(10-20-2018, 03:46 PM)Toot Wrote: [ -> ]"Look deeper, Emerald Lord of Fright?" Toot asks. "May I ask you if you would enlighten us with your superior intellect?
So... Toot asked what Koriolis meant by "looking deeper" in the context of having just revealed a shaft leading DEEPER underground... not sure if this detail has slipped some players' attention, or there's some other explanation for this question, like, Toot expects a trap, or would like to learn more about... something... before doing... something? (in which case, if you could elaborate on those two "somethings"...)
The dragon seemed to be dancing around the identity of the tentacled thing. He was asked if it was a Mind Flayer and he said, "it's not a flayer, more like a stalker But if you want to learn more you have to look deeper."
When I read, "look deeper," it didn't sound like he meant to physically look deeper, as in, entering the shaft. To me it sounded like we would have to find clues and "look deeper" into the lore of the tentacled creature to figure out what the thing is.
Quote:The walls are decorated with all kinds of colored shapes. But most prominently, there's a ten-foot wide hole on the floor, right where Koriolis was standing when the party arrived. Looking at it from the current distance it seems to be artificial, with smooth and vertical wall. How deep, it's hard to tell from here.
In your in-game post you did not call the hole a shaft like you did in your OoC post in this thread. You said that we couldn't tell how deep it was from our position. The dragon made a comment about, "look deeper,' but he made no indication he was referring to the hole.
Was I the only person who didn't know he was talking about the hole when he said, "look deeper?"

The hole was described as ten feet across and of unknown depth, indirectly suggesting it was deeper than wide. I.e. possibly a passage of sorts. Sorry if it didn't pass as obvious as I thought. Me giving it away as a shaft was an unintentional spoiler. But there's more! Certainly someone as wise as Toot (or even Torin for that matter... mild spoiler for the rest) figured out that the dragon's words were carefully chosen so that anyone possibly overhearing the conversation may be mistaken the same way you (the player) have been. The two wisest are quite sure that this intent was part of the communication in a willing manner, i.e. the dragon wanted to let the party know this... or wanted to test the party's wits... either way, we can go with Toot's question as a signal of playing along... and I well come up with an appropriate ic answer...
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Sorry for not being around, going through RL stuff. Just need to take a break for a little while.
Me too! I make plans to post and then suddenly something comes up. Christmas vacation is coming soon which means a lot more time for me to post. Unfortunately that's usually the same time that others become even more busy.
It has been almost a month since last posted. Is everything alright?
So. I gathered my courage and come forth. I can't tell what has changed in my life, or in myself in particular. I just can't make myself come here and post. Let alone catch up with all stuff I've missed.
I have to confess guys that...*nervous sigh*... this is the end. I guess. I don't feel the fire anymore. Not for forum play, that is. To diluted, I guess, compared to a live or online session. I may come back later, who knows... But probably won't. I really hit to love you guys. I'll wrap things up, promise, but not as a game. Rather, as a blog, or novel.
In no particular order,
I thank you, Toot, for convincing me to pull less, bend more.
I thank you, Lugar, for reassuring me that I was on the right track with many riddles and special quests.
I thank you, Giant, that you showed me how to play low charisma and intelligence in a consistent and entertaining way.
I thank you, Merri, for the otherworldly distant yet so humanlike humanoid that, above her own haughtiness, tolerates others so well.
I thank you, Shanna, for taking the courage and entering the frey of fey-infested demihumans with a pureblood human.
I thank you, Portho, that you inadvertently played to my hands so many times.
And I thank you, Succubus, for providing the technical background to this mayhem, no matter what.
All this said, I'm not burning bridges behind me. It would be too easy that way. I've been there, done that, on so many occasions, abandoning games without the slightest attempt of an excuse. Not this time. I won't delete my account. Quite the contrary: I encourage everyone to come and write me-- either PMs or emails. I may even find the time to participate in non-game parts of the forums, like, rants and announcements alike. I am contemplating participation in some online sessions, like, dedicated several hours on a few select occasions. If you have an idea, or you are thinking about inviting me, go ahead and give it a try! But beware, for I may actually accept it!
If you have questions; or suggestions about what format you'd like to see the full story of the Keeper of the Seven Keys unfolding; do tell.
If there's something still bugging you after all these years, like, why was it back then in Chapter X of Part Y that I tried this and that happened, go ahead and ask.
I'll be honest. The bulk of the story is still in my mind only. I have drafts and sketches of all parts, up to seven, and there are more notes "behind the scenes", but nothing that could be published easily for the players; let alone outsiders.
As a secondary note, I decided to give up storytelling on the forums before giving up my PCs. I'm reluctant to simply leave and let my PCs hang like deadweight in the GMs' necks.
I'm willing to participate in Marvel's game until Nacesh finds the place to bail out gracefully.
I'm willing to participate in Hael's game until Korg retires... or returns to Erastil... or whatever.
I'm also willing to let Biilë keep bugging all the party members with her cryptic and sarcastic notes until Rodrick gives her a chance to finsh adventuring.
I'll certainly need some time to catch up with all those, though... Crossing fingers... next week.
This is very sad and unfortunate to hear. Toot was one of my favorite characters and it's unlikely he will be able to merge with another game. But I completely understand how PbP can be incredibly draining and you can lose your fire for DMing. I've been there many times. That fire does usually come back. It might be after watching a fantasy movie or reading a good book or even viewing YouTube videos.
You are of course welcome to continue playing Nacesh. Part of me hopes that after a break you will change your mind and give it another shot. Sometimes a break of 2 to 6 months can ignite those fires again.
So, I wish you luck. Keep in touch. The game will be missed.