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[OoC: To save time, I'm rolling Initiatives for everyone...]

For some reason the site was being a pain so instead of a link I copy and pasted the [Macro] rolls I recieved.  If I made a mistake for your Initiative mods please let me know.  Sorry the Macro turned out black.  You can just highlight the script with your cursor to see them better.

MD: [1d20] = 10, BT: [1d20+3] = 8+3 = 11, SL: [1d20+1] = 5+1 = 6, JN: [1d20+4] = 10+4 =14, NC: [1d20+3] = 10+3 = 13

Jonath: 14
Nacesh: 13
Tomeal: 13 [Dex modifier is +2 so he goes a split second after Nacesh]
Betimi: 11
Mardak: 10
Selina: 6
Monster-in-a-box: 2

[Mardak, just a reminder to re-link your character to you signature when you get him fixed up.]
(OOC: It is linked to my signature.)
[OoC: Then you need to set the access for it because I keep getting the message, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that..."]
(I just made it public. works for me)
[It doesn't for me. I even refreshed the page to make sure. My name on Myth Weavers is Shaemess]
(There changed it to Shaemess as an editor. should be fine now let's hope)
[OoC: Now it's working. Thank you.]
Jonath watches Betimi curiously, interested to see what sort of trick she's attempting, but when she suddenly goes limp, he surmises something has gone wrong. He rushes forward and grabs her arms, attempting to extract it from the slot in the door. "Come, help me get her away from here!" he calls out to the others, knowing that Mardak and Tomeal will have a much easier time of dragging her away from the door than he would himself, and that Selena will certainly rush in to treat her.

I don't know if there's any specific check to get her arm out or not, but I'm giving a d20 roll to apply to whatever you may think is needed. I was thinking maybe just a DEX check to extract her arm? Anyway, here's my roll:
[1d20] = 20
D'oh, hope that 20 is worth something! lol
((Place holder for fluff. Move action to rush over. Heal check to assess problem, prepare CLW))
Spotting Betimi go limp, Jonath leaps upon her and pulls.  It seems at first that her arm begins to pull free of the box but then it's as if her hand is snagged upon something.  Tomeal dashes over to Betimi, grabs her around the waist and heaves with all his might.  All three of them suddenly pull free of the box and fall backward in a heap.  When you check Betimi you see her eyes are wide open and her breathing is labored but her body is totally limp.  Selina checks on her and says that she believes Betimi is Paralyzed but the priestess isn't sure how it happened.  Jonath looks at her hand and notices that it and half her arm along with the cuff of her armor and the jewelry on top of her hand seem to have been subjected to some kind of acid damage.