Sorry for not posting but I'm not really sure what to do. Toot was hoping for some sort of sign to climb up but I assume he doesn't hear or see anything going on up there.
Lugar had been speaking loudly, at least names, trying to get your guys attention. I figured the subterfuge would've been noticeable by the high Wisdom characters... The plan was to sneak in and finish the job, now we are talking to an unknown person. Something didn't go as planned. I know Toot is very cautious and probably wouldn't run to danger, but we are just talking now....
Lugar was hoping to exit and talk to you guys but the wickedly clever DM, cough.. I mean, floating guy has other plans... But yeah you guys, it seems, are in the dark besides hearing us talk to someone... Maybe Toot hears more than the others being right below us?
A quick response; those in the vault can hear the conversation.
Okay, then I guess Toot is just listening for now.
There's a new player on the horizon and before discussing his character options I would like to know whether there are any of the existing players who would change his character between chapters. I received only one feedback so far, and that was also on a condition. I take it as a compliment that all are satisfied with their current characters (or, at least, cannot come up with anything better which is pretty much the same

So, once again: if you changed your mind and would like to retire your character (or put him on the bench for the time being) then speak now. You have 24 hours granted. Afterwards, I will start serious discussions with the new player.
(02-16-2017, 03:18 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]"I will tell you since you asked me. It's dark and mean. Not as lively as here. Much fewer souls to devour on and much more souls already devoured. A deadly place for the likes of you but we thrive there. Let me note, though, that the opposite of my home would be just as deadly as my home for you. My home would make you collapse into nothingness but the opposing plane of existence would simply cause you to explode into infinitesimal pieces."
I'm pretty sure he's talking about the Negative and Positive Energy Planes. The negative drains the life out of you while the positive plane heals you until you actually explode.
I was going to post for Toot about learning a little about these planes from his Master, Landgrave, during a lesson about Cure and Inflict spells. But I wasn't sure if the DM would be ok with Toot having a little knowledge about the Positive and Negative Material Planes.
There is little "common knowledge" about planes. A character without ranks is likely to have heard about the four elemental planes and maybe the astral and ethereal planes but even their correlation is beyond "common" knowledge (means DC over 10) and thus needs ranks in Knowledge (Planes). Energy planes and outer planes are marginally "common" but for healers and summoners (respectively) their existence may be more common than for the rest of the population. The para-elemental, quasi-elemental and their connections (that there are several sets of inner planes and only one astral plane connecting all the outer planes; even the fact that there are inner and outer planes) are waaaay beyond common. The point where it gets all crazy high scholarship is when you try to explain to the average mortal how can you get from Toril's inner quasi-elemental plane of Radiance to an ethereal pocket connected to Oerth's inner para-elemental plane of ice using one of the less known transitional planes; how magic works there and how you pronounce runes nobody of the party has ever seen before, you included.
So Toot may know about the existence of the planes where he usually summons from (since they are not celestial or fiendish I'd say most of them are from Prime, barring elementals), and maybe about the source of negative and positive energy (though it's more like clerical part of divinity) but even telling this in a specific summoning case may be beyond his level of knowledge. Even thoqqua, one of his favourites is questionable. Fire? Earth? He has no idea about the para-elemental plane of magma.
Getting back to the original issue; Toot would not know about the actual traits of the energy planes and even if they were specifically described (which Mendor didn't do, only gave a vague description) he wouldn't realise that the librarian talked about the negative energy plane.
(02-17-2017, 07:46 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]So, once again: if you changed your mind and would like to retire your character (or put him on the bench for the time being) then speak now. You have 24 hours granted. Afterwards, I will start serious discussions with the new player.
If he will play some kind of wizard I don't want to change.
I plan to insinuate this information: either magic or muscle. (if he goes for melee you can still change to ... *cough* ... witchcraft)
Concerning sense motive rolls: I do those myself since you don't even know you need them.

and concerning your 15... that wouldn't have beaten the DC anyway

he should play a magical beast that Portho can ride, like a blink dog or a Wyrmling Brass Dragon! Or maybe a spell caster...