Where: Jak-A'Napes. in the logging town of Falcons Hollow in the Frontier of Andoran When: morning of the the 26th of of Nethys, an overcast day in the late fall. in the year 4707 AR. Tonight will be a Black Moon, where there is no reflection of the sun off the moons surface and so the sky will be dark.
Jak-A'Napes is a bit ramshackle, not like the fancy Inns found i the bigger cities. However the food is good the atmosphere enjoyable, and since the owner Jak Criminy, a retired adventurer allows no violence within her establishment., many find it easy to rest here before seeking their trade in the Vale.
Tonight Dunndero is behind the bar, as he ismost of the time.
Harley is sitting at a table near the fireplace as the mornings are cold now looking at her meager coin purse and wondering when an opportunity to earn her some funds will show up.
Lars is sitting near the bar more towards the door. after finding out his distant cousin, who he was hoping to enlist as a guide to the dwarven ruins in the area, Druingar known as The Glintaxe, has gone missing many months ago and wondering what his next step will be.
Lucien is sitting in a booth at the far end of the room with his back to a wall considering how to follow up on the research he went through at The Arcannamirium in Abasalom where he had discovered a book called the Shadows of Toil brought there by a Dwarven Adventurer Druingar 'The Glintaxe', who had traded the book for a translation of a phrase within it....and knowledge pertaining to it.
A mention of
"The seal That Guards The Way back from Death" located within the Hollow. He sits thinking how to pursue this information now that he is here.
Oriana sits one table away from Lars and surveys the room. She had come to the Hollow after her defense of a warded area was thwarted and all of her travelling companions had been slain by a Wizard looking for a Sigil ...a ward...and ran into their group by mistake destroying the ward they were protecting... What now....
Satori sits at a table near near Lucian with a taller winged Woman who looks a lot like him, both having the same sigil on their forehead. and considers the portents he discovered that said a great evil was being unleashed in the Vale. He didnt know when or why or how, only that he was brought to this place and time. he looked at his alter ego who sat serenely across from him and nodded.
There were a great many other locals in the Inn as darkness approached and just then the door to the Inn opened and the local Sherrif Deldrin Baleson entered and moved to speak to Jak Criminy at the entry way desk.
![[Image: e6374b2ed14c226bcbffbbc881bfb50a--fantas...sy-rpg.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e6/37/4b/e6374b2ed14c226bcbffbbc881bfb50a--fantasy-male-fantasy-rpg.jpg)
Deldrin Baleson
![[Image: 9adeec6d6292b6b407af668d541953b1.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9a/de/ec/9adeec6d6292b6b407af668d541953b1.jpg)
Jak Criminy
((OOC: In your first post describe yourself to everyone))
Those looking at Oriana see a young human woman, barely an adult, tall despite her age, her wider frame suggesting she could probably hold her own in a tussle. Her brown hair is wild in areas, braided in others and hangs past her shoulders. Her outfit is padded for warmth and comfort, but offering only the most basic of protection in an actual fight.
Her eyes survey the bar and all who reside within, her face hard and holding a no nonsense expression letting those seeing it she wasn't here to blow off steam, she had a purpose of some kind.
A simple battered wooden shield leant against her chair by her feet, but no other obvious weapons or distinctive equipment were on her person.
A fairly young-looking Human with pale skin, short, red hair and striking, blue eyes continues to stare into the placid face of his much taller, Angelic companion. He wears a simple traveler’s outfit with very little to adorn it. To say the winged woman was ‘taller’ than him would be a severe understatement. Even seated, she absolutely towers over his diminutive form, her absolutely perfect posture only adding to this obvious disparity. Her skin is equally as fair as his, but her shoulder-length blonde hair and pale, almost grey-blue eyes stand in additional contrast. A pair of enormous, white wings that would not be out of place on an oversized dove are currently folded neatly against her back. She wears very little but a long, white robe-like garment that covers her voluptuous form quite chastely. She looks back at him and whispers in a language that seems almost ethereal.
[[Anyone who knows Celestial in the group/tavern?]]
Dunndero is a hulking large half-orc with a pale slightly green complexion and a groomed coif of black oily hair and a curled mustache, in functional utilitarian garb underneath his off white stained bar Apron. You can see the muscles in his arms flexing taut and relaxing repeatedly as he works at polishing the drink wear as he leans on the bar, watching the clientele, awaiting the call to service a drink
Even with the chill bite of winter creeping ever closer, the young woman known as the Harlequin was dressed in attire that at first glance would be considered whimsical and frivolous. Diamond patterned material covered her leggings and top, and booth boots and gloves were mis-matched red and black, but the main accessory, the jester style coif adorning her head, jingled with tiny bells as she looked around. But first glances can be deceiving. Whimsical and frivolous aside, upon closer inspection, her attire was fashioned of well-oiled and meticulously cared for leathers. Padded in some areas and stiffened for added protection in others, the entire ensemble was meant to protect the wearer as much as possible, while allowing a freedom of movement not possible in heavier armors.
At her feet, a backpack of similar leather rested, a well-used harp strapped through it's bindings, intertwined with a shoulder rig of twin grinning skulls, while a large dagger rested sheathed on her left hip. But the main eye catcher of her possessions was the large maul resting against the table, easily within reach of the pale comically made-up woman. Pale though, wasn't quite hitting the mark. Bone white flesh covering her athletic form, revealed at arms and midriff, while her delicate face, bearing a diamond tattoo over both eyes, one blue, the other pink, matched smiling lips. But her eyes were the most striking feature. The smile that warmed her lips, never quite reached those deep ice blue orbs, and though she spoke and answered people as politely as possible, the tinge of malice in those eyes was definitely something to be aware of.
Lucian was a relatively good looking man in his mid twenties with pitch black hair that was a little wild while still maintaining the idea of being brushed. His beard was kept in much the same way, while it had the unruly bits here and there it was trimmed and at least had the appearance of an attempt at being groomed. He wore a plain black robe that was clearly meant for travel and utilitarian uses rather than any sort of fashion desire. His parlor was healthy though he did bear the pale tones of a man who spent most of his hours studying and working indoors vs one who was more used to outdoor activities. Probably the most striking thing about the young man would be his pale blue eyes. One glance into those eyes emphasised Lucian's entire demeanor. It was like witnessing the calm before a storm, still and serene, but with the hint of something far more dangerous building behind them.
His pack and most of his gear had been moved up to the room in the Inn, so he had no outward weapons or gear on him as he sat idly in the booth. He stared absently at the fire crackling softly in the hearth, his thoughts clearly focused elsewhere.
The Sherrif greets The Innkeeper with friendliness and calmness, so you know it's nothing serious, and they begin a conversation in hushed tones so as not to bother the clientele. Their speech gets animated and eventually she nods as he pulls out a leaflet and goes to a post near the front and hammers in his leaflet, before beginning to turn to leave.
DC12 for Dunndero, Larz, and Oriana to get the gist of the conversation.
DC14 for Lucian, Harley and Sartoru.
Ill roll perceptions on roll20 for everyone.
Satoru makes out the conversation perfectly even though his Angellic other half seems oblivious.
Dunnderro and Harley also get the gist of things.
{{I dont know if theres a way to hide info in here with a code yet, but since this isnt critical Ill post below...just Lucian, Oriana and Larz cant act directly on the conversation))
It seems the Sherrif is looking to help boost morale in the town by getting support for erecting a statue of a local hero whose gone missing, but before he does so he needs a band of adventurers to go looking for where he disappeared and see if they can find out specifics of what happened to him. The Hero is a Dwarf named Druingar The Glintaxe
Arielle notices her Companion now looking fairly intensely at the Sheriff and blinks a few times. The same soft, lilting voice whispers the same ethereal, beatific language. “Mah hu amar? Lo hevanti.”
Satoru’s absentminded response as he looks back at her is “Hm?”
She simply widens her eyes for effect, then gently nods her head back in the Sheriff’s direction.
“Ah. Hu mechapes mashehu she’ozer l’ha’alot eht ha…ehm…ha’moral ba’ir al y’dei kabbalat temicha l’hakamat pessel shel gibor m’komi she’ne’elam. Lifnei she’hu yachol la’asot eht zeh, hu tzarich chavorah shel harpatkanim lalechet l’chapes eifoh hu ne’elam v’lir’ot eem hem yecholim l’galot p’ratim al mah shekarah lo.” [[Basically, he’s telling her exactly what Dread said he heard…only in Celestial.]]
She smiles and nods again, then whispers once more “Efshar lechah ledaber ito?” [[“Will you speak with him?”]]
Satoru shrugs “Ani lo Chavorah.” [[“I’m not a band.”]]
She rolls her eyes and gives him a look of strained patience until he holds his hands up and says “Okay! Okay! B’seder!”
He slowly gets up from the table, knowing that she will be watching him the entire time. Although very small of stature, he is certainly not small in gregariousness and walks right up to the Sheriff and holds out a hand in greeting. “Sheriff, your Honor! A pleasure to meet you! Satoru Hanzo, at your service. Meeting you face to face is a real treat! A real treat! And I couldn’t help but overhear that you were having a bit of a problem. Maybe I could help you out with it?"
nearby Lucian cannot help but notice the shorter man with the sigil on his head, talking to the Celestial across from him with the same sigil on her head and then the man stood up walking towards the Sherrif crossing between Oriana's table and Larz's to stand near the Sherrif offering his assistance.
Sherrif Baleson looked at the newcomer in town and across at the Celestial across the room and nodded. He wasnt much taller than Satoru coming in at 5'9" . He nodded and said "Overheard me talking with Jak did ye. Yes though what I need will probably be a bit dangerous. Ye may need a bit of help to track down Druingars whereabouts.
Larz and Lucian with there attention now on the conversation both heard that easily.
Oriana had her head buried in her cup and so had barely noticed the sheriff walk in, not paying any attention to the growing conversation around him.
Finishing her mead, she got up and headed to the bar to order another one from the bar tender.