Reawynh waddkes (medium encumbrance even with his ant haul spell) after them, taking the second rank, with a bomb held ready.
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 slows his walking speed so that he walks beside Gurkagh, in front of the others.
Gurkagh offers to share some of Reawyn's load if it will increase therir movement. [Maybe him and ASSACUS could split the extra weight?]
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 can carry another 29lbs before slowing down due to encumbrance.
[OoC: Gurkagh could probably find a suitably sized Stalagmite or Stalactite to use as a club. ]
You carefully follow the creek north and then to the east...
[Traveling from A1 to A2]
A shallow creek runs through the middle of this cavern, while to the south a stony bank rises up from the water. Thick carpets of green and gray mold and fungus grow on the bank, particularly around a trio of three-foot-high, foul-smelling mounds.
[[I placed your Initial on the map so you knew your position. ]]
![[Image: mhkO1jFm.png]](
(10-11-2020, 07:12 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Gurkagh could probably find a suitably sized Stalagmite or Stalactite to use as a club. ]
Is it one handed? Or two handed ? Makes a difference for my damage dice. It doesn't have to even ve clunb shaped he has a knck for using things that no one else can use, as long as they are suitable heavy and hard.
Reawyn readies an acid bomb and wait to see what happens after Gurkagh launches the stone.
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 readies a to through a shuriken at what ever emerges from the mounds Gurkagh throughs his stone at.