Re Aid Another: good points, again. As for "other uses" the rule just reminds that it can be use for saves(wtf?) and skill/ability checks (like breaking down doors but not like opening a lock or listening)
Re Torin's speed: Hm. assume you wrote that you cast Longstrider earlier even though I can't remember right now... so thanks for reminding me. In that case, Portho is the only slow ass here.
Re Toot's Longstrider: That would change everyone else from slow asses to crawling slugs.

(08-15-2016, 07:20 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]Re Aid Another: good points, again. As for "other uses" the rule just reminds that it can be use for saves(wtf?) and skill/ability checks (like breaking down doors but not like opening a lock or listening)
Yeah, the Aid Another skill check can sometimes be annoying. Let's say Toot is helping Portho with a spellcraft check. So he rolls a 10 and then for my Aid another I roll a 20. All that 20 does is give Portho a +2 on his check. Usually it's just better to make your own rolls unless the DC is too high.
In my game I do allow Aid another on pretty much any skill as long as you can come up for a way for it to work. In the case of open locks, the person aiding would be consulting with the other person.
Player 1: "Have you seen this kind of lock before?"
Player 2: [Rolls an 18] Why, yes I have. If I remember correctly it has five tumblers inside instead of the normal four."
Listening perhaps you both could be listening and if the person aiding succeeds in their check they could point out a specific sound by saying, "Hey, did you hear that tapping sounded?"
As for save throws, I guess for something like fireball you could try to push someone behind a big rock or a tree to shield them from the explosion. For will saves, maybe if you noticed a charm spell being cast you could yell at your friend, "It's a charm spell Portho! Fight it!! Fight it!!" As for fortitude saves, I'm not sure how you could help resist something like poison.
All these are just suggestions. Something like a player trying to Disable a trap would obviously require the person aiding to also have skill in Disabling traps.
Quote:Re Toot's Longstrider: That would change everyone else from slow asses to crawling slugs. 
I guess it would make more sense to cast the Longstrider on Portho and Lugar so they can keep up with everyone else. But Toot might want something in return, like a Sculpt sound to help in Toot's sneaking around.

And maybe some body guarding from Lugar. A little guy like Toot needs all the protection he can get!
It's a longshot but I figured I would ask... Are you ever going to allow spells from other books like the Spell Compendium or the Players Handbook 2? Some of the "Mass" spells are in those books --like Mass Longstrider -- would help with not requiring the use of multiple spell slots. The Spell Compendium in particular has a lot of spells that were in 3.0 but were updated for 3.5.
Complete books; no.
Specific spells; maybe.
Compile a list of spells you are most interested in, with reference to book and page number and I'll have a look at them.
One could help their buddy with poison by sucking it out of a puncture wound??? That'd be a real friend
Body guard... Cool... I'm picturing Toot slinging spells and riding Lugar, who's shooting poisoned bolts and riding Boo, who's bear hugging... Oh the mayhem!
Re poision: nope. That's already treatment, not aid. Well, sorta. First aid.
Re riding: With Toot's ridiculously high riding skill it shouldn't be a problem but with Lugar's weight and size Boo may be sprawled like a bishop's carpet.
What about the Vigor spells? Last time when I played a cleric (Wee Jas "necro" priest. There was a battle with a young blue dragon and you learnt that there is no save vs. death touch.) at you; you loved these spells
Longstrider: spell range Personal => self. So, you couldn't cast it to your teammates.
Aid another: it's ok for melee. It is a standard action and you can ready a standard action, ...
If you want to used against ranged attack then it called COVER.
(08-15-2016, 02:40 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]Complete books; no.
Specific spells; maybe.
Compile a list of spells you are most interested in, with reference to book and page number and I'll have a look at them.
Well Mass Longstrider might be one. But it's a Druid 5 or Ranger 4 so I need a couple of levels before I can memorize the spell.
You might already know this but there are a couple of websites that have archived all the D&D classes, spells and prestige classes onto their site. I think one of the best is but WoTC is constantly sending Lawyers after them and caused and to close. So who knows how long this one will stay active. But it's a great archive. There are a few others like and but I don't think they are quite as complete and seem to be for specific game worlds where their creators have picked what they want and don't want for their world.
(08-15-2016, 05:21 PM)Lugar Wrote: [ -> ]One could help their buddy with poison by sucking it out of a puncture wound??? That'd be a real friend
Body guard... Cool... I'm picturing Toot slinging spells and riding Lugar, who's shooting poisoned bolts and riding Boo, who's bear hugging... Oh the mayhem!
Hmmmm if we did this could we Aid Another for Intimidation? At the very least we should be able to Aid Portho with his Perform: Comedy checks.
(08-15-2016, 06:59 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]Re poision: nope. That's already treatment, not aid. Well, sorta. First aid. 
Re riding: With Toot's ridiculously high riding skill it shouldn't be a problem but with Lugar's weight and size Boo may be sprawled like a bishop's carpet.
Remember Boo is a Medium Quadruped so his loads are increase by 150%. So Light=199.5#, Medium= 399#, Heavy=600#. I'm not sure how much Ludgar's equipment weighs but without equipment, Boo could carry Ludgar as a light load.

(08-15-2016, 07:52 PM)Torin Wrote: [ -> ]What about the Vigor spells? Last time when I played a cleric (Wee Jas "necro" priest. There was a battle with a young blue dragon and you learnt that there is no save vs. death touch.) at you; you loved these spells 
Longstrider: spell range Personal => self. So, you couldn't cast it to your teammates.
Aid another: it's ok for melee. It is a standard action and you can ready a standard action, ...
If you want to used against ranged attack then it called COVER.
Vigor spells are nice.
What if there isn't any cover? Couldn't someone aid another by pushing them out of the way, yelling at them to duck or distracting the bowman somehow like with a mirror? Quite often Aid Another is used in combat by players who are all out of options. So allowing them to be able to continue being useful by spending a standard action to grant a teammate +2 bonus to defense or whatever is to me a fair trade. And it could create some interesting roleplaying opportunities.
RE: Longstrider, Oh that sucks. All the more reason why Mass longstrider would be useful.

Re vigor: probably I could allow them, yes but let me give a second look.
Re medium riding medium: I referred to lack of size difference as opposed to encumbrance. It would be fun if a lightweight elf (M) rode a dire rat (S), e.g. to gain climb speed, but let's not go too far.
[OoC: OMG that would be awesome!! Giddy-up Squeak!!
Are the three of us in the darkmantle room now? Am I allowed to post?]