Dunndero comes down the stairs wearing a suit of chainmail, with a battle axe in one hand, his backpack in the other and his helm tuked into his side by his elbow, and an assortment of hatchets and daggers stowed around his waist by his belt, and exclaims, "I'm famished!", as he takes a seat at the table, and takes a plate with a huge stack of Jak's apple cinamen pancakes and rapidly devours them, followed by a large tankard of ale. He then belches loadly and exclaims excitedly, "BURRRRAP! Well Jak breakfast was great, an adventure awaits, an I ma ready when ever ya all are!"
After a few drinks, Harley had broken out her harp and proceeded to sing a few songs, most were rowdy and entertaining, but a few were hauntingly lovely, showcasing her talents for rhyme and poetry as the night waned on. When she awoke the next day, she spent her usual hour or so of meticulous cleaning of her armor and weapondry, before descending the stairs to smells of heaven on a griddle.
That smells like sex, chocolate, and a fuzzy puppy all rolled into one, she said with a big grin revealing her pronounced canines, your cooking is incredible Miss Jak.
Taking a seat, she thumped her war maul head first on the floor and leaned it against the table and waited for those sweet smelling pancakes to be delivered.
Breezy enjoyed observing the others their revelry was curious to the creature, but it was especially fascinated by the consumption of the food. Of course that was because it didn't consume any of the food at all, and didn't need to. Breezy did enjoy the drinking of the water though. The small druid didn't spend the night in the inn, it didn't need too, it enjoyed sleeping outside. Still Breezy was up before the sun, and enjoyed basking in the rays of the sunshine.
Breezy wandered into the inn everything it possessed on its back in a pack. Its hide armor worn, with a shield slung over the back, and a spiked morning star at it side. Walking up to the table it sat down and watched the others consuming their food with fascination. Its leaves looked glossy this morning, probably from the morning dew but who was to say.
Toryn spent the evening stuffing his face with as much food as his little frame could handle (and then some). In between the binges he would wander off to a corner somewhere to clean his equipment and itemize his inventory. At night he slept like a log, dreaming of unearthing long-forgotten treasures. In the morning he stuffed his face again, though he eased up on breakfast a bit so as to not fall into a food coma in the middle of their hike. After checking his gear one last time, Toryn was ready to venture forth into the wilderness.
(OOC: Spending 10 minutes before bed to swap his Fey-Touched cantrip to Needle Darts)
Oriana decides to try and drink her troubles away that night and so is deep in her cups when she eventually stumbles into her room upstairs, collapsing onto her cot.
On the larger side with her broad shoulders and 6 feet tall, the young lady dove into the magnificent smelling pancakes that were served for breakfast, pausing only to give Jak a quick thumbs up in approval before attacking the meal once again.
after enjoying a night of good food decent ale and surprisingly good entertainment supplied by of all people Harly (a half Vampire) Larz retired for the night. As usual he was up long before the dawn, after his morning meditation and prayer he headed down stairs to meet up with the others. As he made his way down the stairs he smelled something he could only describe as heavenly. After consuming three plates of Jaks wonderful pancakes, Larz pushes his chair away from the table lest he eat so much the party would have to roll him away from town. I see, I'm not the only one that has found a new favorite food. While waiting for the rest of the party to arrive Larz goes through his gear checking the straps on his armor and all most lovingly polishing his shield until the symbol of his God shines. I hope the others hurry, we're burning daylight. Larz leans back in the chair in thought then sits up add motions to Dunndero. when he comes over Larz pulls the sword and scabbard from the straps holding it to his pack and places it on the table. Well big guy looks like you got a new toy. Larz motions with his hand to the sword on the table.
0 Level Spells 1st Level Spells Healing Font
Detect Magic Concordant Choir Heal
Divine Lance Sancturary Heal
Message Heal
Needle Darts
Rousing Splash
Lucian quietly reads over his spellbook after diner and listens to the bards music while drinking some good Andoren beer. Best beer anywhere despite what the dwarves say, granted he wouldn't turn his nose up at a solid dwarven stout either, but Andoren beer was at least tied for best in his mind. He retired earlier for a hot bath and solid night's sleep, and woke with the first rays of daylight the next morning. Feeling quite refreshed, he packed all his belongings and headed down for breakfast. The cinnamon pancakes were fantastic and sang right to Lucian's heart due to his love of apples. After enjoying a nice stack of them, he had come to the conclusion that this breakfast now rivaled his other all-time favorite breakfast which was custard toast with maple syrup.
Upon hearing Larz talk about find a new favorite food Lucian raised his cup to that, "I have to say, these pancakes are now in my top five for sure." Once breakfast was finish, he shouldered his pack and grabbed his walking stick. "Well - I think everyone's ready. Let's get to it."
Date: 27th of Neth in the year 4707. Absalom Reckoning when the part heads out the central gate of Falcons Hollow, past the Temple and the Sherrifs place, and out heading North West toward Lumber Camp 2. Its a cloudy morning and temperatures are in the mid 40's. In a few days fall will turn to winter and the bite of cold will worsen, but for now its not too bad, and even becomes comfortable as the working heats up your bodies. Out past the cemetary the group heads into the rolling farmland between the town and the Darkwood. At first theres a little anxiety as you begin your life as an adventurer. You find yourselves examining every shadow and hole in the ground. Every cluster of bushes. The day turns to noon and you settle into the the walk. the heavy packs wear into your shoulder. Feet get sore. A break for lunch of fruit, bread and cheese from Jak does little to ease the aches that your body is feeling, This isnt what you imagined adventuring would be. Walking and being sore. Days from now youll look back with fondness on how you were feeling at the moment...but at this point in time...its not wonderful.
Then its up and on the road again. Its only a 12 mile walk down a well travelled trail and early afternoon you pass a split in the road with a signpost thats old and faded saying a western fork goes to Elaras Halfway House. Something that is fairly common knowledge that Elaras was destroyed in a fire years ago. So on you travel a few more hours until mid afternoon you leave the farmland behind and can see the Darkwood ahead as you arrive to the bustling lumber camp manned by easily 60 lumberjacks and the support staff. Trees are being cut enough to be able to take by wagon to the cutyard. The Camp Foreman comes out to greet you.
You must be the group Payday said was comin through here. Your welcome to rest in the camp, set up your own area. You can ask anything to anyone as long as you dont interfere with their work. Payday said to give you any assistance we can in trying to find that damnable beast that keeps carting off our men.
![[Image: wIfgGoEm.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/wIfgGoEm.jpg)
Jarlben Trookshavits, Foreman of Lumber Camp 2
"Well with'n all the recently downed trees finding firewood fer our camp should be as easy as trippin on it!", exclaims Dunndero as he begins looking for a suitable place for the group to set up shop and build a fire.
Breezy enjoyed basking in the sun as they walked. The small leshy loved the walk it was outside of town and so a much loved experience. Also it was a new experience so it was having a blast. The druid, looked at the camp foreman and asked. "Where was the most recent attack? Also how long ago was it?" The small druid was pretty sure it should be able to track the animal unless there had been a lot of rain since the last attack.