I have Grease ready to cast if it tries to get a handhold to pull itself up.. so once it falls I will Ready an action to cast that. If allowed that is as technically ready only works in combat situations.
Combat situation is a technical term of course. And since you are not obliged to make use of your readied action by the next turn you are allowed to renew the readied action over and over again, just remember: no standard actions meanwhile. In other words, if you take a standard action AND the construct tries to climb out right afterwards then you can't intercept. Otherwise you can, and I take it for granted as part of the plan unless you specify otherwise anytime throughout the time spent in this vault.
Whatever your calculations are, let me know how many Thoqqua I will need to summon and how many extends I need to use off my Rod. The Rod of Extend has 3 charges/day for any spell of 1st to 3rd level.
So I can extend two Thoqqua and then lend the rod to whomever can cast haste.
Or Toot can cast two, 4th level summons to get 1-3 Thoqqua but without the extend but with the possibility of hasting up to 6 Thoqqua for 7 rounds. There would be no need to extend the haste if the Thoqqua are only hanging around for 7 rounds.
Or extend two single (3rd level summons) Thoqqua, cast two 4th level summons to get 1-3 Thoqqua each and then have the person cast an extended haste on as many (1 per caster level of the haste) of the Thoqqua present.
Forgot that the rod is limited to third level. Two third level spells and two uses of the rod then. I'm not sure if scrolls can be extended by the rod but whatever missed from distance was supplemented by 5000 lbs of solid metal ;-)
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Normally you cann't extended they - the spell casted from a scroll - with a rod.
If necessary, then Torin will give the hast scroll to our wizard. But IMHO the haste scroll would be much usefull at later:
a) we get a book and ink/pen to Murakots and he could learn it and casts it.
b) it will be usefull in the boss fight.
Copying a spell into a spellbook takes at least a day. I didn't think we had that much time to waste.
I think Torin meant later i.e. after the mission but I think it was a minimum sacrifice compared to the challenge rating. There will be plenty of funds and a large city to buy whatever arcane scrolls you need. Besides, Murkatos is npc so don't expect him to be at your sides whenever you'd need that haste spell... (hint: he's an armourer with special interest in enchanted arms and armour)
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Ah ok. For some reason I thought the final chapter would be defeating the Undead Apocalypse before it annihilates mankind. Little did I know there is something worse than an Undead Apocalypse that will require our attention.

Well. This is just the first chapter but who knows; maybe you just postpone the apocalypse this time and it will eventually occur in chapter seven anyway }:-)
(10-22-2016, 04:38 PM)Toot Wrote: [ -> ]Ah ok. For some reason I thought the final chapter would be defeating the Undead Apocalypse before it annihilates mankind. Little did I know there is something worse than an Undead Apocalypse that will require our attention.

I don't know about Torin but defeating the undead apocalypse would not be the endof Porthos' goals.. he'd also like to GO HOME to his own world