje appears before Betimi as though she had always been there, but camouflaged so well that she could not be seen. First her dull eyes open, then her yellowed teeth come into view out of seeming nothingness, revealed in a sly smile. As Leraje moves, her body takes shape against the background, and her clothes and skin change color to reveal her as an elf archer dressed in beautifully decorated green leather armor. Although she was clearly beautiful at some point, the ravages of some toxin or disease have made her hair limp, yellowed her eyes and teeth, and made her skin pockmarked and sallow.  Leraje nods to Betimi once and slowly you begin to look sickly and diseased, and your skin becomes sallow and pockmarked.  Leraje then once again vanishes into nothingness.

Tomeal waits until Betimi is finished and then when everyone is about to start on their way he says, "Jonath found that arrowslit and it's just on the other side of this hill we're on.  I would bet those kobolds are around here close by.  I'm surprised one of their patrols didn't find us since it seems like we're right on top of them.  Perhaps they know of that creature so they let it protect their layer or they have no choice for fear of being eaten themselves.  Anyways, the entrance should be somewhere around here but remember, Kobolds love to set traps.  We all, especially Mr. Jonath, should be on the look out for them."
[OOC - sorry for being away--kids were to hospital but now we're all back home.]

Nacesh helps the others gather belongings and sort Beast's packs to the remaining mules [I don't have the list from PH but I assume we have pretty much carrying capacity left]

The spearman nods at Tomeal's assessment with appreciation and answers.
"Note that they are afraid of us, or at least precautious, but only as long as they think we are something big and dangerous."
Pondering the last part, he adds,
"Well we should live up to the 'dangerous' part..."
[OoC:  Good, I'm happy all of you are alright!!!

Nacesh, I don't seem to have access to your character sheet.  Can you give me permission?]
"Alright, if everyone is ready then we should get going and allow Jonath to take the lead," Tomeal says while looking to the Gnome.
Much to his annoyance, Mardak gets up.  "Alright let's kill some Dragonlings."
Selina awakens with a sigh. The truth was that she was used to uneven sleep schedules. Being fully awake at all hours of the night was almost mandatory for a priestess of the moon. When the others are stirring, she finds the nearest secluded stream and bathes away all the blood from the past few nights, hoping that no one is around to spy on her.

That being done, she redresses and returns to help roll up camp top begin the next day.
Jonath nods, agreeing with Tomeal's words. He moves into the lead position, putting himself a small distance ahead of the others, and proceeds cautiously, looking for any signs of traps or other foul play as they move through the brush.

I know Search is usually used to search for traps, but I don't think I'm going to be crawling through the forest taking full-round actions to search every 5x5' section we move through, so I'll also include Spot and Survival checks - my thinking here is I'm basically using spot and/or survival to look for likely places where a trap might be set, then using Search to let me search that area. Let me know what you think about that, and if you require any other rolls (or for that matter, just make the rolls for me to save time if you feel that would be helpful. I think Spot and Search checks are the the types of checks that should probably be made by the DM anyway, so the player/character doesn't know whether they didn't find anything because there was nothing there, or because they rolled like crap, lol).
Search:[1d20+7] = 14+7 = 21, Spot:[1d20+4] = 9+4 = 13, Survival:[1d20] = 5
He looks to the Selunite for a moment then coughs with a little grin.  "What?"  He asks innocently.