ooc - I think you need that protection from elements if you want to disable/open it. Have we other chance without spells? Maybe we should ask sea giants.
What now? - he is scratching his bald head
Lugar tries again, and again. Then sighs and finally replies to Giant."We try the keys we have?"
Open Lock (1d20=3)+9=12
open lock (1d20=12)+9=21
(04-19-2016, 01:53 AM)Lugar Wrote: [ -> ]Lugar tries again, and again. Then sighs and finally replies to Giant."We try the keys we have?"
Open Lock (1d20=3)+9=12
open lock (1d20=12)+9=21
Yeah - he gives the keys to Lugar
ooc - I have thought we tried it yet

None of the keys fit.
Since Lugar made some mediocre and really poor attempts (and he's pretty aware of the latter) he is now definitely sure that if there were any traps on this lock he would've probably sprung it by simply fumbling around so much. With this relieved thought in mind he may press on and keep retrying (OOC - taking 20) but his skills seem to be insufficient, possibly just marginally so, to open this lock.
I am going up and disarm the ARM key. Maybe this door will open. What do you think, Murkatos? You are good in witchcrafts, aren't you? How can we disable this lightningcraft?
(04-21-2016, 07:13 PM)Silent Giant Wrote: [ -> ]I am going up and disarm the ARM key. Maybe this door will open. What do you think, Murkatos? You are good in witchcrafts, aren't you? How can we disable this lightningcraft?
"This door seems to be rusted solid. What about that wand Merri had, could it blast the door down?" Lugar lies right through his teeth, not wanting to tell the others he's failed again at picking a lock...
Bluff (1d20=20)+4=24
Is it rusted? So we can break it together. Let me see. - he checks the door how solid it is
There was a keyhole in the first iron door but we have opened it other way. I bet this keyhole is also a misguidance and this door opens other way.
It seem this place is like a flood gate if we close the first door maybe the second will open.... or not. But if somebody can blast it, I agree.
The armorer shrugs.
"Strictly speaking it's almost like a magic item but neither arms nor armor so I can just second guess that we should either dispel it or dampen magic in the whole area. Most traps are like weapons though and most weapons have some sort of usage instructions. Pretty well hidden of course."
(04-22-2016, 10:40 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]The armorer shrugs.
"Strictly speaking it's almost like a magic item but neither arms nor armor so I can just second guess that we should either dispel it or dampen magic in the whole area. Most traps are like weapons though and most weapons have some sort of usage instructions. Pretty well hidden of course."
I hate magic, bjekk - he spits -
We don't have a chance then. I believe only in brute force. Let's go ask sea giants if nobody has idea about magic traps.
"Runes of the relief can be turned around and that they are trapped," - How the relief and runes look like? Is it not important? :-)
Murkatos, can you disable (dispel) magic so Lugar could disable the trap safely? Or can you protect him from lightning?