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With the fighting, healing and searching done. The cleric sets about his last chore of the day. First he collects a pile of wood big enough for a bonfire. Then after arranging the wood and soaking it in the lamp oil he found in the hags cabin, Larz goes back into the cabin and wraps the Hags body in the bedding. Then begins dragging the body outside calling out to the leshie as he drags the corpse down the steps, and over to the pile of lumber. Well my little friend we're gona make sure this here problem never comes back. After tossing the corpse on the wood pile he sets it ablaze, adding wood to the fire until the bones are burnt clean. Then he gathers the bones into a pile and carefully crushed them into tiny pieces, those he buried. 

When the hag is properly disposed of the dwarf returns to the cabin. The sun it be a settin, and I don't think the previous resident will be needing it any more. So what say you all to camping out here tonight, we can resume our adventure in the morning. 
Breezy happily helps the dwarf.  It seems quite joyful to burn the hag. As the dwarf tends to crushing the bones, the druid decides to go gather the ironbloom mushrooms. Upon returning it makes sure to seed the ground where the hag is buried, with some of the darkwood seeds it has gathered along the way.

"Camping here should be okay. Nothing should bother us here for fear of the Hag. But probably should do a watch anyway." the small druid says.
I agree, here let me help you gather up those mushrooms, then we'll go talk to the others. 
" First there were a collection of wood carvings that an appraising eye could see were well done of local fauna valued at 6 gold for the total but could be divided up however youd like. (basically 7 silver and 5 coppers worth each). Larz As he found items that were interesting he set them on the table besides his growing kit. Next he found a shrunken head of a Goblinoid made of teak on a braided leather thong that radiated magic. A flask of Acid (lesser), a Glue Bomb (Lesser), an Antidote (Lesser), an Elixer of Dark Vision (lesser), An Elixer of Life (Minor), and a jar of Silver Salve."

Lucian sat at the table examining each item in turn. Pushing figurines of wood into 8 piles for the group to pocket,
(---7 silver and 5 copper each valued at. You can decide what wood figurines you have....Foxes, cats, hawks, squirrels etc)

He picks up the Teak Goblinoid head on the thong and turns it around in his hands, examining it closely and with his knowledge of the Occult, he realized he had in his hands a Soulspeaker. He knew he could activate it by casting the cantrip Message and the message would be stored into the 'Amulet' until the next person picked it up, then it would recite the message stored within. 

Then each of the Alchemy items he looked over The Acid Flask wasnt very potent but would still injure those it hit. (1d6 damage and 1 point splash to those adjacent). The Glue Bomb (Lesser) was a parchment covered ball of vines and sap that would burst and activate causing the vines to expand and tangle the creature struck. It impeded movement and could bind a flying creatures wings. (-10 to movement speed if successfully hit. a critical binds to surface unless escape check of DC 17 is made or 3 rounds are spent removing the sticky substance.) The Antidote (lesser) would help resist the effects of toxins. (provides a +2 to Fort Saves vs Poison for 6 hours). The Elixer of Darkvision (lesser) would allow a person to temporarily be able to see in complete darkness. (Provides 10 minutes of Darkvision.). The Elixer of Life (lesser) Accelerated a living creatures natural healing and immune system (restores 1d6 hit points and provides +1 to disease and poison saves for 10 minutes--harley can use). Finally The Jar of Silver Salve has a silvery paste that can be slathered upon a weapon ie 10 arrows/bullets and would last for 1 hour allowing them to injure creatures who needed a silver weapon to damage. 
Toryn took a couple laps around the hut to scout the rest of the area while Larz burned the hag's body, then went inside and sat with Lucian, watching with rapt attention as the wizard took stock of their recently-acquired "salvage". The gnome had procured a long piece of parchment from his backpack and was busy scribbling away while Lucian identified the items, pausing to ask the occasional question and nod sagely. The paper was covered in itemized lists, gold estimations, formulas and other diagrams; it was a cramped mess of letters and numbers, and yet meticulous and organized in its own strange way.
The group realizes there were only 6 of the needed Ironbloom Mushrooms at the Log, and no others to be found in the glade after searching it. When Breezy and Larz had collected the mushrooms they found the remains of a campsite where it looked like a scuffle had occurred. Left behind were a bedroll and a backpack. Inside the backpack were flint and steel, 1 weeks of rations, a waterskin and 50' of rope.
Dunndero picks up the gear and stows it with his pack, and says, "Just in case we find who this belonged to, we maybe can give it back to dem!"
The group gradually settles into to the evening and for the first time in a long time the hearth in the small cottage sees a fire lit. With a well defended location the group feels secure and can rest. Even so They post a watch and after the evening has passed they awake for the most part fully healed except for Satoru who still feels a tiny bit of pain in his wrist.

Knowing the next location is Droskars Crucible, They head in a generally south western direction, interestingly enough following the same trek as the small three toed prints leaving the Glade.

Breeze AC:18 HP18/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Druid (Storm) Male Leaf Leshy Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Hero Points:2 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero  AC:18 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+7 WL:+3 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC: n/a
1st Fighter Male Half-Orc Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero points:1 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Harley AC:17 HP:17/17 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16
1st Bard Female Dhampir Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points:1 Reactions: none. Harmed by positive energy. healed by negative

Lars AC: AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+4 WL:+8 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16

1st Cleric Male Dwarf Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points:3  Reactions:Shield Block

Lucien AC:15 HP:14/14 Saves: FO:+3 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Wizard (Universalist) Male Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+7 WL:+4 Perception:+4 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Kineticist {Water} Female Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: B/S weapon damage 1 Acid/fire 2 Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Satori AC:16 HP:18/19 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+5 Perception:+3 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities n/a
Hero Points:1 Reactions: none

Arielle AC:18 HP:18/19 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+7 WL:+6 Perception:+4- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a
Trickster Fey Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: none

Toryn AC:17 HP:18/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:14
1st Rogue (magical misfit) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 1 Reactions: none

((ooc: After 4 characters have posted regarding the night and or leaving...Ill advance the game))
Breezy happily set about getting up early and preparing for leaving. The small leshy was up before the dawning of the rising sun. It spent a bit of time, planting seeds around the grove, specifically in places to disrupt the hags old living area. Lastly it spent time casting Verdant Sprout upon the place where her bones where crushed and scattered. The goal was to make sure some darkwood trees would sprout there and help restore the natural order of the location.

That done the small Leshy gathered up their belongings and was ready to go.
After Lucian had identified the various items and then handed them out to those he thought might use them best, barring that no one had any objections.  
- He figured Toryn could hold on the Animal Figurines and get the best price for them.  He also gave Toryn the Jar of Silvery Paste as Dunderro already had the silver longsword.  That way there were two melee fighters capable of damaging werewolves if they came across them.  He also left the Shrunken Head with Toryn for safekeeping.  If they needed it, great, if not, he was sure the little guy could find a good price for it. 
- He handed the Oriana, the Lesser Glue Bomb and the Lesser Acid Flask as she, like himself, was mostly a ranged fighter.  
- Then he gave Larz the Lesser Antidote, as the cleric was best suited to know who and when it would be needed. 
- He gave Harley the Minor Elixir of Life, as he determined it wouldn't have any adverse effects on her physiology and let her know it was safe for her to use.
- The Lesser Elixir of Darkvision, Lucian put in his own pack for whoever might need it.  Though, being human, he knew it very likely could be him, so he held on to it. 

The next morning, Lucian per his routine, woke up early to take last watch.  He brewed up a bit of coffee and snacked on some dried fruit and almonds for breakfast. Again he used his coffee sock to filter the ground beans and enjoyed a relatively smooth cup of coffee that was spiced and sweetened with Prestidigitation.  He perused his spellbook and made sure he had the spells he would need in his head for the day.  
Once everyone starts waking up, he packs up his belongings, throws on his pack and heads out with the group, walking stick in hand.