12-30-2021, 07:47 PM
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01-03-2022, 08:17 AM
(12-30-2021, 06:06 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ](12-27-2021, 12:16 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: [ -> ](12-23-2021, 08:49 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Your description mentions your father created you and then went missing. Was your father Khonnir?]
[OoC: I don't knowEva was an abandoned character and I took her control before we opened the gate. But I think he was a different mage.
EDITED: I have read some of her first posts, she is new in Torch.
[[It's up to you if she knows him. He used to be a a low-ranking assistant to the Technic League for many years. You may have known him from back then. ]]
Khonnir continues to mumble incoherently about past events, robots, his daughter, potion, and Torch.
Have we met his daughter in Torch? (ooc - if she is not Eva

[OOC - If she has a daughter in Torch then it's better that Eva is not his daughter. If it's good for you Khonnir is her father's best friend and helped him to create "the new Eva". Both wizards are members of the Technic League and Eva was raised in a small cottage a few days from Torch. ]
Was his daughter with him or is she in Torch? Does he know about a helping potion near somewhere?
Eva tries to decipher his words into a meaningful sentences.
Eva's linguistics: [1d20+8]=11+8=19
Eva gently holds his hand and tries to ask him slowly. Perhaps his mind is clear and can understand us if he calms down but he can't answer.
Khonnir, you are safe with us now.
We will take you back to your village, Torch.
Do you remember how and where was you captured?
Is somebody else alive?
Have you mapped this place before you was captured?
(ooc - did we find the corpse of all members? )
Didn't we find Khonnir's posessions in this room?
01-03-2022, 08:35 AM
[OoC: His adoptive daughter and apprentice is Val Baine. You met her already back at the Foundry Tavern. She is letting you use the Tavern as a place to stay while you hunt for her father.
I don't believe you've found the corpses of the other members yet.]
Khonnir seems completely oblivious to your attempts to speak to him and you can't make out anything other than mumbled words but none of it makes sense. But he does still seem to be aware of anyone who has met him before.
There are items on the desks to the north. When you look through them you find a lot of interesting technological devices - most of which are broken. There also seems to be a bunch of Khonnir's equipment.
[I need you to roll a Perception check.]
I don't believe you've found the corpses of the other members yet.]
Khonnir seems completely oblivious to your attempts to speak to him and you can't make out anything other than mumbled words but none of it makes sense. But he does still seem to be aware of anyone who has met him before.
There are items on the desks to the north. When you look through them you find a lot of interesting technological devices - most of which are broken. There also seems to be a bunch of Khonnir's equipment.
[I need you to roll a Perception check.]
01-03-2022, 03:15 PM
(01-03-2022, 08:35 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: His adoptive daughter and apprentice is Val Baine. You met her already back at the Foundry Tavern. She is letting you use the Tavern as a place to stay while you hunt for her father.
I don't believe you've found the corpses of the other members yet.]
Khonnir seems completely oblivious to your attempts to speak to him and you can't make out anything other than mumbled words but none of it makes sense. But he does still seem to be aware of anyone who has met him before.
There are items on the desks to the north. When you look through them you find a lot of interesting technological devices - most of which are broken. There also seems to be a bunch of Khonnir's equipment.
[I need you to roll a Perception check.]
Eva's perception: [1d20+7]=15+7=22
But she already searched (take20) the desks or wanted to search them

01-03-2022, 09:03 PM
(01-03-2022, 03:15 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: [ -> ](01-03-2022, 08:35 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: His adoptive daughter and apprentice is Val Baine. You met her already back at the Foundry Tavern. She is letting you use the Tavern as a place to stay while you hunt for her father.
I don't believe you've found the corpses of the other members yet.]
Khonnir seems completely oblivious to your attempts to speak to him and you can't make out anything other than mumbled words but none of it makes sense. But he does still seem to be aware of anyone who has met him before.
There are items on the desks to the north. When you look through them you find a lot of interesting technological devices - most of which are broken. There also seems to be a bunch of Khonnir's equipment.
[I need you to roll a Perception check.]
Eva's perception: [1d20+7]=15+7=22
But she already searched (take20) the desks or wanted to search them
[OoC: Sorry, I read it as you taking 20 on the robot. In my defense my pharmacy closed and that was the 3rd day without any pain medication and because of the pain, I had not slept for at that point for around 24 hours.

From all the junk you found there are a few items that still function such as a timeworn radiation detector TG, a medlance TG, a timeworn brown nanite hypogun TG, two nanite canisters TG, and 2 doses of grade I hemochem TG.
The items that seem to be Khonnir's are:
Combat Gear: potions of cure light wounds (2) (labeled), potion of air bubble (2) (labeled), potion of touch of the sea (labeled), scroll of detect radiationTG, scroll of technomancyTG, scroll of unseen servant, a wand, acid (2).
Other Gear: mwk dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, antitoxin, everburning torch, bedroll, cold-weather outfit, flint and steel, mwk backpack (strength +1), rations (5 days), traveler’s outfit, waterskin, winter blanket, 52 gp, 4 sp, 3 cp
01-03-2022, 10:25 PM
"Khonnir had taken me in after my parents were murdered. He became sort of a father figure to me and he accepted me into his family. I can hardly bare to see him like this. Our own water breathing spell's duration will soon run out so we should get him back to town before we're stuck down here too."
01-04-2022, 08:47 AM
(01-03-2022, 09:03 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ](01-03-2022, 03:15 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: [ -> ](01-03-2022, 08:35 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: His adoptive daughter and apprentice is Val Baine. You met her already back at the Foundry Tavern. She is letting you use the Tavern as a place to stay while you hunt for her father.
I don't believe you've found the corpses of the other members yet.]
Khonnir seems completely oblivious to your attempts to speak to him and you can't make out anything other than mumbled words but none of it makes sense. But he does still seem to be aware of anyone who has met him before.
There are items on the desks to the north. When you look through them you find a lot of interesting technological devices - most of which are broken. There also seems to be a bunch of Khonnir's equipment.
[I need you to roll a Perception check.]
Eva's perception: [1d20+7]=15+7=22
But she already searched (take20) the desks or wanted to search them
[OoC: Sorry, I read it as you taking 20 on the robot. In my defense my pharmacy closed and that was the 3rd day without any pain medication and because of the pain, I had not slept for at that point for around 24 hours.And for some reason I thought his personal items were still on himself but when I double checked they were on the desk.
It's why I posted his picture. I was hoping if you saw all his gear it would spark an idea to search him. However, the perception check I asked for wasn't to find stuff. It was for looking specifically for anything that might still function. This is what you found... ]
From all the junk you found there are a few items that still function such as a timeworn radiation detector TG, a medlance TG, a timeworn brown nanite hypogun TG, two nanite canisters TG, and 2 doses of grade I hemochem TG.
The items that seem to be Khonnir's are:
Combat Gear: potions of cure light wounds (2) (labeled), potion of air bubble (2) (labeled), potion of touch of the sea (labeled), scroll of detect radiationTG, scroll of technomancyTG, scroll of unseen servant, a wand, acid (2).
Other Gear: mwk dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, antitoxin, everburning torch, bedroll, cold-weather outfit, flint and steel, mwk backpack (strength +1), rations (5 days), traveler’s outfit, waterskin, winter blanket, 52 gp, 4 sp, 3 cp
[ooc: No problem, get well soon.]
We take all these stuffs.
What are these timeworn items for and how can we use them? Is there a chance we can use them? Any check?
[ooc: I have searched for them but this is ooc info, perhaps medlance can help him if it contains a medicine not a poision...?

You are right, Cin. Let's go back asap. But he can't swim underwater and we can't leave him alone in the caves so one of us have to go to the village and get help from there, we need a cleric who can cast lesser restoration and water breathing too. We also have to avoid any fight we can on the way back. We should avoid that crazy plant. There were a southern door before we entered into its room. If we are lucky we will find it.
Everybody is in full HP except Cin, right? Cin: 11/18, Eva: 5+13-1=17 (full), Gurkagh: 10 (full), E10: 11 (full)
Cin, drink this potions if needed - she gives the two clw potions to her
I borrow Khonnir's amulet for a short time. I'm going to discover a new way back. Follow me from distance and be prepared for fight.
Eva leaves the room and opens the door at E-10 on the map below:
01-05-2022, 04:40 PM
"We can't be sure he even has that much time for us to find someone willing to come down into the caves," Cyn replies. "Despite these robots doing some kind of experiments on him, they were also probably keeping him alive. With the heal-bots destroyed his health could spiral out of control."
"The Air Bubble potion will allow him to breath and will even protect him from swallowing any of the tainted water. Can't we just secure a rope around him and pull him with us through the water?"
CLW potion: [1d8+1]=4+1=5; 16/18 hit points
"The Air Bubble potion will allow him to breath and will even protect him from swallowing any of the tainted water. Can't we just secure a rope around him and pull him with us through the water?"
CLW potion: [1d8+1]=4+1=5; 16/18 hit points
01-05-2022, 04:55 PM
Initiative | Name | Damage Healed | Damage Inflicted | Current Hit Points | Conditions | Notes! |
18.4 | Eva | 13pts (CMW) | 5pts+8pts+4pts(Flying Bot);1pt(staggered) | 5/17 | --- | --- |
7.6 | E10 | --- | --- | 00/11 | --- | --- |
7.4 | Cyn-Ezra | +5pts | 4pts+7pts (Flying Robot) | 6/18 | --- | Bloodied!! |
7.2 | Gurkagh | 7pts | 5pts | 0/10 | --- | Critical! |
5.2 | Reawyn | --- | --- | 0/15 | --- | --- |
[[According to the chart, Eva still has 5pts to heal and Cyn still has 6pts to heal.
Eva was at 0 hit points. She then drank a potion which inflicted 1 point of damage. So that put her at -1. The potion healed her 13pts so now she's at 12pts out of 17 hit points. Did she drink another potion? ]]
01-05-2022, 07:36 PM
(01-05-2022, 04:40 PM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: [ -> ]"We can't be sure he even has that much time for us to find someone willing to come down into the caves," Cyn replies. "Despite these robots doing some kind of experiments on him, they were also probably keeping him alive. With the heal-bots destroyed his health could spiral out of control."
"The Air Bubble potion will allow him to breath and will even protect him from swallowing any of the tainted water. Can't we just secure a rope around him and pull him with us through the water?"
[OOC: I don't know. DM said, he is not in a condition to go up

It's worth a shot.