Bazz is also unable to puzzle out what the flags mean. The captain shakes his head at Bazz's suggestion and replies, "Our best ship weapon in the flow is the ram, and they probably are carrying twice our number or more. If we let them close, we are going to be in a rough shape." Slick steps away from the main catapult to the forecastle railing so enough to be able to see Ashheart and the Captain. She pauses and concentrates. Via the merger Melville can feel her expend some of her new psionic power to establish a mental connection with two minds. She then uses this bridge to pass along Melville's question. Like a faint echo, Melville can partially make out Threadvine's affirmative response. Finally she relays back, "Yeah, she is on the way."
Ashheart tells Chick to head to helm, having been part of the mental conversation between Slick and the Captain. Chick takes off at a sprint, skipping the stairs from the forecastle altogether by leaping over the forecastle railing to the main deck and barreling through the open door. As she scuttles across the room to slap her hand on the helm, she says, "I got it!" Threadvine relays mentally to Slick/Melville, "Come around and prepare to ram" and yells to the weapons crew, "Focus fire on the weapons! Fire!"
With that command, everyone please roll initiative.
(02-15-2021, 06:39 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: [ -> ] (02-15-2021, 06:08 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: [ -> ]Bazz is also unable to puzzle out what the flags mean. The captain shakes his head at Bazz's suggestion and replies, "Our best ship weapon in the flow is the ram, and they probably are carrying twice our number or more. If we let them close, we are going to be in a rough shape." Slick steps away from the main catapult to the forecastle railing so enough to be able to see Ashheart and the Captain. She pauses and concentrates. Via the merger Melville can feel her expend some of her new psionic power to establish a mental connection with two minds. She then uses this bridge to pass along Melville's question. Like a faint echo, Melville can partially make out Threadvine's affirmative response. Finally she relays back, "Yeah, she is on the way."
Ashheart tells Chick to head to helm, having been part of the mental conversation between Slick and the Captain. Chick takes off at a sprint, skipping the stairs from the forecastle altogether by leaping over the forecastle railing to the main deck and barreling through the open door. As she scuttles across the room to slap her hand on the helm, she says, "I got it!" Threadvine relays mentally to Slick/Melville, "Come around and prepare to ram" and yells to the weapons crew, "Focus fire on the weapons! Fire!"
With that command, everyone please roll initiative.
"Wouldn't using the ram let them get close?"
Inititive: [1d20+4]=2+4=6
Threadvine gives you a wry grin and says, "
It is a distinct risk. especially if we stick. Our best bet is to do enough damage they flee, or slow them down enough we can escape."
[[OOC: My apologies. I had it in mind that we were waiting on someone, and I just realized it was me.]]
Round 1
Threadvine - 23.16
Turtleship Movement - 22
Rupert - 19
Turtleship Light Ballista 18
Anders - 17.16
Turtleship Medium Ballista 17
Bill - 15.15
Melville - 15
Annabelle - 14.12
Chick - 13.14
Royce - 11.19
Slick - 8.17
Ashheart - 8.15
Bazzalan - 6
Cash - 4.14
Turtleship Medium Catapult - 2
Threadvine shouts rallying encouragement to Rupert at the jettison [[Rallying action, grant target unit advantage on weapon attack or morale rolls]] as he runs into the galley towards his quarters.
The Turtleship moves in a couple of hundred feet closer, but is still out of range of all deck weapons. [[Moves 2 hexes]]
Rupert, you are not in range to hit the ship, but as you are on the Jettison you could lay down a static debris field (pg. 21, just let me know which letter hex you want to put it down in).
[[Just to put some baseline info out there for easier reference later: The medium Jettison gives a +5 to hit as a baseline, but only has a range of 2 hexes. (pg. 17). Any feats or other things besides DEX that adds to ranged weapons attacks would probably apply here also. The Turtle ship has an AC of 15 and 400 HP with a damage threshold of 15 (pg 11). The jettison deals 3d6 damage, and if you target an exposed deck you deal that damage to exposed crew as well. The turtle ship has two light and one medium ballista at the fore and a medium catapult at the rear. None of their weapons appear turreted unlike the Riposte's. The flagger is currently standing in front of the medium ballista in the middle, but all of the weapons have obvious crew. ]]
[[Each hex is 100 ft. in size. The Riposte moves on Chick's turn as the active helmsman.]]
![[Image: Flow_fight1.jpg]](
Rupert creates a static debris field in hex G. And immediately starts to reload the jettison for its next shot.
Round 1
Threadvine - 23.16
Turtleship Movement - 22
Rupert - 19
Turtleship Light Ballista 18
Anders - 17.16
Turtleship Medium Ballista 17
Bill - 15.15
Melville - 15
Annabelle - 14.12
Chick - 13.14
Royce - 11.19
Slick - 8.17
Ashheart - 8.15
Bazzalan - 6
Cash - 4.14
Turtleship Medium Catapult - 2
Rupert throws out a defensive debris field between the two ships.
The weapons crews on the Turtleship can be seen readying their weapons for firing as soon as the Riposte comes into range.
Anders comes up from below decks where she was sleeping and tries to get a bearing on what is going on.
Bill, seeing that he can't really do anything yet, stands on the main deck and waits to repel boarders as needed.
Melville, you are no longer connected to the helm but are still in the helmroom. What are you doing? [[OOC: I will put an updated map up this afternoon.]]
I noticed that the map shows Rupert floating in space. But having just fired the jettison, should he not be on the aft deck. I do not believe he fired himself as the debris field.
(02-19-2021, 03:56 PM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: [ -> ]I noticed that the map shows Rupert floating in space. But having just fired the jettison, should he not be on the aft deck. I do not believe he fired himself as the debris field.
It was a bold, ballsy move, let me tell you.
Yes, he is on the aft deck, I hadn't updated the crew placement on the ship map. just the flow map I posted earlier. I will update the deck map to show where everyone is when I post an updated ship map this afternoon as well.