Selina nods her thanks as the gentlemen assist her in donning her armor. She tilts her head thoughtfully and approaches Jonath and Betimi as slowly as she possibly can, even at some discomfort to herself (taking 10 on Stealth? I guess?). She whispers quietly 'What's going on?'
Betimi whispers back to Selina.
"SShh. Jonath and Nacesh sneak ahead to hear teh kobolds. i hope Nacesh is stealthy enough to not draw attention.""
OOC - are we waiting for someone?
Nacesh quietly relates his findings to Jonath and indicates that he'd prefer returning to the others but won't leave Jonath alone.
[OoC: I'm sorry for the delay. I was kind of waiting for Jonath to decide if he was going to keep moving toward the talking. I don't mind RPing people to an extent but when an action MIGHT put the player in peril I'd rather them make the decision. But since Nacash has offered a suggestion... ]
Jonath nods and then quietly leads you back to the group to tell them what you heard.
[OoC: Heh, and I was waiting for Nacesh to translate in order to avoid metagaming. I try not to assume characters will convey everything they know/hear/see etc. to other characters even when we all get the same info out of character. Sorry for the delay/confusion].
Jonath returns to the group with Nacesh to inform them what they've learned. "I think our best course of action is just to approach them directly. If we try to sneak up on them they'll assume we're hostile, and, to be blunt, we are not the stealthiest of cadres. We've met at least two others of them who weren't immediately hostile though, so if we approach them cautiously and peacefully, perhaps we'll have a chance to explain that we're here to help them."
"Are you sure that is the wisest course of action? I mean they are literally there waiting and commanded to ambush us. They are under Unreth's thrall either by coercion or magic. Perhaps one or two of us should try to take up advantageous position ahead so that when the others attempt parlay it can be dealt with quickly if it goes awry?"
"I am only somewhat skilled at stealth, but I can be very effective if we need to use coercion on them ourselves."
[OoC Hide/Move Silent only +3, but Intimidate +9]
Selina nods to Betimi, agreeing with her once again. "I am versed in the...gentler aspects of coercion (+5 diplomacy) and I can assist in any parlay we may undertake with them. Whatever we decide, it must be soon. I do not believe we have much time."
Nacesh nods.
"Stealthy folks ahead to cover the corps diplomatic. Guess Gilley can join Jonath and Betimi in former; Tomeal and I can escort Selina; both trio having at least one member speaking draconic."
The sorcerer looks at Gilley and Tomeal for confirmation before asking Jonath,
"Is it sufficient if we give you half a minute advantage or should we wait more, maybe on a sign?"
OOC - Nacesh has +6 on Diplomacy and speaks Draconic.... and I could imagine one "aiding another" in the act. Like, Selina being the wise and Nacesh talking in their native tongue.
[OoC: I would like to point your attention to my signature. Thanks to Betimi's mapping expertise, I've placed a link in my signature which has maps showing the regions around Cantus. If you follow the road leading East out of Cantus you will see a little triangle which says, Kobold Mines. That's where you guys are located.]
Tomeal nods and replies, "Many of the Kobolds we've encountered thus far can speak common. So don't be afraid to speak to them just because you hear them speaking what Nacesh refers to as Draconic. I think that even though the Kobolds are coerced into aiding Unreth, Piper said they were just scared and wanted a different future for their kind then fighting. They are small creatures who are often treated as fodder even by their allies. Give them a solid reason to resist, especially by offering solid resistance against Unreth might convince the Kobolds to switch alliances. But I have a feeling that Unreth was just toying with us back there. He thought so little of us that he didn't even bother bringing his tail stinger into play until one of us pissed him off. Then he led us down here. If he wanted to get away, Unreth could have just ran along the ceiling and out the front door. Nope, somethings not right."
Betimi nods to Nacesh.
"Seems like a solid plan to me. You and Selina should be able tonvonce them of our good intentions, at least enough to let us pass. Tomreal's presence will keep them from thinking they can just overwhelm you. The stealthier trio of us can provide ranged cover. I don't think we need a full 30 seconds, perhaps just a 20 count." [3 rounds]
She waits to get some sign of confirmation from the others.
[Assuming she gets confirmation]
Betimi begins to move slowly forward with Jonath and Gilley, keeping Gilley between her and Jonath so they could guide him with their darkvision.
Move Silently [1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23 + Hide [1d20+3] = 17+3 = 20