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I figured, I would call out for them to surrender but if they didn't surrender I wanted to take out one quickly to show them it really is in their best interest to give up.  My first target would have been #3 but unfortunately you are standing beside him.  If I fired at him I would get a -4 to hit for firing into Melee, so that left Cade, the only other injured guy.
Happs is the leader and Cade is the loudmouth, correct. Just a grunt, really. So, I can't find anything saying Valdi even needed a strength check to move the wagon, which leads me to wonder why it was even rolled. But no matter.

No, pathfinder doesn't have fumbles unless the dm elects to (and I do not)
I rolled it because I am not the DM so was unsure if you would require it, so rolled it because it might be possible you wouyld request it and therefore I did not want to bog down the game for people to wait on my roll. I will sometimes roll something preemptively in case it is needed. As I said in the post where I rolled .. if needed.
(09-30-2016, 12:04 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: [ -> ]No, pathfinder doesn't have fumbles unless the dm elects to (and I do not)

Just want to verify before my turn, in casae I missed it. Was Valdi able to move the wagon, if so how far? It was never clearly stated that I saw.
Since it's apparent that he can push it without much effort (assisted by the mule, certainly), whatever his speed is will likely be the distance.

Also, I can't edit that part of the map. I can move the numbers and names around, but I don't have photoshop or anything like that to move the wagon around.
I can Photoshop it and re-upload  and he doesn't ned or want to move it 30'.. likely 15-20 eould be more than sufficient. He will just back it up til it bumps the building behind. That would be it for his surprise round action.

[Image: fort3.jpg]
I missed what the red arrows and X's on the map, are for... Huh
The red x's on this map show area that Vidar and I dumped hay bales and debris to make movement difficult, and teh arrows indicated where I had moved the tables so they wer stacked and jumbled to bar that path.
Was there a reason why we left the bottom right path open? 

I was thinking that if they don't surrender then I should cast the illusion of the guards so they step out from around the corners or stand up on the roofs with crossbows?
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