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Jonath delays his action...

While keeping perfectly still, Unreth hisses a word of magic.  Suddenly his huge body begins to shift and weave.  You all blink your eyes but blurriness which surrounds him remains.

Then from the East, two new Kobolds arrive on the scene [Move action].  As soon as they spot you they begin loading their slings [Move action].

Jonath moves to intercept the Kobolds but the rubble on the ground slows his progress. [Difficult Ground costs x2 movement.]


24 = Jonath
22 = Tomeal 
18 = Unreth
19 = Not so Friendly Kobolds (???)
17 = Selina
13 = Betimi
12 = Friendly Kobolds (2)
08 = Forge
06 = Gilley
02 = Dog

[OoC: It's now Selina, Betimi, Friendly Kobolds, Forge, Gilley, and the Dog's turn.]

[RE Map:  Each square is 10'.  I decided not to blacken out the unseen areas so if some of you, especially those with Darkvision, want to move, they can see what's beyond the torch light without waiting for me to reveal the area.  Anyone without Darkvision is limited to the area around the torch's point of origin, which in this case is Forge.  You can see anything within the Yellow normally.  Anything between the yellow circle and blue is shadowy illumination (20% miss chance).  Anything beyond the blue circle is complete darkness. [Complete miss unless you know which square the target is located and even then it's a 50% miss chance.]

[Image: Round1a_zpsgjjumzkf.png]
Ooc - Is there anything else flammable within Forge's field of vision, i.e. wooden support beams, coal, Unreath's hair? Are there any support beams that look like they might be holding up the ceiling where Unreath is? If the fire won't do the trick, maybe the smoke will help conceal us?
There are several vertical support beams and horizontal beams along the ceiling that are barely holding the cave up.  The vertical supports appear as small squares (that are not attached to the railway) and the horizontal beams span between those vertical supports.

On the map, Betimi (pink dot) is standing right beside one of the Vertical supports and one of the horizontal supports pass overhead between Forge (purple dot) and Tomeal (orange dot).

There are a few support beam around Unreth but since he's in a 10' wide passage which is surrounded by some solid stone walls on either side, you feel your chances of bringing the roof down upon him is slim.
Betimi decides to try and deal with the two kobolds so they can focus on Unreth. She moves from her spot at D20 to take up position at H19 and whips a crystal at the first kobold [J18] and uses the magic imbued by Leraje to cause it to ricochet into the next kobold [J17]

[Attack: Thrown Crystal [1d20+5] = 11+5 = 16 the one attack roll hits both}
[Damage: Crystal shard [1d6] = 4 Damage vs J18]
[Damage: Crystal shard [1d6] = 3 + Acid [1d6] = 2 == 5 Damage vs J17]
Selina's icy stare remains on Unreth. Ordinarily quite perceptive and very attentive to her surroundings, Selina simply has no other interest than in seeing the source of her righteous rage ended for good. She knows that it has bolstered itself with a Shield spell, but the blurred form looks vaguely familiar to her. Even so, she lifts her crossbow, takes aim, and releases the bolt.

Spellcraft: [1d20+2] = 12+2 = 14, Attack: [1d20+2] = 13+2 = 15, Damage: [1d8] = 5
I'm going to wait a little bit longer for Gilley to post.  This is my weekend to work but I hope to post something tonight from work.
((OOC: I was waiting for Forge to post, since he has initiative over me, AND is my light source.))
[OoC1: Ah ok. That makes sense. If he doesn't let me know what he's doing by morning then I will do his action for him.

I'm curious what the range increments with crystals? I would look on your character sheet but for some reason Mythweavers won't let me.

I finally found the crystal online and it says:

Quote:The shard is a light slashing weapon, dealing 1d4 points. It has a critical range of 19-20/x2 and a throwing range of 20'. Upon a successful hit, the carapace dissolves within the target, dealing an extra 1d6 points of acid damage. These shards do not last for more than 1 round after being removed from the scarab, but it is able generate them at a steady pace of once per round. Drawing a carapace shard is treating like drawing a dagger.

You rolled 1d6 for damage but the above information states the crystal does 1d4 damage. Is your crystal different due to a feat or Larje? ]

Selina doesn't know what spell the creature cast but she shoots at it anyways.  The crossbow bolt darts through the air but is abruptly halted by a glowing shield-like barrier that only becomes visible for a split second when the bolt bounces off of it before dropping to the ground.  [Just a reminder: Due to my house rule to make Crossbows deadlier than regular bows, when using a crossbow within 30' of a target you ignore 2 points of regular armor or natural armor but not spells that grant armor bonuses.]

While Betimi moves closer to the Kobolds who just arrived, she tears off a crystal from a bauble on her hand and throws it at the closest target. [Hit: Waiting for Betimi to resolve question about damage]  The Kobold screams as the crystal sinks into his flesh but suddenly Betimi's vestige manifests its power; the skill of the foolish Elvin huntress who challenged Corellon Larethian so long ago.  Instantly the crystal ricochets off the kobold and buries itself into the astonished Kobold standing beside him. [Hit: Waiting for Betimi to resolve question about damage.]  The crystal then dissolves [2 acid damage].

The friendly Kobolds whimper in terror at the sight of the huge beast but still manage to hurl their sling stones at him.  The shield glows briefly and then fades away again as their stones plink off the barrier and fall to the ground.  The huge beast chuckles at useless range attacks.

[OoC2: Forge, Gilley and the Dog's turns.]
Following his last command, Forge forges on through the rubble to press Unreth and turn the tide of this ambush.

Forge will take a double move action to reach C14 (almost underneath Unreth) in order to ignite the wooden support beam under the large monstrosity.
Gilley watches as projectiles bounces away from the spider, then notices Forge creeping up underneath. Figuring the metal man probably had a plan, Gilley glances in the direction of Betimi and her kobold targets for a second while drawing his bow. Looking back at Unreth, he aims and shoots at the spider, hoping to keep it distracted from Forge.

Longbow: 1d20+5 20

Damage: 1d8 2 ((Not that I'll need damage, since it'll bounce, but just in case...))