(03-17-2017, 07:52 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]Nonstandard wondrous items: generally no, but specifically this one I will pass. Why? Because the price is the same as 120 wand charges and I don't think you'd use it more than 120 times, and never more than one person at a time.
Base price is 2,000gp for use activated (I think 1,800gp for HoD is either a mistake or a retail price) so 12,000gp total
It should be a cloak, cape or mantle since it is transformation. It can be a hat for a 50% cost or 18,000 gp total.
I already found it many years ago. Somehow they calculated with the command word version. You have right the correct price is 12k.
HoD, Greater from PF
(03-17-2017, 06:52 PM)Lugar Wrote: [ -> ]..
Total, minus wand and vial = 239,899 gp 1/2 = 119,949.5 gp 1/5 = 23,989 gp each if we can sell it all, not including the 7,300 we each got from the other loot, if my math is correct.
How should we split this up? Does anything catch anyone's eye?
So that's 23,989 + 7300gp = 31,289gp each?
Portho would take the wand of cat's grace as part of his gold piece share. The force-sword/hilt is interesting, and ALMOST would make him viable in melee since he now has +6/+1 BAB, but the 50,000gp price tag is too steep if it is part of his share, compared to what he could do with wands for that cost.
- a wand (faint transmutation) inscribed "Gratiam Celeritatis" - 4,500gp
A wand of Cat's Grace, 50 charges
Buying the wand out of the loot for the same cost we would otherwise sell it woul = 2250gp..
So Portho would have 29,039gp left, if I am correct?
What would be the city's GP limit? and what could we find in less than a day, in other words ready made, not commissioned to be enchanted?
(03-17-2017, 02:22 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ]Portho can use the force sword easily thanks to UMD +19 and having already triggered it before. The issue where it should go to someone else is Portho would rather avoid melee when at all possible, sowiould not use it often.
But if i read correctly in Portho's hands it would be a +5 bastard sword he would have to wield two handed, with the off-size penalty
so overall a +3 attack bonus, +5 damage bonus. that is a LOT better than my current +1 rapier lol.
It would be a +5
greatsword (Portho's Cha increased from 19 to 20 meanwhile, right?) and he could handle it as a medium
longsword so yeah, two-handed. So instead of damage bonus, compare the total damage: d4+1 vs 2d6+5
(03-17-2017, 09:16 PM)Toot Wrote: [ -> ]Can anyone in this city create a Wilding Clasp? It's non-core but it costs 4000gps to allow you to use magic items in animal form.
Sorry, but I'll say no this time. Maybe I'll change my mind and it will show up it in some *cough* "random" *cough* treasure.
(03-17-2017, 09:30 PM)Toot Wrote: [ -> ]We can buy magic items? If so, Toot would like to buy a Monk's Belt.
Sure thing. Just decide where you get the cash from. (BTW the court shop of trinkets is operated by none other than Irildë Goldenhair)
(03-17-2017, 10:14 PM)Torin Wrote: [ -> ]I already found it many years ago. Somehow they calculated with the command word version. You have right the correct price is 12k.
HoD, Greater from PF
See? I'm better at thinking than googling
(03-17-2017, 11:54 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: [ -> ]So that's 23,989 + 7300gp = 31,289gp each?
Buying the wand out of the loot for the same cost we would otherwise sell it woul = 2250gp..
1. So Portho would have 29,039gp left, if I am correct?
2. What would be the city's GP limit?
3. and what could we find in less than a day, in other words ready made, not commissioned to be enchanted?
1. Correct. Truth be told I haven't calculated with your share-per-person, but I think 31k gp is feasible.
2. GP limit is 100k so the ready cash is a whopping half billion golden lions (50,000 x 10,000) so you should have no trouble selling your loot, and...
3. ... you can buy pretty much anything "core" ready-made in the trinkets shop up to that 100k price tag.
If there are still open questions I missed please repeat them and mention me in your post like this:
(note that you need quotes and there's an acute at the end of my nick).
Also, please proceed with your equipment discussions here (even if you'd like to ask Murkatos for something).
Once your list is final please post here (unless secret) and drop me a PM / email (email preferred). E.g.
Share: 31,289
+ Sell rapier for +1,160
- Wand of CG -2,250
- Sword of Light -25,000
- Cape of Alter Self -12,000
Grand total: -6801 gp (borrowed from Toot)
Share: 31,289
- Monk's belt: -13,000 gp
- Goo-gone: -50gp
- Loan to Portho: -6801gp
- Jewelry: -10,000gp
Grand total: 1438gp (cash in various coins)
Remember that your cash has weight! (50 coins = 1lb)
Borrowed 6,801gp's from Toot? What?

When did that happen? Toot doesn't even like Portho, yet!
: The ball is in your side. Do you want the laser sword and the cape?
Torin could loan some money for you if want this.
I hope the other gnome will also do this. ?
"I made a quick summary of chapter 1 treasure, excluding solo adventures as well as Portho&Torin's shared findings. I think they belong to them but knowing all of you I have no doubt they will be put to good use for the party's mutual benefit."
Does that mean hilt and first curved dagger belong to Lugar and SG?

Or only the loot from crypt?

Giant: no. They are from main groups spoils.
Toot: that was just an example to show that I want everyone to end up with zero balance. If you put your own money/items into it then show them as plus.
Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
Merri would be all for putting the lightsaber to good use. It benefits the group as a whole more than the value divided. Anything I might want is fairly minor or way out of my price range. I'll try and find a couple of things I might want before the end of the day.
As a player, I have no problem lending other player's money as long as I have enough. In my own RL game, we have even designated certain items as party items. Things like Cure items that force the healers to pay possibly huge sums of cash just to keep the party alive while at the same time as keeping them from buying equipment of their own. Other items like Wands of restoration, Artificers Monocles, Raise Dead/Resurrection items and anything else that the priest would more likely use on other players than himself. Buff items we don't but Toot might buy a Wand and let someone who can use it with the stipulation to use it on him whenever there's time permitting.
If Portho says he doesn't want to buy the item then we could all agree to buy it for the group and pay an equal portion. He uses it until it's no longer useful then we sell it.
As for Toot, I'm still thinking of what I want for him. A Monk's belt is very important. It gives him a massive AC boost (+7) and he can wear it in most forms. He will likely want 2 wands of some kind of curing too which he will lend one to someone who can cast a cure spell on him when he's in animal form. They may also use it on other people in emergency situations or when Toot says so.