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[OoC I am confused.. your description clearly referred to a ledge above a rubble filled cavern with a metalic door on the far side just above the rubble, the tunnels continued on from the ledge we are on, but I said I was scaling my way down and seasrching for a way across the rubble.  We still need to find 'the thing' that the gremlins stole from the skulks.. quoting your description below]

(10-04-2017, 11:12 AM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ](Well this is awkward.  I got absolutely no notifications from here in the past week.  Ursk, I'd swear on a stack of Bibles that I answered you, but I'll go back and do it again. )

The group moves North out of the small cavern.

Several different passageways converge on a narrow ledge overlooking a rubble-filled cavern. The far wall is made of a smooth, dark gray metal. A single circular door, tightly closed, sits on the metal wall just above the upper level of the rubble.
Reawyn resumes working his way through the rubble, carefully checking for traps, he is assuming that the gremlins lair is beyond the door, since it would beeasily breached with their domensional doors.
[Image: FN2yCT9m.jpg]

There is nothing but junk to be found.  The remaining trap is much like the first and easily found and disabled.  The strange metal door doesn't seem to have any means of opening.  At least it seems the gremlins have learned their lesson and have left the area for awhile.
Chrome makes his way over to the door, being careful not to make contact with it but looking for any signs that might clue him in to how it might open. "Would that be enough to be considered dealing with the Gremlins i wonder?" He asks half-heartedly, the door more interesting to him than murdering creatures.
"I suspect not. They wanted us to retrieve the item that the gremlins stole. the one they refused to describe to us."

"I can melt my way through this door unless it is protected by magic in some way, but it will take time."

[OoC My alkahest bombs do 1d8 acid damage to objects.. so that would be 5d8 and I'd be out for the day. the door lekely is sturdier than that.]
Eva also examines the door.
Urks also checks the door and watches their back.
The door and wall are made of some kind of strange metal. It likely belongs to some kind of long-buried structure. Whether the alchemist could burn through it or not is hard to say. A close inspection doesn't reveal any hint of a method of egress.

(The gremlins were responsible for thefts in general, not anything specific.)
Maybe the gremlin leader has that item or it is here among the junk. This is their lair so I think they will come back. We can wait them here or we can go back into safe and attack them tomorrow. Eva examines gremlin's junk while we are waiting here. They are thieves and steal everything, maybe it is worthless for gremlins but not for skulks.

OOC1 - Are we in hurry? I see we almost reveal whole area. But there is another door on the map. Is it same? Have we checked that one too before?
OOC2 - What is our main goal here?
They did not check the other door. They were dealing with the skulks. The mission is to find the missing party led by a council member that came in before you. They were trying to find the reason the 'torch' on the hill went out.
If she finds nothing interesting among junks then she suggest to visit skulks and the other door again. Everything is interesting if she doesn't know what it is. Smile

OOC1 - Are they guarding in front of the other door? Have we asked skulks about missing party? Did they met them?