Quote:Info about Doors: Doors consist of a 1-inch-thick sheet of glaucite (hardness 15, hp 30, break DC 28). When powered, a door slides swiftly up into the ceiling when a gray panel situated on the wall nearby is touched—opening a door in this way is a swift action. A door can be locked or unlocked by pressing an access card of any color to this gray panel (note that some doors can only be locked or unlocked by specific colors—these are mentioned in the text as appropriate). Once a door is locked, or if a door is unpowered, it can be forced open or closed with a successful Strength check. Disable Device can be used to unlock a locked door, but attempts to do so take a –4 penalty unless the user has the Technologist feat (Iron Gods Player’s Guide) or uses an e-pick, since typical thieves’ tools are of limited use against electronic locks. A door closes automatically at the end of any round in which it is opened unless it has no power or it’s locked in an open position with a tap of an access card on its panel.
Reawyn does not find any traps on the door.
(04-26-2021, 02:12 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Info about Doors: Doors consist of a 1-inch-thick sheet of glaucite (hardness 15, hp 30, break DC 28). When powered, a door slides swiftly up into the ceiling when a gray panel situated on the wall nearby is touched—opening a door in this way is a swift action. A door can be locked or unlocked by pressing an access card of any color to this gray panel (note that some doors can only be locked or unlocked by specific colors—these are mentioned in the text as appropriate). Once a door is locked, or if a door is unpowered, it can be forced open or closed with a successful Strength check. Disable Device can be used to unlock a locked door, but attempts to do so take a –4 penalty unless the user has the Technologist feat (Iron Gods Player’s Guide) or uses an e-pick, since typical thieves’ tools are of limited use against electronic locks. A door closes automatically at the end of any round in which it is opened unless it has no power or it’s locked in an open position with a tap of an access card on its panel.
Reawyn does not find any traps on the door.
So the first door is closed again.
Eva opens the second door.
Yes, without anyone tapping the panel with a card, the door closes at the end of the round in which it was opened. Eva then pushes panel of the next door and it swiftly slides up into the ceiling.
A large metal table is surrounded by odd-looking chairs in this room. To the west, what appears to be a transparent wall looks out over a strange desert valley. Four pillars support the fifteen foot-high ceiling, while dozens of crude images of a pickaxe made of a skull and bones have been painted onto the walls with some sort of ivory pigment along with several phrases in an unrecognizable language.
When the door swiftly slides into the ceiling, a split second later Eva feels an agonizingly sharp pain pierce the left side of her abdomen.
Attack: [1d20+7]=17+7=24, Damage: [1d6+4]=5+4=9; HIT!
Eva looks down her body to see a Javelin sticking out of her blood covered abdomen! [Eva takes 9 damage!]
In the room, crouching behind a large table, you spot a strange looking, green humanoid.
[OoC: Both Cyn and Essy may take their readied actions. Be aware that since you're behind Eva and Reawyn, you'll get a -4 to hit. The creature also has cover bonus from the table and chairs.]
[Everyone Roll Initiative! ]
![[Image: M8NxVxV.png]](https://i.imgur.com/M8NxVxV.png)
Back in post #310, I posted the following:
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 takes up a defensive position with his shuriken ready to hurl.
Init = [1d20+6]=15+6=21
(04-26-2021, 05:33 PM)E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 Wrote: [ -> ]Back in post #310, I posted the following:
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 takes up a defensive position with his shuriken ready to hurl.
Init = [1d20+6]=15+6=21
Yes... and I said...
OoC: Both Cyn and
Essy may take their readied actions. Be aware that since you're behind Eva and Reawyn, you'll get a -4 to hit. The creature also has cover bonus from the table and chairs.]
[ ooc - I thought she opens it from distance as usually

Eva is shocked by the sudden violence too but she is ready for revenge
Eva's init: [1d20+4]=12+4=16
[ ooc - There is a big pillar between us and the creature, right? ]
(04-26-2021, 07:01 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: [ -> ][ ooc - I thought she opens it from distance as usually
[[I'm sorry. You're probably right but you did not mention that in your post. There was just a lot going on this morning while I was trying to finish the post that it completely slipped my mind. In fact, even the pillar slipped my mind. So, since I have to back step slightly due to having to change the creature's position, the next most likely targets would be either the Shaman or the Monk because they're melee combatants.
Shaman 1 or 2 Monk 3 or 4: [1d4]=3; Sorry guys for my mistake. It looks like the javelin actually hit the monk.
Quote:Yes, without anyone tapping the panel with a card, the door closes at the end of the round in which it was opened. Eva then pushes panel of the next door and it swiftly slides up into the ceiling.
A large metal table is surrounded by odd-looking chairs in this room. To the west, what appears to be a transparent wall looks out over a strange desert valley. Four pillars support the fifteen foot-high ceiling, while dozens of crude images of a pickaxe made of a skull and bones have been painted onto the walls with some sort of ivory pigment along with several phrases in an unrecognizable language.
When the door swiftly slides into the ceiling, a split second later Essaccus feels an agonizingly sharp pain pierce the left side of his abdomen.
Attack: [1d20+7]=17+7=24, Damage: [1d6+4]=5+4=9; HIT!
Essaccus looks down his body to see a Javelin sticking out of his blood covered abdomen! [Essaccus takes 9 damage!]
In the room, crouching behind a pillar, you spot a strange looking, green humanoid.
[OoC: Both Cyn and Essy may take their readied actions. Be aware that Cyn is behind Essaccus, so she'll get a -4 to hit. The creature also has cover bonus from the pillar.]
![[Image: CrZ2Rqs.png]](https://i.imgur.com/CrZ2Rqs.png)