(03-18-2017, 06:33 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]Portho
Share: 31,289
+ Sell rapier for +1,160
- Wand of CG -2,250
- Sword of Light -25,000
- Cape of Alter Self -12,000
Grand total: -6801 gp (borrowed from Toot)
I was deciding to get the sword of light yes, but Cape of Alter Self???/ I never even mentioned such a thing, you have me confused. I have an item in the cape/cloak slot already, my Cloak of Charisma so i am not giving that up
Which means::
Share: 31,289
+ Sell rapier for +1,160
- efficient quiver of ehlonna -1800
- Wand of CG -2,250
- Sword of Light -25,000
Grand total: 3,399gp left (borrowing nothing)
if someone dOES want to loan me funds what I need NOT an alter self cloak is an animated enchantment added to my shield so my AC does not drop by 3 every time I draw my sword. That has a cost of 8000gp.
Wands will come first though.. so expect an update to this.
I'm thinking ring of protection or headband of intellect. If there is a bunch of gold lying around, I would really love to get a ring of wizardry. How much do we get if we don't sell the light sword?
I'm thinking ring of protection or headband of intellect. If there is a bunch of gold lying around, I would really love to get a ring of wizardry. How much do we get if we don't sell the light sword?
(03-18-2017, 03:18 PM)Merrinna Starsong Wrote: [ -> ]I'm thinking ring of protection or headband of intellect. If there is a bunch of gold lying around, I would really love to get a ring of wizardry. How much do we get if we don't sell the light sword?
I am buying the light sword out of my share. So it actually has no impact on how much you have.. which means a ring of wizardry level 1 would be in reach if DM allows.
I was in a hurry this morning and forgot to mention my main point about lending money. Toot has no reason to want to help someone he doesn't like nor trust. (No offence Portho) He has done nothing to help Toot or Boo. Portho offered to cure Boo then never followed through. Toot even argued with Portho about not curing Boo to give him another chance and Portho still didn't bother. He could have said, "Ooh sorry, I was distracted Here you go." But he didn't. Toot would have said no because Boo wasn't very hurt but to Toot it was a test for someone he doesn't trust and Portho fail 2 or 3 times! It's possible for someone like Lugar or maybe SG to convince him to pitch in because he has kind kind of likes them. But Portho asking or even Torin, isn't likely to get Toot to help.
(03-18-2017, 04:48 PM)Toot Wrote: [ -> ]I was in a hurry this morning and forgot to mention my main point about lending money. Toot has no reason to want to help someone he doesn't like nor trust. (No offence Portho) He has done nothing to help Toot or Boo. Portho offered to cure Boo then never followed through. Toot even argued with Portho about not curing Boo to give him another chance and Portho still didn't bother. He could have said, "Ooh sorry, I was distracted Here you go." But he didn't. Toot would have said no because Boo wasn't very hurt but to Toot it was a test for someone he doesn't trust and Portho fail 2 or 3 times! It's possible for someone like Lugar or maybe SG to convince him to pitch in because he has kind kind of likes them. But Portho asking or even Torin, isn't likely to get Toot to help.
No player offence taken.. Poor Portho paying for his player actually missing your post (but you and I already talked about that elsewhere lol). The whole cape of alter self thing was a discussion I was not invlved in as well so it made no sense.
Anyhoo's done my shopping spree for now.. there are a LOT more wantds on teh wish list I will post teh wand wish list after.
Share: 31,289
+ 215 gp already possessed
+ Sell rapier for +1,160
- efficient quiver of ehlonna -1800
- Wand of CG -2,250
- Sword of Light -25,000
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (1st) (40) -600
- Wand of Enlarge Person (1st) (25) -375
- Wand of Bless Weapon (pal1) (10) -150)
- Wand of Delay Poison (Rgr1) (rgr1) (10) -150
- Wand of Remove Fear (1) (25) -375
- Wand of Resist Energy (Rgr1) (25) -375
- Wand of Restoration, Lesser (Pal1) (50) -750
- Wand of True Strike (1st) (50) -750
Grand total: 89gp left (borrowing nothing)
When you have UMD cranked up, you use it.
Other wands I would have gotten but ran out of funds:
Protection from Evil
Comprehend Languages
Expeditious Retreat
Entropic Shield
Shield of Faith
Faerie Fire
Obscuring Mist
Endure Elements
Reduce Person
The point of the wands I bought is so characters like Toot don't have to waste spell slots memorizing things like Lesser restoration, delay Poison, or remove fear. I can even cover up to 80 cure lights at currenrt amount of charges. Higher level curing will need to rely on other characters, wish lesser vigor was a thing in this game lol.
Can't remember ever seeing someone invest in UMD. I can see by your selection that it will be well worth the skill points spent.
(03-17-2017, 09:33 PM)Torin Wrote: [ -> ] (03-17-2017, 02:22 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ] (03-17-2017, 12:59 PM)Merrinna Starsong Wrote: [ -> ]So I would need some serious magic to make that light sword usable. I'm not what one would call charismatic. Now a large bastard sword, would that approximate a greatsword to a medium?
Portho can use the force sword easily thanks to UMD +19 and having already triggered it before. The issue where it should go to someone else is Portho would rather avoid melee when at all possible, sowiould not use it often.
But if i read correctly in Portho's hands it would be a +5 bastard sword he would have to wield two handed, with the off-size penalty
so overall a +3 attack bonus, +5 damage bonus. that is a LOT better than my current +1 rapier lol.
Our DM approved the XXX of Alter. We must buy for you.
With +6 natural armor, medium size, and this sword you become a very good warrior. ?
Oh here is where the Cape of Alter self was from.. I see what you mean.. alter self to a Lizardfolk or troglodyte.. get size increase to my Strengrth of +2, wield it one handed rather than two so I keep my shield, and get the +5 or +6 natural armour.
With BAB +6/+1 Strength bonus +1 sword bonus +5 he'd have +12/+7 Attack and do 2d6+6 damage, plus add in bard song for another +2 hit and damage, and his spellcasting and yes he'd ne'd be pretty good, though not as good as a dedicated 8th level warrior class would be.. Considering I have alter self on the Bard spell list and would not even need UMD for that I'd save and just get a wand of alter self though 4500gp for 50 charges.
(03-18-2017, 05:12 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ]No player offence taken.. Poor Portho paying for his player actually missing your post (but you and I already talked about that elsewhere lol).
And that would make sense if Toot didn't mention it around 3 times!!
(03-18-2017, 06:10 PM)Merrinna Starsong Wrote: [ -> ]Can't remember ever seeing someone invest in UMD. I can see by your selection that it will be well worth the skill points spent.
Yes, I try to have my characters take UMD for the same reason. Even if you don't have it as a class skill, an item that gives you +6 UMD is only about 3,600gp's. Unfortunately, Toot's charisma would start him with a UMD in the negatives so it just made sense to leave it to Portho. It's tough when your so ugly that you have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.

(03-18-2017, 02:04 PM)Toot Wrote: [ -> ]As a player, I have no problem lending other player's money as long as I have enough. In my own RL game, we have even designated certain items as party items. Things like Cure items that force the healers to pay possibly huge sums of cash just to keep the party alive while at the same time as keeping them from buying equipment of their own. Other items like Wands of restoration, Artificers Monocles, Raise Dead/Resurrection items and anything else that the priest would more likely use on other players than himself.
Good point.
(03-18-2017, 02:27 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ]I was deciding to get the sword of light yes, but Cape of Alter Self???/ I never even mentioned such a thing, you have me confused. I have an item in the cape/cloak slot already, my Cloak of Charisma so i am not giving that up
I saw that you found it while I was writing my post.
This came from myself. I think Torin will buy a Wand of Alter Self or an item.
The Alter Self could transform Portho to a medium creature with +6 NA. If it's acceptable by you in IC then this is a very good choose.
You should stack magical effects in an item, but this could be costly and long procedure.
And the total price calculating is a little bit trick:
Prot(+2) + Invis = 8000 + 1,5*20000 = 38000 gp
Invis + Prot(+2) = 20000 + 1,5*8000 = 32000 gp
(03-18-2017, 02:27 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ]I am buying the light sword out of my share. So it actually has no impact on how much you have.. which means a ring of wizardry level 1 would be in reach if DM allows.
Higher level curing will need to rely on other characters, wish lesser vigor was a thing in this game lol.
IMHO: This is core. "GP limit is 100k". So it is available. If we need ask the availability from our DM then it will be a very long turn.
Vigor, lesser: If it casted right before the battle then you should think it as temporary HP.
@SG: you should by
two platinum rings (Deja Vu, but in this time we are in the opposite side)
: Is wands with partial charge accepted?
: Could we sell our magic items in full price if we will buy a bigger from that? (e.g. Periapt of Wisdom +2 => PoW +4 costs 12k or 14k gp)