There are two doors. One open, one partially open. But the straight line goes through two stone walls, actually (one if you were in the lobby). If you consider the path along which the voice reverberates it's even longer.
No, Giant did not hear anything over their shouting with Maul and stuff. Only what I already mentioned.
I will post sparsely during the weekend, Monday included. Will be back on Tuesday, but maybe on limited power only.
Toot's player (GM Marvel) is needed desperately by his family so his presence will be limited as well. I will try to make up for him but the IC situation is very delicate and his character is not the easy and straightforward one to roleplay so I prefer leaving this part to him as much as he can.
We both appreciate the patience of all the other players.
Okay. We are waiting for him.
I will be making the long drive home tomorrow. Hopefully I will be back to posting soon.
Look forward to having you back with us. I will be traveling again the next two weeks (going to the woods) and cannot guarantee any ability to post during that time.
Summertime takes its toll...
Guess my life will be like sneaking through narrow spaces peppered by caltrops and occupied by opponents in total darkness until mid-September (a major revamp of all IT in our house) and afterwards it may get into a grinding halt for a few more months... (until I manage to get through the prismatic firewall-- hopefully alive)
Well. I've been playing around with possible ways to go forward and decided to keep it simple (and stupid).
You are all in the
same thread now and it is time for doing things in order.
Since this is currently a non-hostile (if not friendly) encounter I'll relax on following things by-the-book. If you two post actions that may influence each other I may resolve them as if they happened exactly the same time instead of one following the other but this is strictly to facilitate my threading.
If you post out of sequence (e.g. you are third in round but post first) I will thread the turn when it comes up to you (i.e. first two people have also posted). You may change your mind until your turn is confirmed by my rethreading.
However if you post in sequence (i.e. when it is your turn) your turn sticks so others may follow up taking what you wrote for granted.
Be Adults (even if you are 12 IRL

). Please try not to rely on out-of-sequence posts of others when deciding your action. (yeah I know "think of anything except the pink elephant")
Ok, so what is your ruling about the overrun?
I have been thinking about it and this is what I've come up with. In the rules, you aren't automatically stopped when moving through an opponents square because he can always voluntarily let you pass him. But if Torin didn't let me by then Boo would either be stopped in his tracks or he would have to initiate an Overrun. So if Torn lets Boo pass, then it's not an overrun maneuver because I don't need to overrun him. So that means it's up to Portho to let Boo by him and if he does then Boo isn't overrunning anyone because it would be like them allowing an ally move through their square which is just a standard move action. Allowing Boo to do either a standard action or another move action to get the Eff out of there.
Exactly. Just remember that squeezing through occupied squares is double move and that you can't end your turn in an occupied square, friendly or not.
The fun thing is if Torin lets past and Portho blocks with Boo failing overrun (unlikely) then you fall prone under Torin's feet...
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A few notes to current standings.
1. I'm fine with more than one condition for readying. Will tell if I think it's unreasonable.
2. IIRC Toot cannot see Giant as he's hiding, correct me if he dropped his cover. (Yes I rolled spot) so he has no idea about him aiming with a bow either. On the other hand, IF Toot saw Giant he would recognise him as the orc accompanying duergar.
3. Torin is beyond the corner so I'm not sure Toot would tell him anything. the dwarf probably hasn't even heard Giant's demand but if he did he realises that whoever demanded the gnome to surrender can either see Portho who is invisible and two corners away, or referred to the other gnome riding a bear which means someone is between the druid and so-called comrades, raising doubts in Toot's defensive lie.
4. Toot being even wiser than the century old cleric certainly realises the same odds and ends described above.
Now back ic...