The armorer shakes his head slowly, considering the answer.
"I'm not even sure where we are now. If we are still close to my home, there's a fine young but knowledgeable wizard there. He gave up adventuring about a year ago, though, so bringing him here wouldn't be an option."
"Not that we had the time," Maul says, reminding the team of the girl next door. "We actually spent too much time and didin't move an inch forward."
Lugar nods at Maul's assessment of the situation. "Right, mission first, of course. In the sake of time, if we slay the giants and force this wizard to help us we can solve the mystery of the iron door and complete our quest. But we will have to hurry or Merri will be gone forever. C'mon, no time to waste!" Lugar marches off back to the caves and the still waters. Hopefully the party can generate a good plan of action to vanquish the giants before they reach the waters.
Ooc tell me if you need a hint...
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(06-04-2016, 08:22 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]The armorer shakes his head slowly, considering the answer.
"I'm not even sure where we are now. If we are still close to my home, there's a fine young but knowledgeable wizard there. He gave up adventuring about a year ago, though, so bringing him here wouldn't be an option."
"Not that we had the time," Maul says, reminding the team of the girl next door. "We actually spent too much time and didin't move an inch forward."
We can bury her outside as I said. You don't like it too? Then lead us, you are the brain, khm. - he growls and crosses his hands
He picks up Merri's body and follows Lugar if nobody has any idea to open the secret door with magic trap.
"Leave her. This is the safest place for her right now." Maul notes.
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(06-05-2016, 03:42 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]"Leave her. This is the safest place for her right now." Maul notes.
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The safest place? Huh. - he shrugs -
You are the boss.
"Well if no one has any better ideas, use your magics on me and I'll try another go at the door. But the rest of you should sit back in the tomb in case I muck it up... Oh and since I'm sticking my neck out I want a larger cut of the rewards!" Lugar waits for their response and grumbles about being wet all the time.
"I'm no expert of traps" Murkatos says "but I can't see any method of bypassing it. If the runes are the problem they must have the solution as well. Let's look at them. Maybe some detail we missed."
(06-06-2016, 06:24 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]"I'm no expert of traps" Murkatos says "but I can't see any method of bypassing it. If the runes are the problem they must have the solution as well. Let's look at them. Maybe some detail we missed."
Details... Huh. Be careful, the devil is in the details. I prefer to smash details and devils. (He is hungry and a bit nervous today, he hates this place. Hm, maybe he will be the key of hate :-))
ooc - As I saw before, Giant has no chance to notice details with his search modifier "-2"

So it's your turn.
(06-05-2016, 07:44 PM)Lugar Wrote: [ -> ]"Well if no one has any better ideas, use your magics on me and I'll try another go at the door. But the rest of you should sit back in the tomb in case I muck it up... Oh and since I'm sticking my neck out I want a larger cut of the rewards!" Lugar waits for their response and grumbles about being wet all the time.
Me too! I risked my life with ARM key several times.