[OoC: Sorry. Potentially stunned for 5 rounds.]
Bazz wonders if this creature could be friendly and is just hungry or scared. It has possibly been trapped here for a long time. Or maybe the lizard men treated it poorly so it's just lashing out at the first creature it sees! Maybe he could speak to this creature. Promise it food and safety!
Bazz summons all of his oratory skill to passionately plead with his companions to momentarily spare its life!
"Bbzzzt <drool> furmizzt pffft... <more drooling>"
Wisdom Save: [1d20+1]=9+1=10; failed
[OoC: Rupert, you have to decide if you're going to use the inspiration before the DM tells you if the attack hit.]
Melville shoves the nonsensical bard into the vine room and out of the way [[This does count as an action]] while Rupert adopts a strong horse stance and advances on the mound with a flurry of blows [[Bazz is correct Rupert. I need to know which of those attacks, if any, you want to apply that Bardic too.]]
Rupert will use the Bardic Inspiration on the llast unarmed Attack (Hit roll = 11 +6 =17).
[[So with the +2 from the Bless your final attack rolls are 20, 18 & 19? I also forgot that your first attack has advantage due to Anders Guiding Bolt last round, so go ahead and check to see if you crit on that first punch, please.]]
[[Crit confirmation isn't a thing in 5e. A nat 20 is a crit and doubles weapon dice (unless you have something that expands your crit range for a given weapon/attack). In this particular case, the advantage on the first attack was unnecessary and wound up adding nothing to your attack resolution, had you rolled a nat 20 on the advantage roll it would have replaced the 18 hit with a critical blow.]]
Rupert ducks under the shields that the thing is using to protect itself and begins raining blows on the plasmoid. He is momentarily taken back to his early training, countless hours spent practicing strikes and attacks against sandbags and dummies. Punching the plasmoid feels very similar to hitting those old sandbags and practice targets. The rest of the group is surprised to see Rupert step forward and almost faster than the eye can follow, land three solid blows on the gooey mass. Small waves of concussive force ripple across the surface of the mass in reaction to the strikes. As the ripples move, cracks and tears become visible in the transparent skin of the thing, especially where Rupert's hardened knuckles have ripped open giff-fist-sized chunks. Murky goo is smeared across Rupert's fists, and rivulets of fluid can be seen running across the floor.
Anders, safely behind Rupert's bulk, says, "
I can ring your bells too, you slimy bastard!" He utters a short quick prayer and a ethereal bell-ringing echoes out around the plasmoid. The ripples in the transparent skin of the creature that Rupert started become even more extreme in response. [[Toll of the Dead for 12 damage.]] More tears and splits can be seen to form and the mound has lost enough of it's internal fluid that it has obviously decreased in height by a few inches, like a deflating ballon.
Round 4
Intiative # | Character |
13 | DeGleash Plasmoid |
8 | Melville |
7 | Bazzalan |
6 | Rupert |
4 | Anders |
The plasmoid releases another, less pronounced boom, similar to the first fear inducing boom it lead off the attack with. [[Everyone please give me a Wisdom saving throw.]] Simultaneously it sprouts a forest of small pseudopods to drive back Rupert's assault and retreats back down the hallway [[It takes the disengage action to avoid attacks of opportunity as it moves towards the back of the ship.]]. Passing through the door there is a large splash as it drops into what appears to be a sizable body of water at the back of the ship and disappears.
![[Image: wasp_interior6.png]](http://exodus3000.com/jason/horizon/wasp_interior6.png)