Don't touch the tail of the cow
Mehmet didn't even know
And the cows kicked him over
This quote/video was from a hungarian child lyric / song:
The Turk and the cows
There was a Turk, Mehemet
He has never seen cows
Mehmet didn't even know
What cows are
Then once Mehemet
He sees lot of cows
I am Mehemet
We are the cows
Wondering Mehemet
Such are cows
Counting Mehemet
How many kind are the cows
So Mehemet counts
Three kinds of cows
White, black and a variegated
Don't touch the tail of the cow
Wondering Mehemet
Such are cows
Mehmet didn't even know
And the cows kicked him over
Just guessing it's not an official translation, eh?
Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk
I found
here. IMHO it's not an offical translate

I had a debt concerning reviewing the armoury list and found one piece missing:
- A small fur vest, grey-black striped. Toot and Giant agree that it looks like typical feline pattern and feels like the same. It doesn't show any signs of aging.
Guess I can assume the only small character took it. (considering that Toot is tiny...)
Will update IC accordingly, just posting here so that you don't miss it.
I also reviewed the confusion about the daggers since I kept mixing up which one Giant picked first. Aside from colour, there are two differences the party sensed so far:
Torin detected strong transmutation on one of them; and it is blue-and-ivory. (I wrote this to the first one)
Giant also felt as if one of them were "more vicious than the other"; and it is also blue-and-ivory. (I wrote this to the second one which was a mistake)
As a side note; Greater Magic Weapon says:
Greater Magic Weapon Wrote:This spell functions like magic weapon, except that it gives a weapon an enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls of +1 per four caster levels (maximum +5).
while the general description of magic weapons says:
Magic Weapons description Wrote:For an item with only an enhancement bonus and no other abilities, the caster level is three times the enhancement bonus.
Detect Magic says "strong" aura starts at CL 12 so for a magic weapon having no special abilities it's either +3 or better (spell descr) or +4 or better (items descr). Go figure
Side note to side note: I do NOT say that the daggers have no special abilities. They have at least the balance-shifting quality and
identify is needed to learn more.
Note on placing your character: by the rules, the magic circle must be placed on a grid intersection but that's lame.
However, tiny characters (Toot) can position themselves to the centre or to any quarter of a 5-foot field; I placed Toot just as an example to one such place. The emanation affects those whose fields are at least 50% included. (Maul and Murkatos in this case)
(11-06-2016, 01:04 AM)Torin Wrote: [ -> ]MOO 
Don't touch the tail of the cow
Mehmet didn't even know
And the cows kicked him over
This quote/video was from a hungarian child lyric / song:
The Turk and the cows
There was a Turk, Mehemet
He has never seen cows
Mehmet didn't even know
What cows are
Then once Mehemet
He sees lot of cows
I am Mehemet
We are the cows
Wondering Mehemet
Such are cows
Counting Mehemet
How many kind are the cows
So Mehemet counts
Three kinds of cows
White, black and a variegated
Don't touch the tail of the cow
Wondering Mehemet
Such are cows
Mehmet didn't even know
And the cows kicked him over
Does that make the evil wizard Mehemet? Counting the cows that kick him in the face. Nice call on that, bludgeoning damage. I'm not saying he's some kind of Lich or anything, but he certainly stinks of Litch

Negative. Bisons gore which is piercing. Hooves are more like the unicorn stuff.
If Maul is up the shoot healing then Lugar is coming up soon right?... Because he'll be dropping alchemist fire like it's out of style

I was banking on Portho swinging that sword of light like it was something special (I think there's a cleric spell makes a sword, forcing undead to Fort save or die... again. I know the activation word is Hickory something, but Lugar might be a bit nervous about attempting to activate it again after his last experience.
Bison, cow, same difference

In real life, having been about 10 feet from a bison in Oklahoma... the sensation of fear I felt being next to something so large was not of being gored to death but trampled into pulp. Kudos for early Native Americans that hunted those beasties without guns.
Anyone see "Your Highness?" I'm reminded of the mythical Unicorn Sword and, of course, the minotaur dick trophy. hahaha.
(11-08-2016, 09:07 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: [ -> ]OOC - , applying a ranged attack next to an opponent draws an AOO. I let it sink and please consider if you insist on having that position and take the AOO or climb out next to Murkatos instead, thus no AOO.
Also, bardic music applies to weapon damage and I'm not sure bombs classify as weapons. Similarly, PBS goes for ranged weapons. Are chemicals considered weapons at all? That said, I'll apply the damage now. May alter this for future attacks after some investigation.
The warrior does catch fire. Disregarding the heat, it dances round to get to Portho's back and slices the gnome (AC25 -9hp)
Giant's turn!
[OoC: I'm not 100% sure either but since it requires an attack roll, I would lean toward yes for the main attack but no for the splash damage or the second round damage.]
(11-08-2016, 09:27 PM)Torin Wrote: [ -> ]ooc - a magic circle against evil will be help a lot to Torin.
Which one? 
If he could choose then he attacks Toot first and just after Portho.
[OoC: Oh my... It really might be Torn's choice since the caster didn't specify. Cue Toot shitting his pants when he sees Torin charging at him!

Thank god for the magic circle against evil! ]
Lugar will stand his ground this time... He said he would protect Toot, soo he may regret it later, but if they survive he will gain an ally
Can he "cast" his bomb on the defensive? Like casting a fishing rod... Lol
From my understanding initial damage from a splash weapon would get the "morale" bonus from the bard song and the damage bonus granted by the feat Point Blank Shot... He gets the attack bonus from both correct? Why not the damage? If we dig too deep in the weeds then why does being happier make you hit harder?? (Morale bonus) There's nothing in the item description or feat or ability descriptions that say they don't apply, to my knowledge. I am not saying the actual splash damage (the 1 point) gets any bonus. That's rediculous.
If it was living and flat footed Lugar should also be able to apply sneak attack damage... For hitting him in the crotch/eyes/ or other vital spot...