Okay there was a loophole in time flow. (and in DM's mind in particular).
Lugar wrote to search for compartments and passages while only one of them was open. So assume he did some extra search, spending a few minutes with each. Came up empty-handed (apart from jewelry that stuck to his hands like bee to a wolverine's muzzle)
Considering "next" I assume Giant meant "the last one that's not yet open" which means the one with "SIRRITH" inscribed on it.
Will you open it?
(05-10-2016, 07:15 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]Okay there was a loophole in time flow. (and in DM's mind in particular).
Lugar wrote to search for compartments and passages while only one of them was open. So assume he did some extra search, spending a few minutes with each. Came up empty-handed (apart from jewelry that stuck to his hands like bee to a wolverine's muzzle)
Considering "next" I assume Giant meant "the last one that's not yet open" which means the one with "SIRRITH" inscribed on it.
Will you open it?
Hm, have we opened Sermour's sarcophagus yet? I have meant that one. I have lost that post. If we have opened it the next one is Sirrith's. We are going to open all sarcophagi this was our plan. :-)
ooc - We will open each one after Lugar has searched for traps and Maul has detected for undead.
Hm. Indeed. So, is Lugar braveheart enough to open these two?
Ooc - Yes Lugar is greedy enough to open the dead guy's tomb!
Lugar will conduct his usual search for traps and underhanded surprises of Sirrith's tomb. After all, he expects nothing less from a clever ghost who is crafty enough to challenge Giant to a duel of first blood.
I forgot to add +2 because it's stonework!
Disable device = 31 just in case
With Maul and Murkatos observing from relative safety of the stairs, the two frontmen open Sermour's sarcophagus to find it empty.
The velvet cover inside is in quite good condition as if it were created recently.
There are no signs of any dead having been contained in this sarcophagus in the past.
The sarcophagus of Sirrith is pretty much the same as the rest; the hundred-year-old remains of a male human feature knightly clothing. The steel armour, shield and longsword detiorated over time. There is no crown or other jewelry inside
Empty. Why? - he asks - Sirith's is not empty, but why? - he is thinking very-very hardly.
Maul should know the answers. :-) Here is the time for a lesson about undead.
"Sirrith was an incorporeal undead. Means, no corpse. If Sermour was buried here then he must have been a corporeal one. Or simply his body was sacrificed in some ritual.
"Doesn't make sense, why build a tomb without a body? Who needs an empty tomb? These velvets aren't old, they might as well be new, probably fetch a pretty penny back home too." Lugar will rip down the velvets.
"What was so special about this grave I wonder?"
Ooc - maybe there's garlic in the kitchen still

(05-10-2016, 09:27 PM)ODM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]"Sirrith was an incorporeal undead. Means, no corpse. If Sermour was buried here then he must have been a corporeal one. Or simply his body was sacrificed in some ritual.
OOC - Ohh, no, a vampire!? ;-)
A corporeal one undead? Good. I will slice him into a corporeal two. - he grabs his axe
We should wait here at his nest and when he arrives we kill him, ..., again, ..., finally.
After a minute, he looks around again, and again.
But, but, if he is a corporeal one how could he go out? - he is scratching his head
"Maybe he, or she, was taken out," Maul suggests.
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