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I just took the remaining arrows, after Valdi took his share.
(03-27-2017, 01:24 AM)Andra Petrescu Wrote: [ -> ]I just took the remaining arrows, after Valdi took his share.

Yup, as noted that was 80 arrows and as far as I was aware that was all you took.

I did the math, taking the horses barely makes sense, because it only slightly increases our travel speed lol. But that additional 5' movement speed does mean an extra mile or two each day of exploration, which adds up.

Light Horse carry capacity assuming typical 16 Strength from the d20pfsrd = Light up to 228lbs. / Medium up to 459lbs. / Heavy up to 690lbs.
Therefore Valdi on a horse would give the horse medium encumbrance when you consider his body weight, equipment and the tack & harness ... that means an average horse would go from 50ft move speed to 35ft move speed
Ok. Among other things I see several fixes we could make:

1) instead of having Valdi 'carry' (so to speak) the list of items in his sig, we could make a thread for it, sticky it, and simply make edits to the top as we add posts mentioning new gains. In fact...I think we may already have one. Oh why yes! Yes we do! Big Grin Wink

2) I don't think it's truly necessary to encumber yourselves for a simple trip into the wilds. You have one or two PCs who can probably manage a decent survival check and the win against the bandits gave you some rations.
I had been thinking of asking IC... It's a forest. Aren't there things for horses to eat?

(As a matter of fact, the one time I rode a horse, I found it difficult to get her to NOT stop and eat. At least until the other horses started running. Then I just tried not to panic while herd mentality took over...)
Valdi will encumber the horse just with bodyweight and his armour.. so unless he wants to ride naked the horse is encumbered. lol
You can probably safely assume that at least one of the horses you gained from the battle is a heavy horse since It was needed to pull the wagon that they brought.
I just looked at Vidar. he is even worse.. just his body weuight alone would encumber the average light horse.

Heavy horses would be able to carry Vidar and Vald at full speed.

If I read Vidar's character sheet correctly he weighs just shy of 300lbs with all his gear and Valdi weighs 268lbs..

A light horse carries 228/459/690 with base move 50'.
A heavy horse carries 399/798/1200 with base move 50'

How many of teh 6 horses are heavy and how many light? It makes a difference treasure wise as well.. with heavy horses worth 200gp to a light horses 75gp (not that we'd be selling them)

Add: my apologies if I am too detail oriented.. just the wy my brain works
Just the one they wanted to pull the wagon.
Sorry for being missing. I haven't been feeling well, and have been in negative energy levels. Hopefully, I'll feel better by the weekend.
Hope you feel better. I'll take this time to let everyone know that I'm going to be infrequently updating over the next few weeks. It's Passover soon.
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