"If'n ya don't mind I'll tag along with you and Lucien, and then we can sll meet up at Jak's while I grab my stuff!", suggests Dunndero. "An perhaps we can get to know each other a bit!"
Lucian nods to Cleric as dwarf turns to make his departure, "Well met my friend. We'll see you at the Inn. "
He turn to the young woman, "Yes ma'am. And you were Oriana..." He turns to the Half-Orc, "... and Dunndero. The more the merrier my friends."
The wizard turns an eyebrow at the young man and the tall female. He suspected they were more than meets the eye but Lucian felt it was a bit premature to pry. "And you my friend. Are you and your ... lady friend okay to question this... Payday Teedum at the Consortium? Or would you prefer to accompany Master Oathbreaker or myself to see too the task?"
((OOC: That leaves Satoro and his Eidilon going to the Cutyard to speak to Boss Teedum.))
The group leaves the Sherrifs and goes in stars to return back the way they came. As they round the corner nearing The Temple of Iomedae Satoru and Arielle turn and head towards the noise of the saws at the end of the lane. Even this time of the day the Cutyard is a bustle of acivity. Lumber crews are busiley aat work. It doesnt take long for Satoru to be directed to the mountain of a man that is Payden Teedum, The overboss. Nicknamed Payday, nou only because he hands out pay to the Lumber Cpnsortium workers...but because he is known to give whats coming to them, to whoever crosses The Consortium. The huge man looked away from where he was directing work and looked at the two who had arrived. He wiped sawdust from his face and brushed off his clothing as he moved away from the noise saying simply What Can I do ya for?
Boss Payden 'Payday' Teedum
Meanwhile Larz and Harley pause at the temple to speak to Lady Cirthana. She stood, brushing the dirt and weeds from her clothing and said Hello back so soon? how can the Swordmaiden assist you?
Dunndero, Lucian and Oriana made their way towards the North gate but stopping at the Herbalists shop. A line of maybe 13 of Falcons Hollow Citizenry stood outside waiting to speak to the slight dark skinned woman wearing spectacles who stood in the doorway of the shop Roots and Remedies. All of the citizens had a cough and runny nose. This was easy to see as the three new adventurers approached. The woman Laurel Genre looked extremely tired as she handed an herbal packet to the person directly in front of her and motioned for the next person to come forward.
Laurel Genre owner of Roots and Remedies.
(12-06-2023, 02:21 AM)Lucian Wrote: [ -> ]The wizard turns an eyebrow at the young man and the tall female. He suspected they were more than meets the eye but Lucian felt it was a bit premature to pry. "And you my friend. Are you and your ... lady friend okay to question this... Payday Teedum at the Consortium? Or would you prefer to accompany Master Oathbreaker or myself to see too the task?"
Satoru turns to the man and gives a brief little bow, hands pressed together in front of him by the palms.
“Companion. May as well refer to her as she is. And yes, I suppose we are heading over to the Cutyard. If we are all dividing tasks, I suppose it would be best for us to do our part, yes? Although I’m sure someone is not the most thrilled at us doing so. I get the feeling that it causes them an inordinate amount of extra work."
The tall, statuesque, chastely-dressed blonde just looks on: Watchful, but unobtrusive.
(12-06-2023, 07:17 AM)DM Dread Wrote: [ -> ]((OOC: That leaves Satoro and his Eidilon going to the Cutyard to speak to Boss Teedum.))
The group leaves the Sherrifs and goes in stars to return back the way they came. As they round the corner nearing The Temple of Iomedae Satoru and Arielle turn and head towards the noise of the saws at the end of the lane. Even this time of the day the Cutyard is a bustle of acivity. Lumber crews are busiley aat work. It doesnt take long for Satoru to be directed to the mountain of a man that is Payden Teedum, The overboss. Nicknamed Payday, nou only because he hands out pay to the Lumber Cpnsortium workers...but because he is known to give whats coming to them, to whoever crosses The Consortium. The huge man looked away from where he was directing work and looked at the two who had arrived. He wiped sawdust from his face and brushed off his clothing as he moved away from the noise saying simply What Can I do ya for?
![[Image: 7FotnV6m.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/7FotnV6m.jpg)
Boss Payden 'Payday' Teedum
Satoru, as usual, is front and center, dwarfed by his gorgeous companion. That is not to say his affable nature is at all dimmed by her presence, and he holds a hand out in greeting.
“Greetings, sir. Satoru Hanzo, at your service. I was wondering if you could spare some of your valuable time to answer a few questions."
Lucian stepped up into the line and waited patiently until it was their turn. When they reached the counter, he gave a short polite bow to the owner, "My apologies Mistress Genre, I come to you seeking a bit of information on behalf of a mission the Sheriff has set us upon. I see you are quite busy, but could you spare us a quick moment ?"
Not really the religious sort, Harley was unphased by the Swordmaiden title and asked simply, We are looking for a man who is said to frequent the church here, names Barlus, you think you might be able to point us in his direction. We need to ask him some questions about the surroundings and a dwarf named Glintaxe.
Stepping forward the young cleric says. Yes Lady Gensar, it could possibly help me search for me Uncle Druingar, if I could speak with Barlus, I understand that he hunts the area, and may have information about am old monastery. I was told that me Uncle was headed out to explore it when he left town.
As they move up the line and arrive at Ms Genre's shop window Dunndero waves hello, and says, "Hello Miss Genre, I am with these good people and we could use any info or advise you could be given us, on the local lands around us!"
The Overboss walked behind the shorter Satori. He was nearly as tall as Arielle, and certainly had a denser build. He looked down towards Satori and shrugged. Ask. Ill decide if I answer or not.
Meanwhile Lady Cirthana heard Harley ask about the hunter Barlus, and then Larz went into greater detail. The Priestess clapped her hands together with glee saying Druingar never mentioned he had a nephew out there but then we never knew much about Druingar's family. What interest with Barlus do you have? Hes one of my few parishioners. Though he doesnt worship Iomedae yet, at least his worship of Erastil is close to The Swordmaiden. And he does come to talk with me and receive blessings on his endeavors.
The line moved relatively fast, as Laurel handed out remedy after remedy to the ailing townsfolks. Her extremely fatigues countenance gazed back at Dunndero and Lucian. She glanced at Oriana. Pulling her spectacles off her face she wiped the sweat from her brow. Just then a strange leafy being walked out from behind a shelving unit with all manner of herbs upon it. The green creature looked to be made totally of leaves and wasnt more than 2-3 feet high. It held up a an empyt jar and shrugged its shoulders. She sighed and said So Im out of Ironbloom Mushrooms. Dammit. Look Breezy, let me talk to these folks then maybe you and I can discuss you possibly going to fetch me some from The Darkwood Forest...what do you think....The look on the Leshy's face said it all...it wasnt looking forward to doing that alone. Laurel looked again at the newcomers and said O what questions do you have?
(12-07-2023, 12:51 AM)Dunndero Wrote: [ -> ]As they move up the line and arrive at Ms Laurel's shop window Dunndero waves hello, and says, "Hello Miss Laurel, I am with these good people and we could use any info or advise you could be given us, on the local lands around us!"
Dunndero asked with his greeting