Cyn had readied for an impending attack and is completely surprised when the group suddenly makes the decision to run. She wonders,
"Where do you hope to escape? We're in a sealed dome! Whatever's out there, if it wants us, it will follow us!"
Cyn tries to catch up with the party by doing a full run action!
Initiative: [1d20+4]=1+4=5
You all begin keeping pace with Reawyn. You manage to hustle about 80' [2 rounds] when small humanoids begin popping out of the ground and giving chase. They're moving much faster than Reawyn so they quickly catch up to you but they aren't yet in melee range yet. The creatures appear as short, humanoid creatures with skin of a greenish hue, with long tendrils covering their heads like hair.
- 22.6 Essaccus
- 19.2 Gurkagh
- 19.2 Creature 1
- 17.2 Reawyn
- 10.2 Creature 2
- 5.4 Cyn
- 5.4 Eve
- 5.2 Creature 3
- 5.2 Creature 4
[Essaccus and Gurkagh goes first. ]
[OoC: I hope you can see this alright. I'm working on a 17" laptop and it seems kind of small. If you guys fight, the maps will zoom in more. I often post pictures of the monsters in the unused corners so you can see the creatures in more detail. So no, there aren't Gargantuan (tall) monsters closing in on you.

[OoC2: I will add numbers to the creatures on their initiatives. ]
![[Image: eHv3LWYm.jpg]](
Gurkagh will drop back diagonally 5 feet to E-7 and ready an attack on the first creature to come into his threatened space.
Hopefully providing Cin space to retreat to so she can shoot without being in melee.
As a free action Reawyn will try to point out to Essacus that moving to the rear of the party next to Gurkagh leaves the flanks of the party exposed with no melee fighter . There are enemies on both sides as well as to the rear, and Cim, Eva, and Reawyn are all ranged combatants, not melee
- 22.6 Essaccus
- 19.2 Gurkagh
- 19.2 Creature 1
- 17.2 Reawyn
- 10.2 Creature 2
- 5.4 Cyn
- 5.4 Eve
- 5.2 Creature 3
- 5.2 Creature 4
Essaccus dashes 15' and throws a Shuriken at the strange, small humanoid. [Shurikens have a Range Increment of 10 feet. So you take -2 to hit for throwing it 15'.]
The tiny weapon flies through the air and deflects off its natural armor. [These creatures seem to have pretty good defense and dexterity.]
Gurkagh then steps in between the southern creatures and Cyn, waiting for one critter brave enough to advance closer.
The first small, green humanoid, hiding on the ridge, pokes his head out from behind some stoney cover.
Ranged attack: [1d20+3]=14+3=17;
Damage: [1d3]=1; HIT!!
Suddenly a small rock hits Reawyn in the arm. [1 damage]
You hear some excited clicks coming from its direction. [The symbol beside Creature 1 is a hiding/cover symbol.]
[FYI: Gurkaph, you could have also declared you would ready for when a creature approached close enough, you would take a 5' step and clobber him. With you moving first then readying, if the critter wants to avoid the big scary man, it could circle around to behind to C-6 and attack Cyn anyways. ]
![[Image: VDw1J79m.jpg]](
[OoC: Depending on the actions of Reawyn and Creature 2, this action could change.]
"Thanks for the cover big guy" Cyn says to Gurkagh.
"But I need to move to a more advantageous spot!"
Cyn moves behind Essaccus [E-9], then spins her pistol in one hand and fires off a shot at the critter [at I-8].
Range Touch: [1d20+8]=6+8=14, Damage: [1d8]=4; Uses 1 grit and Triggers, "Up Close and Deadly (Ex)"
Precision damage: [1d6]=6; Total: 10 Damage!
She then reloads a paper cartridge at incredible speed! [Free Action]
[Firearms: Attacks within 20' resolves against the target’s touch AC; but is not a true ranged touch attack for purposes of feats.]
Reawyn will toss an alkahest (acid) bomb up onto the ledge targetting creature 1, but making sure to include the adjacent squares in the splash. If it misses he will roll the direction it misses to still get #1 and @2 in the splash.
Bomb - acid [1d20+4]=13+4=17; Direct Hit Damage [1d4+5]=4+5=9
Splash damage = 6, save DC vs splash damage = Reflex 16for 1/2 (there is no save on a direct hit)
He thn moves to E-9
While the critter ecstatically clicks in triumph for 'plinking' Reawyn, the alchemist responds by quickly adding a substance to a pre prepared mixture and tosses it over his shoulder. On the ridge there's a puff of greenish smoke followed by a single squeak as the creature melts away. [9 damage]
Critter 2, had to choose between a 5'2" man with a short stick and a 5'9" man with a larger bone or rock so he chooses the smaller of his two targets wielding the stick and charges Essaccus. Clicking loudly, the critter scurries across the sands with it's longspear poised to strike the monk...
Charge Attack: [1d20+3]=13+3=16, Damage: [1d6]=5; HIT!
At the last second it leaps past Essaccus's defenses and impales the android in the hip! [5 damage!] It stares up at him menacingly with it's long tongue slithering back and forth, while it tries to twist the spear in deeper.
Then Cyn thanks Gurkagh and since Reawyn had taken the spot she wanted to move, she decides to step in front of him [at F-9]. She then points at Critter 3 and with her "Up Close and Deadly" [precision damage] she shoots and blows a hole through it's head. The small critter's body lurches backward and is dead before it hits the ground. [10 damage]
Eva moves and is about to shoot an arrow at one of the critters but Cyn kills it first. So instead she shoots at the next closest [Critter #2]. The arrow hit the creature but the damage from the piercing attack seems to be completely reduced! [Damage Reduction vs Piercing. Before anyone asks, bullets are apparently both piercing and Bludgeoning.]
Finally, Critter 4 charges at Gurkagh, [Roll Readied attack]
- 22.6 Essaccus [Taken 5 damage]
- 19.2 Gurkagh
- 19.2 Creature 1 [DEAD!]
- 17.2 Reawyn [Taken 1 damage]
- 10.2 Creature 2
- 5.4 Cyn
- 5.4 Eve
- 5.2 Creature 3 [DEAD]
- 5.2 Creature 4
![[Image: khWlh0wm.jpg]](