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Breezy looks at the body, and then turns to Larzs handing him the paper. "I can't read dwarven." The druid says simply. Turning back to the room the druid looks around to see if there is anything else in the room.
Dunndero glances at those going through the loot briefly while carting in the heavy stands and shelving from the armory, to strengthen the barricade at tge stairs, saying, " if'n nobody else is interested in dat axe, I could use it!".
Lucian divides up the items. The wizard places the Wand of Burning hands on the holster in his belt next to his dagger.  "This will help in if an ambush comes tonight."

He looks at Toryn, "Are you still good to hold onto group treasure?"  After that, He hands Toryn one of the vials, "This is a Gecko potion.  It makes your hands sticky, so you can climb easier and hold to things better. I sure this will come in handy when scouting."  He picks up the Darkwood case, "Inside this, are powders that create colored smoke or flame. We could use these to give various signals.  Given this situation I think we should sprinkle some around the exits deeper into the monastery.  Then light them on fire if any threat tries to emerge from below. Use a different color for each exit we find, so we know what's coming from where if an ambush comes tonight. It refreshes itself so it never runs out. Which is, honestly pretty damn cool."

Then Lucian heads over and catches Harley and Dunndero's attention.  He hands Harley the +1 potency rune, "This is a potency rune. If you affix it securely to your hammer, it will enchant it.  You'll be able to hit things a bit easier. Also it will affect things that normally couldn't be affected by normal weapons." 
He turns to Dun and hands him the Hand Axe, "This Hand Axe has the same properties I just mentioned to Harley, only the rune is already affixed to it." 
Then he holds up the vial for one of them to take, "This is a potion of Juggernaut Mutagen. It's moderately potent and will last about 10 minutes.  It makes you sturdier so you can take a bit more punishment in battle and fend off things that might affect your constitution.  BUT, it also dulls your wits, so whichever one of you wants to use this, be sure to use it carefully."

He quickly moves over to Saturo as he gathers up the mushrooms and hands him the Crossbow,  "Can you use this? It's of very fine make so whoever made this was a master craftsman."

Religion check to recognize Droskar: 1d20+2 = 11

When Larz gets back, Lucian shows him the prayer book. He had only heard vague rumors about this particular god, so he felt it better to let Larz sort this one out, "I'm not sure who this god is exactly, but it's a dwarven prayer book.  If it's not something you would want or need, Toryn thinks he can sell it for around 15 gold or so. But I don't know if this book is common, sacred or subversive, so I thought that decision best left up to you."

- Lucian keeps the Wand of Burning Hands
- Toryn holds on to for the group, 20 gold and 708 silver, The fine case of Darkwood with endless colored flame/smoke powders.) 
- Toryn to keep, Gecko Potion (+1 item bonus to Climb and Palm an Object, and to your Reflex DC against attempts to disarm you.)
- Harley, gives her the +1 potency rune for her Hammer.
- Dundero, gives him the +1 Handaxe. 
- Dunndero or Harley, gets the Moderate Juggernaut Mutagen. They can decide between themselves. (+2 Fortitude Saves, +10 Hit Points, -2 Will Saves, Perception and Initiative.) 
- Saturo, gives him the finely crafted light crossbow.
- Larz, gives him the prayer book as he will know how best to deal with it.
Accepting the rune with a nod and muttered "Thank you," she pocketed it for the time being, as she returned to securing the stairwell. As for the mutagen, she gestured to Dunndero, Go ahead my friend, you stand at the forefront of combat, so the extra health will do you, and no one ever claimed us close combat warriors to be all the bright anyway. Giving the half orc a comradery grin.
Toryn finished scribbling some notes on that massive maze-like scroll of his before accepting the group's collective coin and any other future monetary equity with an air of grave dignity. The box of infinite colored tinder definitely caught Toryn's fancy though; he planned on making good use out of that one.

Please Lucy, I am a professional salvager after all. The gnome put his hands on his hips and grinned. Mother always said that I must have been a pack mule in a previous incarnation. I suppose being a beast of burden isn't the worst fate in the world. Plenty of exercise, lot's of fresh vegetables to eat. A noble profession if I do say so myself. Though I would imagine the lack of opposable thumbs would make more delicate pursuits a bit difficult.

(OOC: casting guidance on Larz when he does his recall knowledge check)
Breezy handed the note over to Larz to look at. With a scowl, Larz looks at the body and the glass remains of a vial and realizes the Dwarf killed himself. Took a poison because he felt he failed. Such is the neverending toil to appease Droskar.

Then he reads the note

Forgive me, True Father of the Forge, for my toils were not enough.

The Clan Dagger and its sheath come off the belt fairly easy It bears the symbol of Droskar, an Arch with a flame beneath it.
After reading the note the young dwarf still scowling says. He took his own life for my people that is unheard of our tenacity and stubbornness is as much a part of us as our beards. then shaking his head he kneels beside the long dead dwarf, explaining as he removes the Clan dagger from the belt, He took his own life in defeat, feeling his life's work was not enough to please his God. So foolish many of my people refer to Droskar as the ever hungry God. His tenets are that one never stop toiling and that his followers achieve their goals at any cost. Having retrieved the clan blade Larz searches the body before dragging it into the courtyard. I may not agree with his choice of DeVine being to worship but I am familiar with their practices Droskar is referred to as The Dark Smith, The Master of the Dark Furnace. After death his followers are burned at night that their ash and spirit can fuel his furnace. and so it shall be for this one.

(Searching the body perception 1d20 +6 =22)
(Religion 1d20+6 = 13)
As Larz is preparing the dead dwarf for disposal, and removing the clan dagger he notices a slit on the inside of the belt and slips the 2 platinum pieces hidden there out. 

Meanwhile Dunndero and Harley are about half done transferring the contents of the armory when they discover under a weapons rack two crossbow bolts with crystalline points.

((when Lucian checks they are Freezing Crossbow Bolts))
Dunndero accepts the handaxe and potion with a nod and a grin, and suggests Satero should use the bolts with his fine new crossbow,, and sets back to the task at hand with Harley.
Breezy listens to Larz fascinated by the dwarven religions. As the dwarf sets to putting the body to rest, the druid looks to Oriana nodding, and then sets to looking at the remaining doors.