"Yep! I agree we gotta at least see ifn we can help any prisoners they may have captured!", says Dunndero as he nods and moves to start opening the barricade so the party can descend the stairs.
Lucian nods, "Now that this floor of the monastery is secure. Yes, we need to head down to finish clearing this place out and free anyone that's been captured." The wizard rubbed his beard for a moment, "And Unless any of you have located another way down, I think the stairs is our only option. Also, considering the Kobolds risked rushing at us from that entrance and not using another exit to flank us. I suspect it might be the only viable way down anyway."
Toryn was for rescuing the prisoners first as well. Time was usually of the essence when it came to hostage situations and the tower wasn't going anywhere. As for heading back to town...well, he wasn't too keen on trekking back to Falcon's Hollow only to have to turn around and come back here again once their business was concluded.
the group cleared the barricade and started down the stairs.
((ooc- go to thread Droskars Crucible))
At first Larz was so caught off guard that he just stood there with his mouth hanging open, he had never really seen himself as the orator of Trudd. After closing his gapping mouth and thinking for a second Larz burst out laughing. HAAAAHAAAA!! Oh my large green friend you can't be serious. You worshiping Trudd If only I could only get so lucky. You already display two of our most important traits. The followers my Lord Trudd must be brave, they must protect the week, and use their strength to aid others. You won't be findin any of me brothers sitin around no church, No Sir they"ll be out in the caves and the swamps or on the battle field. After a brief pause The young cleric looks Dundero in the eyes I would consider it both a pleasure and an honor to teach you of Truuds ways