Andra actually figured it out. I don't think it's a big deal if I explain it now. He's not loyal to Kressle, but he looks at his situation with hopeless resignation. He doesn't feel like he can safely join up with you, thanks to Vidar's rather spectacularly Intimidating gambit. He doesn't feel safe being held in the trading post with Oleg's hatred of him still seething. He doesn't believe he can survive out in the wilderness for very long and he won't return to the base camp, because that's pretty much assured death for him. He's actually not a bad person...just in the wrong place at the wrong time all too often.
Okay, that does clarify for me, however, I was just trying to get him to talk. I still don't understand why he isn't being more cooperative. He may not like Vidar but the others are nice people actually
Pathfinder SRD - You can use Intimidate to force an opponent to act friendly toward you for 1d6 × 10 minutes with a successful check. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier.
Success: If successful, the opponent will:
...give you information you desire
...take actions that do not endanger it
...offer other limited assistance
After the intimidate expires, the target treats you as unfriendly and may report you to local authorities.
Fail: If you fail this check by 5 or more, the target attempts to deceive you or otherwise hinder your activities.
Action Using Intimidate to change an opponent’s attitude requires 1 minute of conversation.
Retry? You can attempt to intimidate an opponent again, but each additional check increases the DC by +5. This increase resets after one hour has passed.
I think it is just the roleplay asspect vs the roll-play aspect you are missing. You need a good cop to your bad cop.... such as Aid Another. Both Valdi and Nexendia are attempting to play good cop, but now that he is convinced he is going to die we need to throw him a rope to cling to. Valdi is not threatebning to kill him at all at the moment, Valdi was willing to punish him as a thief not a murderer, which Valdi assumed was not a death sentence. Now with the revelation of the 'unrepentant' clause Happs has that much more chance to survive without being physically maimed.. sure he might have to prove his repentance over and over again for the rest of his life, but the trick now is to make him believe that we can offer that hope. Without just repeatedly threatening death over and over.
We are yin and yang half-brother.
Conflict is always good for a good story
Now, where do we go from here?
Why do I suddenly have the Game of Thrones theme running through my head?
Here's hoping this doesn't turn into a 'Red' night.
(12-11-2016, 07:40 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: [ -> ]Why do I suddenly have the Game of Thrones theme running through my head?
Here's hoping this doesn't turn into a 'Red' night.
Because one of the main characters is gonna die?
(12-11-2016, 06:42 PM)Valdi Wrote: [ -> ]"I do not know brother. You would have to ask these souytherners what their custom is. Either way we have some work to gathering wood or digging holes."
Exiting the stables he sees Andra offering Happs bread and butter, thereby forming a guest-bond, at least he assumes that maybe these southerners follow a similar custom. Among the northerners once you partake of a hosts food you are honour bound to remain at peace with the host while you are a guest.
I think we all know what happened there...