Lucian perked an eyebrow at the sudden commotion that began to build after he overheard the young adventurer talking to the sheriff about Glintaxe. He chuckled to himself and mumbled something about being in the right place at the right time and got to his feet. He strolled over, patiently and politely so as to not bump into anyone. He collected a flier and then turned to the sheriff and the building group. He heard the Bard talk about payment and smirked with a slight nod to himself. Coin was always a bonus, research was expensive.
He nodded to the Sheriff, flier in hand and waited with the Bard, ready to follow the man to his office as soon as he finished gathering adventurers. Despite his history as a soldier and a student, he surmised he fit the description of an adventurer now. He'd never master spells hiding in a library, at least not to the degree he hoped to one day.
The odd assemblage slowly headed out the Inn and down the street away from low market. Early morning in the month of Nethys there was a bit in the air of cold. Temperatures were in the high 40's and low 50's most the day. So there wasn't as many stalls open as there a month ago after harvest. Still, a few could be seen unpacking boxes pulled from mules and setting up their stalls. The center of Low market was the towns well. Two of Kreed's Consortium guards stood there with crossbows in hand and a short sword on their hips. They nodded at The Sherrif who only looked disdainfully back. It was easy to tell there was no love lost between the Consortium and the Sherrif.
The streets of Falcons Hollow were of corded wood packed into the earth. As wood was more plentiful and easier to obtain that making cobblestones. It did keep your feet out of the mud though that could be seen on the sides of the main streets. This time of the year, light rains were an everyday thing. Most of the houses were owned by craftsmen who plied their trade in either the low market or the high market, not making enough to have a proper shop, they worked from home and sold their goods at the market.
they walked a little over a hundred feet til they reached The Temple of Iomedae before turning down a street that led towards the river and The Cutyard. Already saws could be heard cutting logs into manageable pieces to be taken south into the markets of Andoran. The Temple wasn't as imposing as Temples found in the bigger cities, but for Falcons Hollow, being one of the few buildings made from stonework, it stood out. The fact The Priestess Lady Cirthana Gensar was out of the temple without her armor, in work day clothes and doing a groundskeeper's job keeping the area looking presentable, spoke volumes of the state of affairs with finances of the church. The Townsfolk tended to worship whichever God would help their plight, and mainly just cursed Gods rather than worshipped them. Those that did though generally found their faith with the pagan Druidical worship of The Green. The Priestess and The Sherrif exchanged nods of respect in passing as they looped around heading back back north towards the Sherrifs home, and office, and jail. Opening the door, the building was warm and occupied by a rather plump stout looking dwarven lady with a ready smile who grinned at the group saying
Aye Boss, what ya got here. her hand on the maul leaning against the table. She was Tabrik Splint The Deputy Sherrif of Falcon's Hollow. He remarked Well Tabrik, looks like we might have some folks willing to find out what happened to GlintAxe already. All thats left is some negotiation.
![[Image: y2cwf1Um.jpg]](
Lady Cirthana Gensar
![[Image: 8TnS32ym.jpg]](
Deputy Tabrik Splint
"Hello deputy!", remarks Dunndero with a toothy grin and nod of respect recognizing her from the time or two that he had to hand over a troublesome patron or two that had tried to cause a dust up at Jak's bar, and he had to bounce them literally out into the street.
Not wanting her chance to ask about the wizard to slip by, Oriana joined the group as they left the Inn.
She followed them to the sheriff's home, but when he mentioned them going off to find someone else, she thought it best to speak up first.
"Actually Sheriff, I was wanting to ask you a question. Has a wizard-looking bloke come through here recently? Blonde hair, yay long," she indicates long hair down the middle of her back, "brown robes, fancy looking staff with an eye held in a claw at the end of it? Might have been travelling in a group?"
After slipping one of the flyers into his pocket the young cleric gathers his gear and quickly follows the group into the streets. He cant believe this turn of events, he went from having no clue where to start his search to having a lead handed to him. His mission must truly be blessed by Trudd.
As the group passes the Temple of Iomedae and Larz sees the priestess working on the grounds of her church he can't help but respect the women he sees before him. Reaching into his pouch he runs his fingers threw his meager coins, pulling out half his silver the young cleric walks up to the priestess. Blessed are the faithful who labor in service to their God. after handing her the three coins, Larz holds out his sheild so she can clearly see Trudds holy symbol. Trudd calls upon his faithful to help where ever it is needed, I only wish it could be more my Lady. then with a nod of his head and a smile he walks away
Upon entering the jail and seeing the dwarven deputy, the young cleric steps forward taking her hand in his, he flashes his most charming smile. Bowing he brushes his lips against the back of her hand. Tis a pleasure to be making your acquaintance, my Lady. My name is Larz Oathtaker. after releasing her hand he adds in a whisper. (I would have a word with you alone if it please you.)
A talkative group indeed Harley thought to herself as she made her way the sheriffs office alongside the others, her maul bouncing heavily on her shoulder as she walked. After introductions with the deputy, she was about to speak when the other woman began asking about a wizard, so biting her tongue, she waited for the woman to finish and for the sheriff to answer.
As they walk with the sheriff, both note the general state of the city. Arielle, being an emissary of a goddess, notes especially the situation with the Temple of Iomedae and its priestess. She focuses on the woman getting her hands dirty in an effort to keep an edifice of divinity looking presentable. If the woman returns her look, the angel will smile and nod approvingly, but otherwise say nothing.
“Aht yoda’at mashe’hu al habayit hazot?”
She shrugs “Iomedae lo ha'elokim shelee. Emm ata rotzeh ha’inyanim shelahem, tish’ol she’eylah la’cohenet.”
Definitely something to look into, Satoru thinks to himself. Though he is glad to see the cleric being supportive. As the group arrives and is met by a deputy who looks ready for it, he puts on his best winning smile. “Indeed, ma’am. Satoru Hanzo, at your service and your family’s. My Companions and I heard about the, uhm…hero, who has gone missing and thought we might be able to lend some assistance in the matter."
Deldrin moved to a chair behind a desk and sat down and was beginning to speak when the Dwarven Priest kissed the Deputies hand...he laughed and spoke quickly You can stop with the charm Priest. She has a Beau. Vamros Harg The Halfling Magistrate in town has Tabriks attention...isnt that right Tabrik. the last part said with a wink.
Tabrik laughed with unabashed restrictions and said lustily Ats right Deldrin, That shortsuff knows just what a woman needs, ifn ya catch my drift, even if he is a bit shy. then she said in a whisper to Larz, after the discussion with the Sherrif is finished.
Then The Sherrif looked back to Oriana and nodded with thought Except for the staff, the description could match a half a dozen adventurers that have come through the area. See Falcon's Hollow is the gateway to the Darkwood and the southern Five Kings Mountains, which hold a good many oddities, caverns and ruins that cry out to be explored. Theres always someone coming through this area looking for something. Its why our missing hero Druingar 'The Glintaxe' made his home here, as a base of operations so to speak. But to speak to your question. Yes. It sounds like that strange Wizard Drazmorg, though he didnt come through recently it was a long while ago. I didnt have the opportunity to speak to him, though I do know he stopped in at Roots and Remedies and spoke to Laurel there before heading out into the Darkwood with his entourage. Now to the matter at hand. The morale in town is at an all-time low, partly because of the oppressive nature of the Consortium, partly because of the season of the year, and partly because of a general bit of depression that seems to be seeping into the common folks heart,, oh and theres a damnable illness that is overtaking the less hardy, but Laurel is looking into that. I have thought to get a request put through to erect a statue of The Glintaxe in town. A Monument if you will. It will draw in some tourism, and give people hope because he was such a positive influence, but Kreed has said absolutely not without getting Druingars approval or finding out his fate if hes no longer alive. So that is what I want you to do. Follow in his path and seek him out wherever it takes you and bring me back the information when you know or have his approval.
Satoru nods and listens attentively. Adventure is calling! But then he also remembers his Companion, who has no idea what’s going on or what’s being said. So he coughs to clear his throat a little.
“Um, begging your pardon, your Honor. My companion here doesn’t speak a word of Common, so she likely has no idea what we’re talking about. And she’d likely skin me alive if I kept it that way. If it’s alright with you, I’d like to translate for her.”
If the Sheriff accepts, Satoru will immediately turn to Arielle and repeat what he just said, which results in a blush and chuckle from her, then a nod. He then recounts everything the Sheriff said and lets her know that he will continue to do so. She just smiles at him, nodding to the Sheriff and whispering a few unrecognizable words to him.
“She says ‘Thank you' and ‘Please continue.’"
Deldrin looked puzzled, as if it really mattered if the Satoru translated for the Celestial so he just nodded and responded as you wish. This task will be dangerous, of that you can rest assured. If that frightens you, it is best you dont undertake it. What say ye?