[OoC: That's ok. It's been a slow weekend for the entire site. But of course now that I have a little more free time and can post a little more, the posting on the site slows to a crawl.

- Gedeon
- Malcolm
- James
- Katrina
- Balista
With the mini earthquake shaking the street on the one side of your group and tornado like winds so people have to take cover from the flying debris on the other side, your group makes their way to the manhole cover. When everyone is close enough Malcolm concentrates and lifts the heavy cover with his telekinesis. Everyone then starts climbing down the ladder into the sewers.
James takes out his flashlight out of his pocket and points it all around to see their surroundings. The stinky semicircular sewer has red brick walls with things peeling off them that you hope isn't what you think. There is what appears to be gutter of dirty brown water with flat walkways on either side that are tilted slightly inward. The sewer travels East and West.
Trevor covers his nose and gags a little. "This place really smells like a sewer! Too bad Brittany wasn't with us so she could pull some fresh air into these tunnels. Actually, now that I think about it, since air is always moving, I might be able to redirect the movement of the outside fresh air to flow down inside the sewers. But that might be a waste of energy that might be needed elsewhere."
"Uhmm, well look, no Morlocks here. Best to climb back up before..." James says as he looks left then right. "...before we find ourselves without a paddle."
G..Gedeon?... K.Kat.trina? Any id.dea wh.which w.way?"
"Well... I know I'm not as bright as some of you but didn't Interface search for a map to the Morlock tunnels and then download it to our phones?"
Looks at his phone...
"Yup. It looks like we go that way."
Trevor then looks at James and says, "You're the one with the flashlight. If you don't want to take point then give it to someone else."
[OOC: The students with the best protection are James (Body Resistance: Ex) and Katrina (Armor Skin: Gd)]
Meanwhile, Belladonna looks to a couple of other Morlocks she's babysitting, Snips and Dizzy, who are hiding close by.
"What's that," asks Snips who appears to be a young, dirty, silver haired, girl, when the ground shakes.
Dizzy replies, "Not know! Belladonna, you?" Dizzy appears to be a young girl with short black hair and abnormally huge white eyes.
(04-20-2017, 02:10 AM)Ballista Wrote: [ -> ]...
[OOC: The students with the best protection are James (Body Resistance: Ex) and Katrina (Armor Skin: Gd)]
[OoC we are a tanky party you missed Malcom's Body Resistance Excellent 16
Look's like a majority of this group would walk away from a car wreck unscathed.]
[OoC: It's something we will have to watch for then next time the group splits up so they are more evenly matched.]
The group begins to follow the map with the light from the one flashlight and your phone screens to light the way. The air is stale and rank causing each of you to gag off and on when you pass through particularly strong clouds of rancid odor. After about 20 minutes of walking and pausing to concentrate on not throwing up, you see a hole in one of the walls that doesn't look like it was part of the original sewers. You think it appears like someone or something dug straight through one of the walls of the sewer. Katrina agrees that something else tunneled through the wall but not with regular tools.
Malcolm stops to think for a moment then grins, knowing how to get a look.
His telekinetic 'hand' plucks his cell phone out of his hand, with his camera bulb turned on by the flashlight app providing a decent light (though not quite as good as the actual flashlight).
Slowly, panning back and forth to check all the angles, the phone floats into the 'cave' opening. Malcolm closes his eyes as it moves, looking through his 'hand's' eye.
[OoC Clairvoyance Good 8]
Katrina relays the information to the group, poking at the edge of the wall that's been tunneled through. She wonders if it was done by someone like her... She steps back again to let Malcolm do his thing.