(03-18-2017, 10:54 PM)Torin Wrote: [ -> ]Lugar didn't calculate with Wand of CG. So, everyone has got another 450gp.
Summary: 31739gp / head (+ 1 vial / team)
I didn't check but I guess Lugar didn't calculate with the Wand of Missiles taken by Murkatos.
(03-18-2017, 11:44 PM)Torin Wrote: [ -> ]@DM: Is the sword change his size if a spell enlarges his wielder?
Once again, please quote my name properly otherwise I will miss some, if not most, of your questions.
Enlarge Person resizes "All equipment worn or carried". SoL is an artifact so it could be an exception. You won't know until you try.
(03-19-2017, 04:04 AM)Lugar Wrote: [ -> ]31,289 gp
-13,500 = Ring of Blinking (50charges) 1/2 price ,If DM allows
-17,155 = Drow Cleaver +3 Keen Mithril Battle Axe
- 1,205 = +1 Darkwood Buckler
You are correct, each and every item deviating in the slightest bit from those described in Core must be DM approved. And yes, in this case I approve the RoB, 50 charges. Note that Telekinesis is lvl5 so it should be 9x5x1,800/2 = 18,900gp but this time I will let you use the half of the DMG price (13,500gp).
Forgot "mithril" from drow cleaver price. Also made a note about weight (I believe normal battle axes have wooden shafts but this one is pure mithril so a bit more than half the normal weight). The new price is 34,010gp (17,005 to keep which is less than what you got... I think you figured 32/2=17 ;P )
The darkwood buckler is just a name, in reality it's a light wooden shield, just in case you are about to wear it while using something two-handed. Thus, a small heavy shield can be used as a medium light shield with readjusted straps. Murkatos can make this adjustment for 20gp. (half repair cost)
Torin is also correct, Murkatos price would be half so theoretically you could sell Portho's shield for 1257/2 and have Murkatos make a buckler for 1205/2 (net gain 26gp) but Murkatos will be fully booked by Giant's request and can't squeeze it in today. Still, if you leave the money for him he'll work on it while you are away.
(03-19-2017, 08:29 PM)Lugar Wrote: [ -> ]I would love to try out the daggers, maybe he could buy them at a later stage in-game? The axe was the next best thing for a dwarf, if no one else wanted it.
If nobody is willing to "buy" the daggers they'll have to be sold. Means, no guarantees you'll ever get them back, and even then you lost half the price (sell for 25k rebuy for 50k!)
(03-18-2017, 03:18 PM)Merrinna Starsong Wrote: [ -> ]I'm thinking ring of protection or headband of intellect. If there is a bunch of gold lying around, I would really love to get a ring of wizardry. How much do we get if we don't sell the light sword?
Please post equipment requests here, not in character concepts thread. You get the figures by Lugar, possibly adjusted by Torin, like, 31k-some-hundred gp.
*BUT* that's not yours for the taking, sorry. Your share of the treasure is included in your level-up gear... that, and your life.

If you are talking about buying a new headband or a new ring go ahead and do it at a full price.
Later on, you have the option for upgrades, e.g. headband +2 to +4:
a) sell for 2k, buy for 16k = 14k. Time: immediately.
b) upgrade for 12k. Time: 24 hours, meaning you have to leave the headband behind.
I can't find your latest sheet, can you please send the link again?