I have a question...
While making a character for another Pathfinder game someone brought up something in pathfinder called Background Skills located >
Basically it gives each player 2 skill points per level that is not modified by Intelligence that they can spend on only certain skills. It represents hobbies the players like to do in their spare time.
Ok, I've heard of it. So what's the question?
Can we use Background skills for your game?
[OoC I believe our stated intent was to return to Oleg's for the nights rest.]
((I apologize for the misunderstanding then. To explore a hex, you have to experience it at day and at night. Lots of things come out after the sun goes down.))
[OoC: Well that sort of throws a wrench into our plans. But even if we do stay the night we wouldn't be exploring anything because we would be sleeping. So should we explore all the areas around the Trading Post by day and once that's done, return to explore each area by night? ]
[OoC2: If it does come down to a watch, Wizards should take the first or last watch so they (hopefully) get 8 hours of uninterrupted rest. Each interruption requires an additional hour of sleep. I don't think Priests need 8 hours of rest. They just have to pray at a certain time of day. I haven't a clue how much rest that an Investigator needs or if the non-standard classes require a different amount of rest.
Since there are 5 of us, each person could stay on watch for 2 hours. That would allow everyone to get 8 hours of rest over the 10 hours of watches. I suggest:
1) Nex
2) Vidar
3) Valdi
4) Andra
5) Eran
Questions? Comments?]
(06-01-2017, 06:13 PM)Nexendia Wrote: [ -> ]..
Since there are 5 of us, each person could stay on watch for 2 hours. That would allow everyone to get 8 hours of rest over the 10 hours of watches. I suggest:
1) Nex
2) Vidar
3) Valdi
4) Andra
5) Eran
Questions? Comments?]
[OoC Since I've already established that Valdi prays at dawn he should take the last watch so he can pray. Or does he have to take second last watch so he can pray while someone else takes last watch?]
ooc - This order is fine for me.
ooc - [
- Every PCs need 6 hours sleep without this they must make a FORT save to prevent fatigue.
- The divine casters prepare their spells and slots with 1 hour meditation at a prarticular time of the day but thats all which they must do.
- The arcane casters must take a 8 hours sleep after that
- the spontaneous casters take 15 mins preparation;
- the wizards, arcanists, ... take 1 other hour when they are studying their spellbooks.
- the alchemists, inquisitors, ... needs 1 min / extract
Quote:[OoC Since I've already established that Valdi prays at dawn he should take the last watch so he can pray. Or does he have to take second last watch so he can pray while someone else takes last watch?]
You say that you pray at dawn so we could say that's around 6am-ish? If so, the 10 hour rotation could start at 8pm and end at 6am. Everyone would be just waking up when you started your morning prayers. So it would look something like this?
6am- 7am: Praying, memorizing, preparing extracts, etc
7am-9am: Hunting/Eating/Preparing for travel
9am-1pm: Traveling/Adventuring
1pm-2pm: Lunch/Rest
2pm-6pm: Traveling/Adventuring
6pm-8pm: Hunting/Dinner
8pm-10pm: Nex Guarding
10pm-12am: Vidar Guarding
12am-2am: Valdi Guarding
2am-4am: Andra Guarding
4am-6am: Eran Guarding
I was reading up on spell memorization and I found something annoying.
To prepare his daily spells, a wizard must first sleep for 8 hours. The wizard does not have to slumber for every minute of the time, but he must refrain from movement, combat, spellcasting, skill use, conversation, or any other fairly demanding physical or mental task during the rest period. If his rest is interrupted, each interruption adds 1 hour to the total amount of time he has to rest in order to clear his mind, and he must have at least 1 hour of uninterrupted rest immediately prior to preparing his spells. If the character does not need to sleep for some reason, he still must have 8 hours of restful calm before preparing any spells.
So that means Eran couldn't take watch for 2 hours and then memorize his spells.
So I'm not sure how to remedy this. Maybe have Nex and Eran guard at the same time and have two characters each take an additional hour? Or maybe have Nex and Eran trade nights and have two characters each take an additional hour? Or maybe Nex and Eran doesn't take watch at all and we split it up between Andra, Valdi and Vidar. That would be a 9 hour cycle with the three of you taking 3 hour shifts and would give each of you the 6 hours of sleep you need. To me the last choice seems the least complicated.
Suggestions?? I know most players don't mind taking watch because it means more action and less chance of being caught without wearing your armor.
I would also like to point out this information...
Quote:When preparing spells for the day, a wizard can leave some of these spell slots open. Later during that day, he can repeat the preparation process as often as he likes, time and circumstances permitting. During these extra sessions of preparation, the wizard can fill these unused spell slots. He cannot, however, abandon a previously prepared spell to replace it with another one or fill a slot that is empty because he has cast a spell in the meantime. That sort of preparation requires a mind fresh from rest. Like the first session of the day, this preparation takes at least 15 minutes, and it takes longer if the wizard prepares more than one-quarter of his spells.
Waiting to memorize spells is something that I never see. It would allow the wizard a little more versatility and it would cut down on the need for a wizard to wait until the next day to get a spell that the party might need right now. I know at low levels we don't have that many spells but if we get to higher levels it's something to think about.