Blink dogs qualify as ECL6 cohorts but not as characters (though a lvl2 paladin would be fun).
A wyrmling brass dragon is possible, and Draconomicon describes how to advance true dragons without a character class. (the trick is that every level you either gain a racial HD or a LA. A lvl8 brass dragon is a 6HD wyrmling and does not improve on lvl9 but becomes a 7HD very young on lvl10).
But I guess "spellcaster" is the closest to the new player"s plans at the moment.... (so looks like Giant's player is stuck with bad breath big brother.
(02-17-2017, 12:41 PM)Lugar Wrote: [ -> ]he should play a magical beast that Portho can ride, like a blink dog or a Wyrmling Brass Dragon! Or maybe a spell caster...
I want to come with a dracolich. Portho could ride him if
draco allow it.
![[Image: s-l225.jpg]](
![[Image: cover_sm.jpg]](
(02-17-2017, 02:18 PM)Torin Wrote: [ -> ] (02-17-2017, 12:41 PM)Lugar Wrote: [ -> ]he should play a magical beast that Portho can ride, like a blink dog or a Wyrmling Brass Dragon! Or maybe a spell caster...
I want to come with a dracolich. Portho could ride him if the draco allow it.
![[Image: s-l225.jpg]](
![[Image: cover_sm.jpg]](
Lol! For some reason the idea of the dracolich got me thinking about all its immunities... Now I'm wondering how an animated character would work, thinking brass dragon statue and the animate object spell. I'll have to look at the animated monsters in the MM. (Constructs)
Dragons can take character classes. (Brass dragon Wyrmling Sorceror I believe they have to acquire gold and sleep in order to age and grow...
Draconomicon is not a core rulebook.
Dracolich is always evil and character requirements explicitly state "no evil".
Finally, even the white wyrmling dracolich has ECL9 without class levels.
So try harder and maybe in chapter 3 I will consider allowing it (... and then decide "no")
A dracolich with a "Helm of Opposite Alignment":
This metal hat looks like a typical helmet. When placed upon the head, however, its curse immediately takes effect (Will DC 15 negates). On a failed save, the alignment of the wearer is radically altered to an alignment as different as possible from the former alignment—good to evil, chaotic to lawful, neutral to some extreme commitment (LE, LG, CE, or CG). Alteration in alignment is mental as well as moral, and the individual changed by the magic thoroughly enjoys his new outlook. A character who succeeds on his save can continue to wear the helmet without suffering the effect of the curse, but if he takes it off and later puts it on again, another save is required. The curse only works once; that is, a character whose alignment has been changed cannot change it again by donning the helmet a second time.
Only a wish or a miracle can restore former alignment, and the affected individual does not make any attempt to return to the former alignment. (In fact, he views the prospect with horror and avoids it in any way possible.) If a character of a class with an alignment requirement is affected, an atonement spell is needed as well if the curse is to be obliterated. When a helm of opposite alignment has functioned once, it loses its magical properties.
A valiant effort and it could work indeed. If only undead were not immune to mind affecting effects.
Since I presume this is just a hypothetical experiment I'm open to all opinions whether the helm is mind-affecting or not.
On the first hand it is not explicitly written but no spell defined in item description either.
On the other hand it says "both mental and moral" which are pretty much mind thingies.
So the question is more like: what counts as mind-affecting in general? Can a transmutation be mind-affecting?
As a side note; I also pondered what "always evil" means. Does it mean that if you become non-evil then you default to evil, unable to change? How about magic? And how about creatures of magic, does that quality surpass a spell or a magic item?
In DnD nothing is impossible

but game mechanics wise I believe the rule is, specific > general. Alignment to us is a mental thing but in game it's a concrete attribute, changeable like an ability score though. Because the helm, once used requires a wish spell to undo, I believe it also is operating under a wish spell to change the wearer's alignment. Yes, these kind of discussions are fun for me

I am of the mind that some things are inherently evil. Undead can be created with the noblest of intentions but the act itself is still evil. Even undead who pursue good are still evil by their nature. An evil ruler can put together a comprehensive welfare and work program for his people. A good ruler does it because he seeks to do good things to improve his realm. The evil one does it because he recognizes it as a good way to pacify the populace and keep his ass on the throne. I could philosphise the shit out of this, but I won't waste your time. Alignment is sort of like magic rule-wise. Magic can be something that is learned through study, or it is something intrinsic to the creature. If alignment is merely behavior, then the helm would qualify as mind-affecting, and therefore have no affect on a dracolich. Unless you think it can change the nature of the beast, that would be the end of it. But, if you polymorph the shit out of a dragon, does it ever cease being a dragon by nature? Does that even make sense or is this just mental vomit?
Anywhoo, I think I can commit to a post a day if you will still have me. I understand if my lengthy absence makes me persona non grata around here.
Merri! You are dead! And now back! Witchcraft!...
Wait... is this a gate to negative?... uh-oh...
Seriously though, so were you lurking around all this time? You sneaky introverted witch!
(Welcome back and contribute freely! By the way, willing to return? I still have an open slot... for highly appreciated old acquaintances)
Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
... first replied then read your post... So, more elaborate. The minimum commitment is checking back once a week and posting in 48hours in turn based mode. So once a day is plenty.
The question is whether you'd like to have Merri back or come with a new character. I prefer your answer to this question in PM or email.
What happened to you in the last... what, twelve months? I'm eager to learn!