A quick note before the decisive list. The druids' (and clerics' and etc...) spells are so much weaker than wizards' and sorcerers' because it's not their primary class feature. You play your druid exceptionally, very cleverly utilising spontaneous summoning and very convincing on tactics. I don't have the feeling here that you would be any less powerful than any of the other PCs.
Now the decisive list.
SS: Yes. Particularly because I love buffers
SS, Mass: No.
Conviction: No. Compared to Doom.
Ebon eyes: No. Compared to Darkvision. But nice try.

Resurgence: Yes but with some clarification (if a save would not normally cause the effect to "end immediately" nor will resurgence).
Vigor, Lesser: Yes.
Close Wounds: Yes but it has *only* the death-prevention effect (no "regular" cure). Because I like *that* idea. What I dislike is tossing around immediate spells if a plain CLW would do the job (as a std action).
Divine Insight: No. Compared to magic items giving +5 skill bonus and True Seeing.
Ghost Touch Armor: No. GTA is created by casting plane shift.
Lore of the Gods: Yes, +5. No, +10. (I know, I know... Lirr knows...

Conviction, Mass: No. Add to the above that a Mass spell should be +4 levels beyond non-mass one.
RE, Mass: No. Should be 4 levels above RE.
Vigor: Yes.
Vigor, Mass Lesser: No. Should be 4 levels above V,L.
PE, Lesser: No. Compared to simultaneous casting of Plane Shift and SuMo V
Recitation: Yes.
SoF, Mass: No. Should be 4 levels above SoF