Bazz listens to the three choose the head of the ship while he was thinking they should be more bold and secure the weapon's deck. Since he's out voted and currently not in the mood for a debate to try to change minds, he just replies, "Then the head it is."
Anders follows Melville's lead and ties off a safety line to the Riposte before jumping across to the head of the Wasp. [[5 on the first roll and 19 with advantage]] Even with the guide line, he stumbles on the edge of the ship and it is only due to a last second save by Rupert and Melville to pull him on board.
Bazz knows that Wasps are often used as raiding vessels by lizard folk clans or small pirate groups. He also knows that it is typically only 2 decks, unless you count the separate helmroom as it's own deck. The main deck is usually broken up into a few rooms, and if lizard folk crewed, there is typically a gravity bound water hold or storage.
[[Still need the athletics check for Bazz to jump across. Don't forget to roll with advantage, as Anders shows, it can be a life saver.]]
![[Image: wasp_exterior.png]](
Bazzalan takes two short clopping steps and leaps, turning an easy corkscrew in the air to land perfectly on the deck of the Wasp. The Riposte crew allows the holding lines to play out a big to give a little separation between the two ships, while leaving the Wasp still well controlled.
From the "head" of the Wasp you all can easily see that the wood of the deck is rough and heavily pitted, although by what it is impossible to tell. This vessel has obviously not been maintained in quite awhile. From this deck there is a trapdoor that Bazz thinks will lead down into the helmroom, and a relatively normal looking door that leads into the interior of the vessel. Now that you are aboard, the stench of stagnant water flavored with rot and mold is much more evident. In the swirl of the phlogiston whirlpool causes the tattered fabric of the wings to snap and russel, while the boards of the ship softly creaked and moaned. From this deck Rupert can immediately tell that the ballista on the deck above hangs at an odd angle the indicates it is likely inoperable.
[[You've got two obvious paths to take through either of the doors. You could also climb up the exterior deck of the ship to the weapons deck. Who is doing what?]]
Rupert will move to sweep the deck and make sure it is clear before the group tries to enter the interior of the ship by either door. "I WILL MAKE SURE THE DECK IS CLEAR OF ANY THREATS OR DANGERS BEFORE WE PROCEED TO THE SHIP'S INTERIOR!", announces Rupert.
Rupert scans the small area of the deck looking for threats. None are immediately apparent, although the ship itself has an ominous feel to it.
"DO WE WANT TO START OUR ENTRY WITH THE HELM ROOM OR THE MAIN DECK?", inquires Rupert as he draws his longsword from the sheath on his back.
[OoC Has anyone that has knowledge of the ship shared what they know of the typical layout? Where the trapdoor leads, and where the door leads ?]
(03-20-2021, 12:39 AM)Melville Wrote: [ -> ][OoC Has anyone that has knowledge of the ship shared what they know of the typical layout? Where the trapdoor leads, and where the door leads ?]
Rupert never rolled a History or Carpentry Tool check, so the only one that has any real information like that is Bazz. Given Marvel's schedule of late, I was giving him some time to make a post to that effect. If he doesn't want to do that we can just assume he let's everyone know the rough layout as shown in the upper left corner of the map.
[IOoC the reason I asked is player knowledge vs character knowledge. Melville does NOT know what is below that trapdoor, but I as a player do know what is typically there. If Bazz shares that then we as characters would know what is typically there. Bazz' player probably does not have that knowledge, while Bazz would know it]