Melville swings the ship around into a second circling pass trying to find the river that somewhere near here as everyone gets begins to return to work.
Everyone please give me a Perception check.
(02-11-2021, 01:16 AM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: [ -> ]Perception Check = [1d20+5]=20+5=25
[[OOC: I never knew hippos had eagle eyes. That seems weird

As the ship moves, eagle eyed Rupert is yet again the first to spot something moving in the distance. Heaving too through the rainbow aether is the dark shape of a long, humpbacked ship. Rupert instantly recognizes it as a Turtle ship and can even make out several humans and lizard folk manning the weapons and sparse rigging. It flies no flag or banner and is headed directly towards you. Seconds later Bazz and Melville spot it as well, although they cannot pick out the crew yet due to the optical impact of the Flow.
Melville instantly notifies Slick through the mental link of the incoming ship and the bearing, not having heard any shouts on deck yet.
At the same time he alerets Threadvine. "Captain, there is a turtleship inbound, I do not see any flags or colours."
Rupert upon spotting the ship immediately raises the alarm as he rushes to the balista [OoC: assuming he can't fire the cannon in the phlogistone], "WARE TURTLE SHIP IMBOUND, MANNED BY LIZARD MAN AND HUMANS, AND BEARING NO COLORS!".
(02-11-2021, 04:36 AM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: [ -> ]Rupert upon spotting the ship immediately raises the alarm as he rushes to the balista [OoC: assuming he can't fire the cannon in the phlogistone], "WARE TURTLE SHIP IMBOUND, MANNED BY LIZARD MAN AND HUMANS, AND BEARING NO COLORS!".
[[OOC: Firing the cannon in the flow would be dangerous, but PCs are free to try to do whatever they would like.

As Rupert raises the alarm, Ashheart blows the alert tone at almost the exact same moment Threadvine comes bursting out of the helmroom on Melville's warning. Rupert, Slick, Annabelle and Cash begin reading the jettison and main catapult for combat.
Threadvine sights the ship through the telescope he grabbed off the Navigator's station. Even without the scope Rupert, Bazz and Melville can see a lizardman standing in front of the central ballista on the turtle snapping signal flags. The Turtle ship has stopped relative to the
Riposte's position.
[[OOC: Does anyone know semaphore?]]
Melville will bring the ship to a stop., he does not understand semaphore, but he recognizes that standing in front of the ballista generally means that the ballista is not about to be fired with one of the turtleships crew standing in the way.
[OoC: Can Rupert use his insight skill to try to discern the meaning of the semaphore signals?, as he has had Giff military training and may have seen its use there.]