Gurkagh will move to D2 and attempt the throw multiple times, yes the second mound will get cover, bot rocks are free. He can keep throwing over and over until he hits irt.
Once Gurlagh moves to the square in F2, E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 will follow him and move to the square E2, with a readied action to hurl 1 of his Dan Bongs if something should react to Gurlagh hurled rocks.
[OoC Umm i went to D2 not F2 don't get me killed because you can't read

[OoC: I was responding to GM MARVEL' s last post where he said you needed to move to at least F2]
To at least F2 or the mound would get cover. I don\t care ifr it has cover I can throw rocks all day til I hit.
[OK, yes you can if you want, my bad sorry]