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[OoC: Still waiting for  Parcellus action... ]

[OoC2: As long as you're not flatfooted, talking can be done on anyone's turn.  You kept the message short and sweet which is great because there's no time for monologues.  A round is about 6 seconds so everyone try to keep that in mind.  ]

[Beginning Round 5...]

24 = Jonath
22 = Tomeal
20 = Nacesh
19 = Not so Friendly Kobolds (???)
18 = Unreth
17 = Piper
16 = Selina
13 = Betimi
12 = Friendly Kobolds (2)
08 = Forge
06 = Gilley
02 = Dog  

looks around frantically as water begins washing over his feet.  He back-swings the Kobold in front of him [E20] across the jaw sending it spinning through the air and crashing to the ground. [-3]

Forge yells to everyone, "Shocking Grasp!" And then he wonders what effect an electrical spell might have with people standing in water...

Tomeal wished he had picked up a Polearm or had an enlarge spell right now.  He wasn't nearly as proficient with the bow as he was with the sword.  So for now he readies for the wall of Kobolds that were dropping their slings and charging toward them with spears.

Nacesh yells out to Piper to help lead them out.  Piper yells back, "I'm not sure but I'll look!"  He then attempts to sway the other Kobolds but they don't seem too convinced by his quick reasoning in the face of all the danger happening around them.

The water flows into the area.  Some of the Kobolds are rapidly losing their nerve but still move toward the party likely to try to get out of the rising tide.  The water reaches the corner of the wall of light and seems to start flowing into the wall like it might through a hole in a wall.  Suddenly a stone flies out of the wall and splashes into the water a few feet from Jonath and Gilley.

The few Kobolds still engaged in combat swing at Jonath [Miss!] and Betimi [Miss!Miss!]  The Other Kobolds who were behind Unreth now rush in to poke at the trio with spears.  Tomeal hacks into one of the Kobolds before it can strike him. [Minimum damage  Dodgy] The Kobold crumbles to the ground [-3] but another steps in to take its place.  One Kobold strikes for Selina [Miss!] and the other for Tomeal, [Miss!] but both miss miserably.  [Wow these Kobolds suck! ]

Unreth then reaches down and touches Tomeal.  Sparks fly and Tomeal screams as electricity courses through his body [Damage 12] at the same time as his claw tears open his breast plate! [8 Damage!]  The force of the blow is so powerful it blasts him off his feet and crashing into the water.  The warrior lays motionless except for the raspy breath fighting to keep him alive.  "YEsss!  Ones down and mores to follows!"

[OoC3: The large dark blue circle indicates everywhere there's water.  Lets assume that starting from the edge is 1" of water for every 5'.  So that means Gilley and Selina are standing in 1" of water; Jonath, Betimi and Tomeal 2"; etc.  ]


Inspire Courage: Everyone receives a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

[OoC: Selina, Betimi, Forge, Gilley and Dog's turns. ]
[OoC: I made a small mistake that didn't effect the results of combat but I should mention in case it changes someone's action.  Jonath should have been attacked by 2kobolds instead of Betimi.  And kobold at G19 moved to F18 to attack Betimi.  I will indicate this change on the map in the morning.]
OOC - is Piper the purple dot on L21, meaning he's swimming in 6' deep water?
[OoC: He might be... Wink

It's 1 inch of water for every 5 feet so it's more like 9 inches of water. Wow, if it was 6 feet that would be dedication!

But the water is filling fast... ]

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Betimi sees Tomreal go down and snarls in fury.

She turns and whips a shard at the kobold that threatens Tomreal, Forge and Selina [D14], hoping it will ricochet up into Unreth at that unexpected angle. 

In her fury her aim is erratic and the throw goes wide, clattering down the tunnel.

[Attack: Thrown Crystal [1d20+7] = 3+7 = 10]

She then moves past the dog and Gilley to place herself between the Kobolds, shimmering wall and Gilley [15' move to E20] where she can look over the kobold's heads at the shimmering wall, hoping to get a glimpse through it or decipher where it might lead.

[Knowledge (Arcana) [1d20+6] = 19+6 = 25 oops my modifier is actually +5 so that is a 24 not a 25]
[Knowledge (The Planes) [1d20+6] = 5+6 = 11]


Forge readies to smash Unreth's tail with his fist the next time it strikes.  "Stay back kobolds! This monster will kill you!"... He looks to Commander Selina for orders, wondering if it would be better to fall back from this ambush.

[[Fighting defensively +2 dodge to AC, -4atk]]
[OoC: Updated map to show a kobold standing beside Betimi.  

if you move 15' south I believe you will receive 3 AoO.  Is that what you want to do?

Still waiting for Selina's move(s)... ]
((Question...If Selina gets behind Tomeal and tries to drag him away, do either of them provoke an AoO? And can Forge assist her in that?))
(03-29-2017, 10:09 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]((Question...If Selina gets behind Tomeal and tries to drag him away, do either of them provoke an AoO?  And can Forge assist her in that?))

[OoC: Forge would definitely help.  I was thinking Forge would carry his body and weapons out if they retreat, but yeah we still have Unreth to deal with.  I think Gilley, Nacesh, and Betimi are the best ones to try and hit him while he's on the ceiling.]
(03-29-2017, 07:23 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Updated map to show a kobold standing beside Betimi.  

if you move 15' south I believe you will receive 3 AoO.  Is that what you want to do?

Still waiting for Selina's move(s)... ]

[OoC  Oops, I was going by kobolds positions before, also meant to move to D20 not E20, what I get for glancing at the map while at work. 
I did not realize there was a kobold in F18, but also confused E20 with D20.
The plan was to take the safer route from E17 - D20. 

I will  be specific.

First 5' diagonal to D18.. (that will provoke an AoO fro kobold in DF18.. which I was initially unaware of, but Betimi will still risk it.
Second 5' through Gilley's square D19.
Last 5' into D20.  Total move cost 30' due to difficult terrain.]