I forgot to ask before. Are all of us at second level?
You aren't quite there yet, if I'm not mistaken. You came in with Jhod Kavken, correct?
(09-19-2019, 02:03 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: [ -> ]You aren't quite there yet, if I'm not mistaken. You came in with Jhod Kavken, correct?
Yes, Tushou came with Jhod.
Just letting everyone know, a lot is going on. In addition to the class I'm taking, and still being full-time at work, there a sequence of holidays coming up that's threatening to throw my entire life into disarray. Wanted to keep everyone posted.
I apologize for starting the new thread and doing nothing with it. I am still here, as anyone who is in any of my other games can see. I just have one last final on Tuesday and then I'll be freed up to finish the post.
Having quite a few issues applying maps to Roll20. Anyone familiar with the site able to lend a few words of advice?
(06-02-2020, 07:49 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: [ -> ]Having quite a few issues applying maps to Roll20. Anyone familiar with the site able to lend a few words of advice?
I went on YouTube to look at a tutorial. Look for one that focuses on setting up the map and matching the grid of the map to the grid on Roll20. Try this one:
One of the first things you need to do is: Around the top right of the map surface you will see a little paper icon. Click on that to create a play space. Then click on "Create New Page." Then Name it. Then Click on the page you create. Then you can add your map.
I hope that helps.